Q&A for How to Be a Good Little Sister

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    What do you do if your sister is sick?
    Community Answer
    If your sister is sick, try to take care of her and make sure she is comfortable. Maybe you can bring her something to eat, give her her medicine, or watch movies with her. Be as nice as you can.
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    How can I make my big sister happy?
    Community Answer
    The specific things you will do to make your big sister happy will depend on what your big sister likes. Find out things that she likes and then try to help her. For example, if you know she likes a certain type of candy, try to get her some. You can always be nice to her, compliment her, and be proud of her when she does something good.
  • Question
    What if you blame everything on her?
    Community Answer
    You should stop blaming everything on your sister. This will only make your sister upset with you. Try to take responsibility for the things that you have done. It is not fair to blame your sister for everything.
  • Question
    What if your sister is always mean to you then what do you do genius?
    Community Answer
    If your sister is always mean to you, try to get to the root of the problem. Is she having some personal issues? Are you not giving her enough space? Have your been bothering her? If your sister is being mean to you for no reason, talk to your parents to resolve the issue.
  • Question
    If my sister is at the top of her anger should I do something or sit quietly?
    Community Answer
    Wait until your sister has calmed down before you try to talk to her or do anything with her.
  • Question
    But me brother is 15 and I am 10. And I hate him how do I like him😡
    Community Answer
    What are the reasons that you do not like your brother? Write down the reasons you do not like him. Sit and think about the good qualities your brother has and the things that the two of you have in common. Focus on the things that you like about your brother instead of the things that you do not like about him.
  • Question
    My sister has no time to spend with me....what can I do?
    Community Answer
    Your sister may be really busy or the two of you might have different interests right now. Let your sister know that you miss her and want to spend time with her. Ask her if you guys can have a sibling date. In the mean time, spend time doing things that you like.
  • Question
    What if you have older sisters and younger brothers?
    Community Answer
    If you have older sisters and younger brothers, you have different roles. You will need to be a good little sister to your older sisters, and you will need to be a good big sister to your younger brothers.
  • Question
    Does this work if you're a little brother too?
    Community Answer
    Yes, most of these things will work if you are a little brother too.
  • Question
    Does this really work? My bro is angry with me?
    Community Answer
    Wait until your brother calms down before you talk to him. If you did something wrong, tell you're brother that you are sorry. Your brother will not be angry with you forever. Try not to do things that make your brother angry.
  • Question
    What if they never listen?
    Community Answer
    Make sure you talk to them when they are not busy. Do not yell at them or call them names. Try to talk in a calm, kind voice. If none of this works, talk to your parents about the problem you are having.
  • Question
    My brother just showed me he had a girlfriend. I feel I don't like her because she's stealing my brother even though I don't even know her. How do I deal with my ridiculous jealousy?
    Community Answer
    This is normal. It will take time for you to adjust to him having a girlfriend. Remember that the girlfriend can never replace you because you are his sister. Talk to someone about how you are feeling or write in a journal. You can also talk to your parents. Try to spend some one on one time with your brother as well.
  • Question
    what if your brother is the meanest and cruelest brother ever?
    Community Answer
    Try to talk to your brother and let him know that he is hurting your feelings. Ask him to treat you better and continue to be nice to him. If none of this works, talk to your parents about how your brother treats you.
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