Q&A for How to Be a Great Christian Teenager

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    How can I be a good Christian when the rest of my family are non-religious?
    Community Answer
    The most important thing you can do is to stay strong in your faith. Pray for your family that they receive Christ. If it's okay with your parents, ask another church member if they can pick you up for church services.
  • Question
    I'm a Christian teenager, and sometimes I'm sarcastic and goofy. Is this bad?
    Community Answer
    As long as you're not rude or sassy doing it, it is fine to be sarcastic and goofy. You are a unique person, entitled to show your personality. Just don't do it in a way that is meant to harm others; use your sarcasm as a broad stroke to comment on society and happenings in general, not on individual people you know.
  • Question
    How do I stay in a committed relationship with God?
    Community Answer
    Read your bible, do devotionals, and live for Jesus. Whatever you do, try to remember that God gave Jesus, his only son, as the ultimate sacrifice for your sins. Show God you love him. Make little reminders for yourself to read your Bible and pray. It really helps me.
  • Question
    Are Christian teenagers allowed to date?
    Community Answer
    There is no rule about when you should start dating as a Christian. It is a good idea to wait until you're at least 16, but in reality, it's up to your parents. When you do date, be respectful of getting home before 10 PM, not drinking at all, driving carefully and not being intimate with your date, beyond a goodnight kiss. Be respectful of your body and integrity.
  • Question
    How can Christian teens have fun?
    Community Answer
    Christian teens can have fun by hanging out with their youth groups, volunteering, going to movies, hosting parties for friends and doing everything other teens do as long as it aligns with their religion and values.
  • Question
    What if the locker room is a vulgar place?
    Community Answer
    It's all about how you respond to the situation. It isn't intended to be a sexualized place. Just try not to stare at undressed people or compare yourself to others. If there are inappropriate conversations going on, just avoid them.
  • Question
    How do I stay focused in God when I am distracted by worldly things like rap music and social media?
    Flashy girl
    Community Answer
    Try to use social media to talk about God and browse pages that talk about him. Find some Christian rappers to listen to.
  • Question
    Is watching anime and reading manga bad?
    Community Answer
    It's not bad, but try not to focus on it so much that you lose sight of your relationship with God. Leave enough time daily to read your Bible as well.
  • Question
    How do I become more involved in my faith? I don't like public speaking.
    Community Answer
    Make a website or blog, or try creating a YouTube video. Also, prayer can help so much. Prayer is the best thing to do.
  • Question
    Should we only listen to Christian music?
    Community Answer
    It is good to listen to a majority of Christian music. It worships God, and can be comforting. However, I don't listen to Christian music all the time. Sometimes we have feelings that Christian music, unfortunately, cannot release. Just try and stay away from stuff like cuss words and negative talk. These could demean you or cause you to start demeaning others or get you thinking negatively.
  • Question
    Am feel my parents are forcing me into things I don't like. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try to get them to understand your point of view. If that doesn't work, just try to hold out until you are old enough to legally leave home.
  • Question
    Am I a bad Christian if I don't pray all the time?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to pray 24/7. All you have to do is believe that Jesus did everything he said that he would do, and is coming again to bring us to heaven. You aren't a bad Christian if you focus on other things in your life besides just praying.
  • Question
    What can I do to keep from cursing?
    Community Answer
    Just try your best, and remember why it's important to avoid cursing - because God approve. You do need to know you won't always succeed, but if you do your best, God will forgive you if you make a mistake and repent. Try to substitute other words for the curse words you tend to use most frequently.
  • Question
    Is chewing khat a sin or bad?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as using drugs is bad for your body, eventually. God gave you your body to respect, and your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.
  • Question
    Is playing Fifa (a soccer game) on my Xbox bad?
    Ashton Carter
    Community Answer
    There is nothing wrong with doing what you like to do, as long as it is not a sin. If that video game includes killing, intentionally hurting others, or any sinful acts, stop playing the game. There's nothing wrong with playing soccer.
  • Question
    Is it okay to be in a non-Christian country?
    Flashy girl
    Community Answer
    It is okay, and you can use it as an opportunity to talk to others (respectfully) about God.
  • Question
    In what sequence or order should I read the Bible in?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to read it in a particular order. There are some different devotionals that have sequences in them. Start with reading the full New Testament, beginning with the Gospels, if you haven't already.
  • Question
    How can I resist temptation and maintain a good relationship with God?
    Community Answer
    I'd suggest you to attempt to make a schedule. For example, find the source of your temptation. After you do that, pray to God about your issue and let him give you strength. After that, try to organize your time: from the time for going to school in the morning, to the time for evening dinner. If you feel like you are neglecting God, you could try to pray before eating or before you go to bed or to school. If the lack of religious friends worries you, then maybe you could try to join some church or maybe some young Christian group. If you don't know where to find such people, then it wouldn't hurt to ask around.
  • Question
    What if I believe in the Lord but I am trying to get out of the habit of saying the Lord's name in vain?
    Flashy girl
    Community Answer
    Ask God to help you and try to prevent yourself from saying that.
  • Question
    I'm 16 and I really like being around boys and lying. How do I overcome this sin? I find it hard to obey and conduct myself properly. I find it hard to believe in my prayers and be a blessing.
    Community Answer
    It's fine to be around boys sometimes. This is a normal thing. As long as you're not getting serious with them, or inappropriate with your words or actions. However, it is also good to hang around girls your age, too. And, if you lie enough, it becomes a habit. First of all, acknowledge that if you lie, it is hard for people to trust you, and it ruins your reputation of being trustworthy. You're only hurting yourself by continuing to lie. Not only does God frown on this, your friends and do too. You don't want to be alone in life because no one trusts you. It would be helpful to talk to an authority at your church (priest, pastor, etc.) about your concerns about your actions and your faith.
  • Question
    At school there isn't really a group I can turn to without being tempted to fall into some sort of temptation. Should I just pick a group and try not to cuss or say the Lord's name in vain, or be on my own?
    Community Answer
    You don't need to be with a group. Find some friends who feel the same way as you do. Most of the time, they feel the same way, but are too afraid of being teased to come out.
  • Question
    I'm a Christian, is it wrong to be close friends with someone who is a homosexual?
    Community Answer
    No, it is not wrong. You can absolutely be close friends with a homosexual person. You should not discriminate against anyone in the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Question
    I feel attracted to someone of the same gender. I've prayed and meditated on it, but I can't shake it. Does this mean I'm not a real child of God?
    Community Answer
    No - we all have our temptations and crosses to bear. Some feel tempted towards adultery, some towards gambling or drinking, some towards homosexuality, etc. You aren't any worse than anyone else because of these feelings outside of your control. Keep faithful and don't let yourself be too worried about this. Whether it passes or not, you are still God's child.
  • Question
    Is it ok to be devoted to my faith when I am young?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is fine to be devoted to your faith as long as you remember to leave time and energy for other things in your life as well, like school and friends.
  • Question
    I am not able to go to church every Sunday. What can I do to stay connected to my faith and my community?
    Community Answer
    First, try to attend as much as possible. Even if you don't like your church, don't underestimate the effect your presence can have. The more you attend, the more chances you'll have to help build a community that works for you! If you really can't attend services, be sure to set aside another time for prayer and reflection during the day.
  • Question
    Are Christians allowed to date people of other religions?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they are.
  • Question
    I am a Christian girl, but I am in love with non-Christian boy. What should I do to forget him?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to forget him. Try being his friend and trust that God has a plan.
  • Question
    Is it bad to drink alcohol?
    Community Answer
    No, but drinking too much can give you health issues and is also considered a sin.
  • Question
    I've asked God into my heart many times, but I never change. I always go back to my old ways. How do I stop?
    Community Answer
    Pray a lot to God and dedicate your life to Him and ignore your bad ways.
  • Question
    Is it bad if I always try to please my teachers at school?
    Community Answer
    Yes and no. Trying to please them by doing your homework and turning your assignments in on time isn't bad. However, trying to please them by getting them gifts or bribes to bring up your grade is bad.
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