Q&A for How to Be a Witch

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    What is the book of shadows?
    Community Answer
    A book of shadows, often called a grimoire, as "book of shadows" is a term that has specifically Wiccan roots and doesn't necessarily apply to all witches, is a book in which you keep your personal notes/spells/what have you. It can be as fancy or as plain as you like, and no two are the same, which adds to their charm and power. All that matters is that it works for you. Some witches have big leather-bound tomes with parchment pages, some use spiral bound notebooks, some use the "notes" function on their phones, some don't even use one at all. It's not required (though they are immensely helpful in keeping track of everything you learn and use in your practice).
  • Question
    What is the best moon phase to perform rituals on?
    Community Answer
    It depends what type of magic you are trying to accomplish. If you wish to increase your spell's power or gain (money, love, etc), work with the moon while it is full or becoming full. If you want to get rid of something (evil energies, bad habits, etc), use the waning of the moon. If you want to start new beginnings, use the new moon.
  • Question
    Will it harm my loved ones if I become a witch?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. Your family members can choose whether or not to be hurt by your decision. If they feel hurt, it is likely because they do not understand Wicca or witchcraft. Consider enlightening them; once they know how happy you are, they may no longer feel as hurt.
  • Question
    Will I be able to stop or quit witchcraft when I'm not interested anymore?
    Community Answer
    Yes! Witchcraft is not a binding commitment. If it doesn't work out for any reason, you can just stop. Nothing bad will happen to you, there are no spiritual/metaphysical repercussions. It's a practice, not a contract, so don't worry!
  • Question
    When I become a witch do I have to keep my powers secret?
    Community Answer
    In Wicca, part of the witches' pyramid is to be silent. This means not to tell people about any spells you are working because their energies could deflect yours and the spell won't work. However, you can tell people you are Wiccan or a druid or whatever applies to you, because they are legitimate religions.
  • Question
    Is Wicca a religion or is it a lifestyle?
    Community Answer
    Wicca is a religion. Some also view as both a religion and a lifestyle.
  • Question
    How do you make a Book of Shadows?
    Community Answer
    wikiHow has a helpful article that details the process step-by-step here: How to Create a Book of Shadows .
  • Question
    Where do my powers come from? Do they suddenly just start?
    Community Answer
    You are born with energy and when you do a spell, you direct your personal energy to it to create change. Look on YouTube mindofmagick, a witch who goes in depth about this matter.
  • Question
    I'm still learning about witchcraft and the basics, I've tried spells but they don't work, any idea why?
    Community Answer
    To make a spell work, you have to believe it will work. In respect of your particular spell, you might have got the words wrong or used the wrong ingredients.
  • Question
    Is being a witch like being a nun? Can we have sex or not?
    Community Answer
    Of course you can. If you are Wiccan, then you can do whatever you like, apart from hurting people or animals or being irreverent to nature.
  • Question
    What if you can't make a wand? Can everyday items be used for it (pencils, rulers, etc.)?
    Community Answer
    Any object that you consider to be your wand, is your wand. And keep in mind, that wands, while useful, are not required (unless you want one). Do what works for you. Nobody else can tell you how to practice. There is no "correct" way to be a witch.
  • Question
    How do I obtain my witches name?
    Community Answer
    There are spells and meditations you can do to find your magickal name. Go online to your main search website and look up how to find your magickal name. Or just use what feels right and speaks to you.
  • Question
    I don't know any person who is a witch. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You can try looking online on sites such as Spells Of Magic, or other online communities of like-minded individuals.
  • Question
    Why can't we have magic powers like on Charmed?
    Community Answer
    Because in this plane of existence magick works with the laws of physics.
  • Question
    How old do you have to be to become a witch?
    Community Answer
    There really is no age limit. Whenever you decide you are comfortable enough to choose Wicca, Druidry or any other type of religion that connects with you, you are old enough to be a witch. Just make sure you are choosing a religion like these because they connect with you spiritually and not just so that you can say you are a witch.
  • Question
    Do I need a cat to be a witch?
    Community Answer
    Not at all.
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    I cast spells but they do not work -- why?
    Community Answer
    It's possibly because you told someone about it. When you cast a spell, your energy manifests but if you tell someone and they doubt it will work, their energies go against yours, causing the spell not to work. It could also be because you yourself doubt it will work. As long as you truly believe it will work and you don't tell anyone about it, it will work.
  • Question
    Is collecting herbs necessary?
    Community Answer
    No it isn't -- you can do whatever you choose to do, either collecting herbs or not, it's up to you.
  • Question
    How can I control the bad attitude of my boss?
    Community Answer
    You should not seek to control anyone's attitude, regardless of how good or bad that attitude is. Do not interfere with another person's freedom of choice or expression. Casting spells on other people is evil. It would be more beneficial to cast spells to strengthen your ability to manage difficult situations.
  • Question
    How do you gain powers?
    Community Answer
    If you're referring to things like being able to fly/conjure fireballs in your hand/physically make stuff appear out of thin air or anything else that you'd see on Charmed, that isn't real. That's not how witchcraft works. No matter how much you believe in your craft, or how hard you work, or what you hear from other witches, you cannot defy the laws of physics on this plane of existence.
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