Q&A for How to Be an Actress

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    How do you become a character actor with no experience?
    Dan Klein
    Improvisation Coach
    Dan Klein is an improvisation expert and coach who teaches at the Stanford University Department of Theater and Performance Studies as well as at Stanford's Graduate School of Business. Dan has been teaching improvisation, creativity, and storytelling to students and organizations around the world for over 20 years. Dan received his BA from Stanford University in 1991.
    Improvisation Coach
    Expert Answer
    To be a good character actor, you need to study people, then learn how to embody their mannerisms.
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    What can I do if I can't take classes?
    Community Answer
    Practice at home. You can train using a variety of monologues.
  • Question
    How do I overcome my nervousness in auditions?
    Community Answer
    Take deep breaths and keep a good posture. This relaxes your mind. Don't try to stretch your whole body or this could result in dizziness of nausea. Remind yourself that you can do this.
  • Question
    I am only a kid and I don't live in LA so where can I go to get an audition?
    Community Answer
    Simply look online. If you attend a good drama class they should keep you informed on upcoming auditions which you may be good for. You could also ask your local theatre as they normally have roles going. The best way is just to search online for what your looking for.
  • Question
    How can I become an actress if I am shy?
    Community Answer
    Many people are shy of the spotlight at first. Start by practicing in front of trusted friends or family members so you are more comfortable. Then, as you work through it advance onto a bigger audience. Just take deep breathes and remember that this is your dream. Always keep yourself calm and relaxed before performing as well. Also, don't forget to be proud of your skills and show the world your talent.
  • Question
    How can I be on television?
    Community Answer
    If you are just starting acting, take acting classes in your area. It's important to gain professional acting experience. Once you've taken a few classes, you can go on auditions for plays, movies, TV, commercials and more.
  • Question
    How do I handle nerves before going on stage?
    Community Answer
    Think of it as your moment to shine and you're going to do an amazing job. Go out there and be proud of what you have to offer -- amazing entertainment for other people.
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    How do I know if acting classes are working for me?
    Community Answer
    Notice if your learning anything and it if feels right. You should be welcomed like a member of the family, as many good classes have this sort of atmosphere and you should learn at least one thing a session.
  • Question
    What are monologues?
    Community Answer
    A monologue is a long speech by an actor or actress.
  • Question
    I want to be an actress but I have a fear of going on stage, how do I remove my fear?
    Community Answer
    Remember that you don't know any of the audience except maybe friends and family, so just don't worry about making mistakes. Prepare lots beforehand and just tough through it!
  • Question
    How can a young actress get noticed by the film industry?
    Community Answer
    The more you do, the more you'll get noticed. Small school plays are a good start, but make sure that's not all you do. Do 1-2 school plays then start doing town plays (in theaters) and work your way up to commercials. From there you'll want to audition for small movie parts. Then big movie parts. Acting is like one big snowball -- just a slow-moving one, for most.
  • Question
    What is a demo reel?
    Community Answer
    This is a disk or video (etc.) that is designed to show your talents by recording yourself.
  • Question
    How do I audition if I live in South Africa? Is it possible to find roles if you're not a US resident?
    Karley Snyder
    Community Answer
    Surely! Look into sites like StarNow.co.nz. Here, there are acting jobs listed across South Africa. Search online for other acting classes, workshops, or casting calls.
  • Question
    I'm 15 years old, and I want to be an actress, but I don't live in USA. How can I become an actress in the USA?
    Community Answer
    A lot of actors and actresses come from different countries. Start by taking acting classes where you live, audition, and take as many roles as you can until you're able to move to the states. That way once you're here, you will already have some stuff on your resume. As far as moving, you'll at least need a work Visa. This is something you will need to look into.
  • Question
    What do I do if I fail?
    Community Answer
    Try going to some acting classes, or maybe work a different job in the same industry, like something behind the camera.
  • Question
    Is theatrical experience enough to start trying out for film and TV?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You can try out with any level of experience.
  • Question
    I'm 13 and have decided that I would like to be an actress when I'm older. I will be attending drama, singing and dance lessons. What do I have to do to achieve my goal?
    Karley Snyder
    Community Answer
    First, keep your passion going to achieve your goal! Don't stop if you don't get the hang of it quickly. Taking drama, singing, and dance lessons is a great way to expand your skills. Keep your focus, boost your confidence, and over time you may become an actress.
  • Question
    What are some tips for becoming an actress at the age of 18 if my parents don't want me to?
    Community Answer
    You are legally an adult in the U.S. at the age of 18, so...just do want you want to do. Obviously, it's nice to have your parents support your efforts. Explain to them why you feel you need to do this, and talk with them about your backup plans if a career in acting doesn't pan out (doing so will reassure them that you've thought this through).
  • Question
    Do you need experience to become an actress?
    Community Answer
    Generally, yes. Casting directors will want to see at least a little experience on your resume. Everyone has to start somewhere and build from smaller acting gigs to bigger things. Before you are ready for blockbuster films or TV shows, try doing some local community theater.
  • Question
    I`m only a tween and want to start acting at 14, but I don't live near Hollywood or LA. How can I still be cast in movies?
    Community Answer
    Talk to your parents about that and about moving. There are acting classes in most towns, so you could start local.
  • Question
    How can I join theater?
    Karley Snyder
    Community Answer
    Look for drama club announcements across your school. If you can't find any, visit your guidance counselor and ask them to help connect you to the proper drama teacher. There may be drama try-outs, depending on your particular club.
  • Question
    What do I do if my parents won't let me audition?
    Eva Miliauskas
    Community Answer
    Don't let them get you down, and beg if you have too. Try making up a play to convince them.
  • Question
    Can an actress be shy?
    Community Answer
    Yes, many actors are shy in person. But you have to learn to overcome your shyness when you're acting. See the answer to "How can I become an actress if I am shy?" above, and see the article How to Overcome Stage Fright for ways to be more confident when doing any kind of performing.
  • Question
    I really want to become a teen actress but my parents won't let me, and I happen to live in a place with ZERO acting classes/camps. What am I supposed to do when the odds are against me?
    Karley Snyder
    Community Answer
    Search online for acting electronic classes. You can also look into YouTube tutorials. This way, you can still expand your acting career. When you turn 16, consider driving yourself to acting classes nearby, if you can.
  • Question
    How can I become an actress?
    Community Answer
    Participate in local community theater to build your experience and network. Go to auditions.
  • Question
    Can I be cast in a movie if I'm a crew member?
    Community Answer
    Anyone can try out for an open audition. You being a crew member would give you the advantage of insider information and being in a great position to network within the industry. It worked for Michael Keaton - he was originally a crew member on the set of Mister Rogers Neighborhood! If nothing else, your time working behind the scenes will give you some great experience in the way the film industry works, which will help in landing parts as an actress later.
  • Question
    How can I get people to notice me?
    Community Answer
    A good way to stand out is to practice your acting a lot so that you become confident. Confidence is going to get you noticed.
  • Question
    Is being an actress hard?
    Community Answer
    Extremely, it takes hard work and dedication. Acting is not just playing pretend, it's becoming a whole different person. You have to learn a lot of skills and practice a lot and you will most likely face rejection again and again before you're successful. But if it's your dream, it's worth it!
  • Question
    How do I become an actress if my parents don't agree?
    Community Answer
    Try convincing them, tell them why you want to and that you really want to do it. Tell them it's your dream job and the only job you want to do.
  • Question
    At the end of summer I have to pick between dance class and gymnastics. Both would be for acting. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    I recommend you taking dancing because these skills are more applicable to an acting career. Musicals are very popular nowadays.
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