Q&A for How to Be an Ordained Minister

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    How much does this cost?
    Community Answer
    This depends on the organization through which you're ordained. Some charge a nominal fee (around $25); however some, like the Universal Life Church, are free. Make sure you talk to the marriage licenses department in the courthouse in your area to make sure your ordination is recognized by the state.
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    Do all Baptist pastors go to divinity school?
    Community Answer
    No, not necessarily, but this is the most common path for pastors.
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    Do I have to be ordained to perform a wedding ceremony?
    Community Answer
    In most Christian religions, yes, you do need to be ordained to officiate a wedding. In many states, it is also a legal requirement that you have been ordained in order to perform a legally binding ceremony.
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    I would like to study to be a minister who will be able to run weddings, funerals, and baptisms. I will study online. How long does this course take?
    Community Answer
    Sounds like you would rather serve as an officiant instead of a pastor. No denominational connection required, as officiants tend to serve "spiritual" and civil purposes, and not necessarily religious, church, or clerical purposes. Check with your specific state laws regarding officiant requirements certifications, and licensing, and register with your local municipality so that your officiant standing and signature is recognized by civil authorities. Meet with currently practicing officiants in your area for recommendations on the best sources for officiant training.
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    What is the legal title heading of an ordained minister?
    Community Answer
    What do you mean by "legal"? A minister has no connection to laws, and the book of Romans clearly explains that laws have no connection to Christians. Christian ministers are sent by whatever denomination they work with, so qualifications might vary. You just have to ask a minister within your chosen denomination for advice.
  • Question
    How do I ordain someone?
    Community Answer
    Follow the instructions listed in the article above.
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    How to join online for training in learning the Word of God?
    Top Answerer
    It is important to consult with your church organization, fellowship, or denomination. Ask them for guidance in choosing online training with a view toward ordination. It would be a waste of resources to invest in training that is not approved by your specific fellowship.
  • Question
    I am in South Africa and ordained online, but I can't order the document. Is there any way I can use my ordination?
    Top Answerer
    You may be able to use an online ordination within the organization or fellowship from which it was obtained. If you desire to practice within a different organization, you must submit to their guidelines and requirements for ordination.
  • Question
    Do I have to be a Christian to become an ordained minister?
    Community Answer
    Yes. If you are looking to be an ordained minister in the Christian faith, you should probably be a Christian. However, if you are trying to be an ordained minister in another faith, you should be a member of that faith.
  • Question
    Can a pantheist be an ordained minister? Can a follower of animism be ordained?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, a follower of those beliefs can be an ordained minister as there are various organizations, such as the Universal Life Church Ministries, who ordain ministers of all faiths.
  • Question
    Can an ordained minister provide a medical exemption?
    Top Answerer
    No, they could not. Only medical professionals can provide medical exemptions, but they may be able to offer religious exemptions if their church practices those exemptions.
  • Question
    Can you direct me towards an ordination that is recognised throughout the entire US nation? Cost is not an option.
    Top Answerer
    Tennessee and Virginia do not recognize online ordination from any church for the purposes of officiating marriages currently, but if you're not planning to officiate weddings in those states, the Universal Life Church Ministries are recognized in the other 48 states. They operate the websites ULC.org, GetOrdained.org, and TheMonastery.org.
  • Question
    Do I have to be a man to be ordained?
    Top Answerer
    Some churches do limit ordinations to only men, based upon their faith's practices. There are many online churches, such as the Universal Life Church Ministries, that will ordain a person regardless of their gender.
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