Q&A for How to Become a Graffiti Artist

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    Should this be done on a wall or paper first?
    Community Answer
    First, get a rough sketch on paper to have an idea of what you'll do and avoid messing up on the actual wall.
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    I need a tag name. Any suggestions?
    Community Answer
    Look for something that you think defines you. If you have a general idea for a name that isn't making the cut, look for synonyms. Maybe just make up something weird that sounds cool, like way back in the day.
  • Question
    Why is graffiti illegal?
    Community Answer
    Graffiti isn't illegal as long as it's not done without consent on someone's property, which is considered vandalism and is a federal crime. You're free to do graffiti on your own property or elsewhere with permission. However, many graffiti artists like the thrill of leaving graffiti in places where they're not supposed to, which is why illegal graffiti is such a common practice.
  • Question
    What kind of markers should I buy?
    Community Answer
    Any marker brand should be good, but the basics have been tried and tested: Sharpie, Crayola, Copic, or Prisma. Get different sizes too ranging from thick to skinny for variety.
  • Question
    How do I avoid getting caught?
    Community Answer
    Ideally, get consent from the owner of the property. If you do not have permission, don't do graffiti in a very populated place, do it at night, and NEVER tell people your tag name or what graffiti you did. REMEMBER, if there's no graffiti in an area, then there's probably a good reason why it isn't there.
  • Question
    What paints and markers should I use for graffiti?
    Community Answer
    Use spray paints, preferably in light colors, and use dark-colored permanent markers for shading.
  • Question
    What's a good sketchbook to use?
    Community Answer
    Any kind of sketchbook will do. You may want a smaller one so that you can carry it easily wherever you go, or perhaps you can use a larger one to get used to drawing bigger pieces. If you're using markers, try to go for thicker paper so that it won't bleed through so easily.
  • Question
    How do I graffiti a throwie?
    Community Answer
    A throwie is just a term for simple pieces that are done quickly. They can be outline or infill, so you can do them however you like.
  • Question
    How can I come up with ideas for making graffiti?
    Community Answer
    Depends on what inspires you. Quotes and situations inspire me. I usually do protest art.
  • Question
    How can I learn to draw awesome graffiti characters?
    Community Answer
    Use the Internet for inspiration. You can find character sketches or suggestions online. Proceed to practice until you're good at drawing them, but be careful when applying it to an actual wall!
  • Question
    How can I get my graffiti art around?
    Community Answer
    Take pictures of your work and post them on Instagram or Twitter and make sure people know it's your original work so you can get credit. You can also make a montage on a YouTube channel.
  • Question
    Am I allowed to tell the people that I trust about my graffiti art?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but be aware that you could be arrested and charged with vandalism if someone tells the police what you're doing.
  • Question
    What should I do as my first piece?
    Community Answer
    Try just doing a tag. Starting on paper (unless you think you've practiced enough to go on an actual wall), sketch the outline of the name/word and then make it bold when you think it looks right. Then add any details you want.
  • Question
    What artist should I look at?
    Community Answer
    Ghost EA! He's a great YouTuber for style and skill.
  • Question
    How do I travel safely with spray paint cans?
    Community Answer
    As long as you have the cap securely on the canister, you should be fine.
  • Question
    Is it possible to spraypaint one of my bedroom walls if I leave the windows open?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but keep in mind it's not healthy for you to breathe in the fumes. This is why a respirator should be worn when painting, especially in confined spaces, so wear one if you do this.
  • Question
    Are kids under 18 allowed to buy paint pens?
    Community Answer
    It depends on where you live.
  • Question
    Can I combine two characters from the internet to create my own style?
    Community Answer
    It's okay to get inspiration from other people's characters, but make sure what you come up with is still original, otherwise you could get in trouble for copyright infringement.
  • Question
    Which stencil is more preferable in doing graffiti work?
    Community Answer
    Don't use stencils. If you want to evolve your style, stencils won't help you.
  • Question
    I'm not a graffiti artist yet. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Practice, but follow the rules. Don't go over the work of other people, and keep at it.
  • Question
    Can I sketch on a wall with chalk before actually using paint when doing graffiti?
    Community Answer
    Many people use white chalk for the outline, but whatever works for you is fine.
  • Question
    I can’t say that I’m starting graffiti but I’m still at the beginning. I’ve done it for a while now and I still feel like I’m not making any progress. Do you have any advice?
    Community Answer
    Progressing in graffiti can take years. Sometimes you just have to wait and keep practicing to be good and original.
  • Question
    How do I stop being a toy and become a king?
    Community Answer
    That is not something that happens overnight, all who start off are toys, and that must be accepted. Just practice, and learn the basics, and you will improve. Experiment with new styles and elements, try to analyze your work, and make improvements. It takes many years to master graffiti, so be patient, and work for what you want.
  • Question
    How do I create art with spray paints when it just sprays everywhere?
    Community Answer
    Practice is key. Get to know the spray paint, or buy a new one. Get a new cap, maybe that's the issue.
  • Question
    Can I put murals in abandoned buildings?
    Community Answer
    It still may be considered trespassing if you are caught; however, depending on the relaxedness of the law enforcement and people around, most won't really care, especially if there is already many paintings inside and around.
  • Question
    Can I change my name once I've chosen it?
    Community Answer
    No but you can try different ways to spell it, like replace a vowel with a number. For example, pose could be something like p0s3. Remember you can misspell the if you want to make it look more edgy or secretive.
  • Question
    Do sprays or markers works best on walls when being a graffiti artist?
    Community Answer
    You tend to use both as you get better! It really depends what kind of wall it is. If it’s mostly smooth and sleek, then markers work better, if it’s a brick wall or something, then definitely sprays. However, since markers are cheaper and easier to obtain, you might want to start with those.
  • Question
    How do I know if the tag name I'm using is being used by another graffiti artist?
    Community Answer
    Scan around town for existing graffiti with the tag name. Look under bridges, in alleyways, or general spots that graffiti is found in. If you've looked in many or all places and still can't find graffiti with the tag name, it's most likely open and not being used. Like it says in the article, use a unique name instead of a common name.
  • Question
    Would sharpie work for a tag or a throwie?
    Community Answer
    Yes but it would be better to do it on a smoother wall or surface (like a painted surface) rather than something like brick or textured façades.
  • Question
    How creative can I be with my nickname when becoming a graffiti artist?
    Community Answer
    You can be as creative as you want. It's your name. It is best to try to keep it simple so that it's easier to spray or draw, but if you want it to be and creative and fun, then go for it!
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