Q&A for How to Become a Successful Politician

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    What is the right age to start preparing for a career in local and national politics?
    Community Answer
    Even though it isn't a must, it will surely help getting involved in politics during your younger teens. if your school has a politics club, join it. Debate teams and speech classes will help, too. When you're old enough to, volunteer at the local offices of politicians whose viewpoints reflect yours.
  • Question
    Are all politicians extroverts?
    Community Answer
    Most politicians are comfortable speaking in front of a crowd and do not mind being scrutinized by the public. A big part of being a politician is being in the public eye on a daily basis. Extroverts are often more comfortable with this than introverts. But this does not mean an introvert cannot go into politics.
  • Question
    How can I improve my speaking abilities?
    Community Answer
    Leadership roles. Do small projects with people and help talk them through it. Use something you already have experience in to project your confidence and ambition to talk.
  • Question
    How can I take the right steps while young, if I am from a poor family?
    Community Answer
    You do not necessarily need to be wealthy to be a successful politician in the future. You can start by taking public speaking classes or speech and debate classes. You can also stay on top of current events online and in the newspaper and get involved in local events and causes.
  • Question
    What education do I need to be a politician?
    Community Answer
    While you can be a politician without a degree in higher education, you may want to consider getting an undergraduate degree in political science. This level of education could help you succeed in a career in politics.
  • Question
    Can I get a good career with a political science degree? What kind of job could I get in politics?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you may achieve a good career with a political science degree. You may work for a politician, become a politician yourself or have a career in the media.
  • Question
    How do I make a strong position inside the political party?
    Community Answer
    To understand the issues and problems of the public and solve them without harming anyone or any property.
  • Question
    Can I get a political science education in a foreign country and still be a successful politician?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can, but you should ensure that the knowledge you gained in the foreign country also applies to the country you want to work in. Legislations, constitutions and laws are different in the countries abroad and may not transfer well. In that case, you would not be successful.
  • Question
    What can a political science student become without going into politics or becoming a politician?
    Community Answer
    You can become a journalist, business and political advisor, or a political analyst. You can also get involved with non governmental organizations.
  • Question
    What I do after political science degree?
    Community Answer
    You should start to look at the local offices (mayor, city council, etc.) and put together a campaign to try to win an election, and move up from there.
  • Question
    My education is 10th grade only - can I still become a politician?
    Community Answer
    You could, but it would be ideal to get your GED and get more education. We need well-educated leaders.
  • Question
    Can I become a politician if I have a fear of public speaking?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but it will be a lot harder as it's a necessary thing for politicians to be skilled in. Work hard to try and overcome it.
  • Question
    What should I study if I want to be a politician?
    Community Answer
    You should take courses in public speaking and get your degree in political science.
  • Question
    Can a graduate with a bachelor degree in International Relations and Diplomacy become a successful politician?
    Community Answer
    Sure. That's a terrific start.
  • Question
    What are the first steps I need to take in politics?
    Community Answer
    Join a party with similar to your ideologies. Make a group there with other members and try to learn from senior members. Read about recent history, current affairs and other political or social challenges, and formulate a plan for how you plan to deal with the issues facing your area of politics.
  • Question
    What course should be taken after 10th grade to become a politician?
    Community Answer
    What's been successful for me, to an extent, has been talking with local politicians about issues I feel passionate about. In most cases, politicians love meeting and talking to people and would love to gain your possible support by giving you their views on the issues you bring up. Don't be afraid to talk to anyone. As far as courses, take Civics or Government and anything related to issues that are important to you (Environmental Studies, etc.). History courses may be beneficial to learn about successful (and unsuccessful) politicians in the past.
  • Question
    Will high school programs like JROTC help me become a politician?
    Community Answer
    It would definitely help. In JROTC, you can essentially "climb" the ranks and learn how to deal with different situations and personalities. The experience will give you an edge by giving you the opportunity to learn how to communicate and engage with people from different walks of life.
  • Question
    How do I get started in a career in politics as a kid?
    Community Answer
    Join the youth wing of the party you prefer. Then take some time for learning and making friends and contacts. Take classes related to civics/government at school. Go to college and major in political science or law.
  • Question
    How do I gain more self confidence to become a successful politician?
    Community Answer
    By subjecting yourself to uncomfortable environments. You can start by taking a deep breath and mirroring qualities of someone that is successful in the role. Become an expert in something, delegate your weaknesses, and enhance your skills in rehearsed and non-rehearsed public speaking.
  • Question
    Can a good politician be an introvert?
    Community Answer
    You do not need to be an extrovert to be a successful politician, but as an introvert, you will need more practice when it comes to facing a crowd when having to publicly speak. Being around people quite a bit will be very draining for an introvert; however, some of the greatest US presidents have been introverts, including Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson, and JFK.
  • Question
    How do I become a successful leader?
    Community Answer
    Be a servant of the people, listen to other people's views, be innovative, and put your time to good use. Make promises that you can keep, and follow through.
  • Question
    How do I enter politics?
    Community Answer
    Research the political history of your country. Read, talk to political figures, and study your country's constitution. After researching, think about why you want to become a politician and decide what party you want to join. Being in politics is about serving the people, so talk to people from all walks of life.
  • Question
    If I studied political science but I don't want to become a politician, what could I do?
    Community Answer
    You can work as a journalist, political analyst, teacher or professor, or lobbyist.
  • Question
    When can I start becoming a politician?
    Community Answer
    Once you strongly believe that world needs some significant change. In today's world we can see many leaders are just here for power and we all know no one in future will remember them except text books. However, we all know some leaders of past will be remembered forever because of their work and the reason they were able to do such brilliant work is because they strongly believed certain things needed to change so they stood up and went for it.
  • Question
    How do I get across my ideas to the public as a politician?
    Community Answer
    Be confident in what you say when you are doing public speaking. Try to convince your audience by stating facts that will further develop your community or country. Talk about ideas that will benefit them and the economy look for problems and generate alternate solutions. In a political world, there's always a problem, so be creative and keep observing need in your community, province or country.
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