Q&A for How to Become a Successful Runway Model

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    I am 13 years old ,163cm and I want to be a runway model when I get older. Is exercise bad for your growth?
    Community Answer
    How tall you eventually grow is based on your genetics, not how much or how little you exercise. If both of your parents are tall, you have a good chance of being tall, as well. If you don't grow that much, you can still model petite clothing.
  • Question
    What can I do if people keep turning my down when I am trying to become a model?
    Community Answer
    Step back and look at what you're doing. Is there anything you're doing wrong? Is your portfolio carefully curated and professional-looking? Do you smile, are you friendly and do you have good references? You also need to consider the fact that you may be applying for the bigger, better modeling agencies when you should begin at a lesser one to gain a reference.
  • Question
    I'm 15 years old and 5'6". Is it possible that I'll be 5'9" by the time I'm 18?
    Community Answer
    It's definitely possible, but it depends on how your body grows, which mostly comes down to genetics. Just remember to eat healthy, exercise, and stay active. Also, you're not too young to apply right now at some modeling agencies.
  • Question
    How do I convince my parents to let me be a model?
    Community Answer
    One possibility is to research modeling scholarships that will pay for your college tuition. (Remember your backup plan! A college education can only help you.) The more the scholarship pays, the less your parents will have to worry about paying for your education.
  • Question
    I am 16 years old and 5'7" tall. Can I be a runway model?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Work hard and be ambitious about your goals and you can do whatever you want.
  • Question
    My 12-year-old daughter will be 13 in a few months, and she wants to become a model who will be well-known. Is she allowed to be a runway model this young, and would she have to leave school?
    Community Answer
    The youngest you can realistically be a runway model is 16 or 17. Since the industry is so competitive, becoming a famous model does not happen overnight, so the chances that she'd need to leave school for a modeling career aren't terrifically high. Visit some agencies, though, and get some input on your daughter's potential.
  • Question
    Is it possible I might grow from 5'2" to 5'9" if I am only 16, so I can go for a modeling career?
    Community Answer
    It's extremely unlikely that you will grow that much. By this age, most girls are done growing. But if you have a good face and body, you could be a petite model.
  • Question
    I'm 17 years old and 155 in weight. Can I become a runway model?
    Community Answer
    Not all models are super-skinny. Many designers look for models to model their lines of various sized clothing, as well.
  • Question
    Can I do modelling and study to become a CA at the same time?
    Community Answer
    Studying for being a Charted Accountant is a difficult task, and requires hard work and ambition. It'd be really difficult to do two things at the same time. It is better if you choose one of them. Go for the one that makes you happiest.
  • Question
    Can I be model and fashion designer at the same time?
    Community Answer
    Sure! A lot of people practice different careers at the same time, you just have to balance everything and put dedication into both.
  • Question
    Can a person who is 25 and 5 foot 7 become a runway model?
    Community Answer
    Unlikely. 25 is usually the end of the standard model's runway career. However, you could still do commercial modeling.
  • Question
    Is it possible to be a model at the age of 9?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can become a successful model at any age. You will need to ask your parents to sign you up with an agency in order to get started.
  • Question
    I'm 15 and only 5'5". Is there any chance I'd be considered or accepted as a model?
    Community Answer
    Sure, there is always a chance. It would be quite difficult to break into runway modeling at your height, but you could always do commercial modeling.
  • Question
    Is it possible for a teenager to study to be both a model and a lawyer?
    Community Answer
    It's not impossible, but it would be hard. For modeling, you have to have the right looks and the right connections, so whether that pans out is only partially in your control. To be a lawyer requires intense schooling and study, and a law career is often all-consuming, so it would be challenging to have anything else going on while preparing and embarking on your career.
  • Question
    Is it possible if I'm 12 and I'm 155 cm and I need to get to 173 cm by the time I'm 16?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you could grow a lot between now and 16. See How to Grow Taller for some guidelines to help maximize your growth over this period. But know that you can still be a model even if you don't end up super-tall!
  • Question
    Is modeling a risky job? Will I have to look for another job when I turn 25?
    Community Answer
    A lot of people want to be models, so there is a lot of competition. Chances are, by the time you turn 25 there will be plenty of younger women waiting to take your place. So yes, it's risky. Your best bet is to model in your spare time while still attending school, or even model for a few years until you're 21-22 and then go to college.
  • Question
    How long is the average catwalk on a runway?
    Community Answer
    The average catwalk is 30 meters (about 98 feet) long and three meters (about 10 feet) wide.
  • Question
    Is 19 years old too late to start modelling?
    Community Answer
    No, it's not too late. The average age of runway models is 18 to 21.
  • Question
    I am 23 years old and 162 cm tall. Can I be a runway model?
    Community Answer
    It's very unlikely. The average age of runway models is 18-21, and 162 cm is too short for runway modeling. You should pursue print modeling instead.
  • Question
    Is 5'2" too short to become a runway model?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the company that you are working for. Each company has different height requirements.
  • Question
    Can I still be a model if I have bad skin?
    Community Answer
    While a runway career is unlikely, you could look into being a hand model or a shoe model.
  • Question
    Do models have to travel a lot?
    Community Answer
    Yes. If you want to be a successful runway model you will be required to travel a lot. The big runway shows are New York, London, Milan and Paris, therefore travelling among those four places within one month is not unusual.
  • Question
    How much should I weigh to be a runway model? What should my height be?
    Community Answer
    Most runway models weigh 100 - 130 pounds (54 - 59 kg). If you want to become a runway model you'll need to be at least 5'9", but taller than this is preferable.
  • Question
    How would I go about creating a portfolio?
    Community Answer
    Get a professional photographer to photograph you. When doing so have them take headshots, full body, and even a few of you when you are not paying attention!
  • Question
    Do I have to go to modeling school to be a successful model?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to, but it can be very helpful. Either way, do plenty of research on modeling and don't stop your normal studies: you'll need a degree to find a career when you'll become too old for modeling. Participate in everything you can as a newcomer model to collect experience that will make your CV better even without modeling school.
  • Question
    How can I persuade my parents to let me become a model?
    Community Answer
    All parents are different, so there's no one way to persuade them. But, here are some tips to show them that you are interested in modelling; One, start giving signs that you are interested in modelling and fashion careers. Perhaps start reading more fashion articles and magazines, or start dressing up a little bit more, add a tiny bit more makeup or an extra accessory. Two, start researching modelling agencies in case they do notice your signs. Finally, three, talk to them about modelling and see what they say. If they don't agree, then wait a few months to broach the subject again.
  • Question
    I am 16 years old. Can I be a model and an announcer at the same time?
    Community Answer
    Your main job could be an announcer, and your side job could be a model. Look up Kylie Jenner and see how she has managed both.
  • Question
    I am 19 years old and am 6 feet tall. How can I get into a modeling agency and how do I create a portfolio?
    Community Answer
    Put 8-12 photos in your photograph portfolio. You could become a plus-size model or a runway or a fashion model. Or a commercial model. To be a commercial model, you have to look like a regular person for commercials on TV. To create a photograph portfolio, put about 3-4 head shots in it, and a few of your whole body, and a few of your upper body including your head. The maximum amount of photos should be 12.
  • Question
    How do I get into modeling and fashion design?
    Community Answer
    You don't need to go to college to become a model, but it would be helpful to get a qualification in high school for modeling/photograph/fashion design. If you want to be a model and still go to college, then go to a arts school that people who want to become actors, models, etc. go to.
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