Q&A for How to Become an Eagle Scout

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    How many merit badges does an Eagle Scout have to obtain?
    Community Answer
    There are a total of over 100 merit badges in scouting. 21 merit badges is the requirement to receive the rank of Eagle, 13 of them being Eagle-required merit badges.
  • Question
    Can any number of adults do most of the work if the scout has the idea?
    Community Answer
    They can help, but the scout should be running the overall project. It is okay if the adults do the huge parts, like if a log needs to be chopped in half then they should probably handle the saw.
  • Question
    What is the minimum age for becoming an Eagle Scout?
    Community Answer
    There is no minimum age. However, there are time-in-rank requirements: Four months for Star, six months for Life, and six months for Eagle. There is also a 30-day fitness requirement for Tenderfoot. A scout who worked at a frenzied pace could theoretically earn his Eagle rank 17 months after joining. So, it is possible to have an 11 year old Eagle, if he joins at 10 with his Arrow of Light and completes his Eagle board of review before his 12th birthday. It's possible for even younger boys to earn the Eagle rank, but only if they skipped grades in elementary school and joined younger than 10 by having completed the fifth grade.
  • Question
    How intensive does an Eagle Scout project have to be?
    Community Answer
    It has to be pretty intensive, but not massive. I would say it usually takes a month or so to complete. It can be anything from cleaning up a park or cemetery to putting a flag pole in.
  • Question
    Is there a maximum age for becoming an Eagle Scout?
    Community Answer
    You must become an Eagle Scout before your 18th birthday.
  • Question
    Is camping required to be considered an active scout for someone working on Star? And is there documentation somewhere about that?
    Community Answer
    If you are talking about the merit badge, it is required for Eagle Scouts. Camping in general is not required though, as long as you consistently or at least semi-consistently, show up to meetings and do the occasional outing, you should be just fine.
  • Question
    Is it necessary to maintain passing grades in high school to become an eagle scout or to be a camp counselor?
    Community Answer
    Part of being a successful Eagle Scout is being a leader in your school environment. Eagle Scouts typically graduate high school, and this is required for awards in the National Eagle Scout Association.
  • Question
    Is an Eagle Scout supposed to ask others for ideas on their project?
    Community Answer
    There is no problem asking for help. After all, the people you will probably be asking will help you complete your project. Teamwork means learning to ask others for help and being helpful in turn.
  • Question
    How do I earn merit badges quickly?
    Community Answer
    Set a schedule with your scoutmaster and set goals and a timeline to achieve badges quickly.
  • Question
    What's the total number of merit badges needed for Eagle Scout?
    Community Answer
    You need 10 for the Eagle Scout Rank, but 21 cumulatively.
  • Question
    Can I join the Boy Scouts even though I'm a girl?
    Community Answer
    Yes. As of February 1st, 2019, girls can join Scouts BSA (formerly known as Boy Scouts of America), and earn the rank of Eagle Scout.
  • Question
    Is there still 'God and Country' Award?
    Community Answer
  • Question
    How long does it usually take to become an eagle scout?
    Alex Webb
    Community Answer
    It normally takes 2-3 years, but it can take longer depending on how hard and fast the scout works.
  • Question
    What are the leadership positions to become an Eagle Scout?
    Troy Cami
    Community Answer
    The leadership positions other than the ones already shown in the article are Senior Patrol Leader and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader.
  • Question
    What is the maximum age to get your eagle scout rank?
    The Goat Show
    Community Answer
    You can be a boy scout between the ages of 10 and 18, though there are some exceptions.
  • Question
    How many merit badges does someone need to become an Eagle Scout?
    Alex Webb
    Community Answer
    You need to earn 13 merit badges from the "Required for Eagle" list. Then you need to earn another 8 merit badges that are not on that list, bringing you to a total of 21 merit badges.
  • Question
    Can an international student join the Boy Scouts of America?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as an active Boy Scout I can say with confidence that it is fine for an international student to join BSA.
  • Question
    What is the time limits between ranks when I want to become an Eagle Scout?
    Community Answer
    There will be at least 90 days for the physical fitness requirements between Scout and First Class. From First Class to Star is 4 months of participation and leadership, from Star to Life is 6 months, and from Life to Eagle is another 6 months.
  • Question
    What are the religious requirements to become an Eagle Scout?
    Community Answer
    The only religious requirement to join the Scouts is a belief in a higher power. It doesn't matter what specific religion or sect, denomination, etc. a person belongs to.
  • Question
    How long does it take to become an Eagle Scout?
    Community Answer
    I have seen people receive Eagle Scout within two years, and I have seen people receive Eagle after six years. Don't feel pressured into going through the program as fast as you can.
  • Question
    If I'm transgender can I still join?
    Top Answerer
    BSA stands for Boy Scouts of America, but since the 1st of February 2019, girls can also join, so regardless of if you are a trans male or female, you would be able to join. You wouldn't get turned away if you are non-binary either. If you are a trans male, you should be allowed to be treated like any other male, and similar for trans females. Most Scouts accept any gender, but some are made specifically for girls, and some for boys, so have a look at all possible options near you.
  • Question
    Can you obtain Eagle if you never finished high school?
    Anderson Bridges
    Community Answer
    Yes, but if you're over the age of 18, you have officially aged out of the Boy Scouts.
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