Q&A for How to Bring Your Grade Up when You Are Failing a Class

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    What should I look for in a math tutor?
    Daron Cam
    Academic Tutor
    Daron Cam is an Academic Tutor and the Founder of Bay Area Tutors, Inc., a San Francisco Bay Area-based tutoring service that provides tutoring in mathematics, science, and overall academic confidence building. Daron has over eight years of teaching math in classrooms and over nine years of one-on-one tutoring experience. He teaches all levels of math including calculus, pre-algebra, algebra I, geometry, and SAT/ACT math prep. Daron holds a BA from the University of California, Berkeley and a math teaching credential from St. Mary's College.
    Academic Tutor
    Expert Answer
    Look for someone who is patient, and who can relate to a wide variety of personalities. Also, look for someone who is motivational, inspiring, and able to break topics down into clear steps.
  • Question
    Why am I struggling with math?
    Daron Cam
    Academic Tutor
    Daron Cam is an Academic Tutor and the Founder of Bay Area Tutors, Inc., a San Francisco Bay Area-based tutoring service that provides tutoring in mathematics, science, and overall academic confidence building. Daron has over eight years of teaching math in classrooms and over nine years of one-on-one tutoring experience. He teaches all levels of math including calculus, pre-algebra, algebra I, geometry, and SAT/ACT math prep. Daron holds a BA from the University of California, Berkeley and a math teaching credential from St. Mary's College.
    Academic Tutor
    Expert Answer
    Success in math is based on a series of skills that typically build upon each other. Imagine a pyramid—at the bottom of that pyramid is "number sense," or understanding a number and how it relates to other numbers. You can build upon that with concepts like fractions, decimals, percents, exponents, and more. If you're struggling in math, there may be a foundational skill in this pyramid that is lacking or nonexistent.
  • Question
    What if you have multiple classes and they all give you large amounts of homework, and you only have three hours to do it all?
    Community Answer
    Prioritize carefully and focus. Make sure you don't waste any time. Do the easier stuff first and quickly, that way you have time for the harder things. But don't spend too long on the easy stuff - if you find yourself stalling and working slowly on easy homework, try starting with the hard stuff instead. Take 2-3 minute breaks every 30 minutes to help your mind relax, which will help you retain the information better.
  • Question
    I'm kind of shy and don't really like to ask about things I don't understand, what can I do?
    Community Answer
    You can always ask your teacher before or after class, but it's really best to just force yourself to speak up even if it makes you uncomfortable. This is a vital life skill. You'll never be able to learn how to do certain things if you can't ask for help. Don't worry about what your peers might think, for all you know, they're all sitting there as clueless as you are and also too shy to ask questions.
  • Question
    How can I bring an F up to a B in two days?
    Community Answer
    Realistically, you probably can't, but try talking to the teacher and see if you can retake any tests you did poorly on or if he/she is offering any extra credit opportunities.
  • Question
    I study quite a bit, but I still don't do well on exams. How can I improve my test taking skills?
    Community Answer
    Learn smarter, not harder. Use flash cards to memorize the material. Also, study examination skills and make use of them. Learning doesn't happen in a vacuum, it is a stage of incremental learning that involves understanding how to study, not just knowing what to study.
  • Question
    What happens if I give up?
    Community Answer
    If you give up, you will probably fail the class and you will probably have to take it over again. Your GPA will go down and this might affect your chances of getting into a good college.
  • Question
    Can I raise my grades in only five days?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but this will have to be your number one priority. You will likely have to do extra credit and study a lot. Ask your teacher for advice.
  • Question
    How do I get my parents to stop nagging?
    Community Answer
    Do not lie to them because it will always make the nagging worse. Do things that you need to do to bring up your grade and eventually, they will stop. If they see that you are being responsible and doing what you need to do, they will stop nagging you.
  • Question
    How can I get good grades in the middle of the term?
    Community Answer
    Use your free time to study. Concentrate and challenge yourself. Ask for help when you need it from parents, friends or your teachers.
  • Question
    I use all of these tips, especially revising and studying, but I still fail tests. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try talking to your teacher for support. They'll probably be happy to give you some extra time and attention. If the way you're studying isn't helping, try flash cards or study games, or try studying with friends who are good students.
  • Question
    I have a C in Math and my teacher say it's because I'm rushing. How can I stop myself from rushing?
    Community Answer
    Take time to check your work before moving on to the next question. You want to do work to the best of your ability, not just to get it over with.
  • Question
    How could I get better in math if I don't understand it?
    Community Answer
    There are many ways. YouTube has math tutorials online, and Khan Academy is a math-oriented website that many people find helpful. You can also ask your teacher to give you extra help before or after class, or hire a private tutor. One of your classmates might even be willing to help you.
  • Question
    What if someone has activities after school, like dance? I have it every day and I think it's affecting my ability to get better grades.
    Community Answer
    The best advice is that school comes first. If the dance class is lowering your grades, then you need to consider putting it on hold for a while. Then pay full attention to your studies, aiming to pull up your grades and get sufficient sleep each night so that your memory improves as well. The dance can be picked up again after exams or during vacation breaks.
  • Question
    How can I bring my grade up if they don't offer extra credit?
    Community Answer
    If there are any bonus questions on homework, quizzes, tests or class work, always answer them, even if you don't know the answer. A bonus question cannot hurt your grade. The only thing it can do is raise it. The more these things add up, slowly but surely, your grade raises.
  • Question
    How can I get an F up to at least a B in the last nine weeks?
    Community Answer
    Do extra work. Talk to your teacher about test retakes/corrections. Study before doing a retake. If your teacher allows corrections, they may only give back half of what you earn, so make sure to do everything correctly.
  • Question
    What if my teacher is just really good looking?
    Community Answer
    If your teacher is good looking, you should be looking and listening to them all the time.
  • Question
    One of my assignments is a week late, and I am afraid to turn it in. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Just turn it in. It's better than nothing. Usually, the teacher will give you credit. Just not full credit, since you turned it in late.
  • Question
    What if the teacher doesn't give extra credit?
    Community Answer
    Try and do all assignments and study at every moment you can. You can also try to listen in class and take lots of notes.
  • Question
    I think I need a lot of homework. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Ask your teacher if they will give you extra work. More than likely they'll give you extra work.
  • Question
    What should I do if I'm failing my online algebra class?
    Community Answer
    Try using Khan Academy. I use it all the time when I don't understand something in class. I have a 90 in my algebra class because of it.
  • Question
    Where can I find books to help me in English?
    Community Answer
    Try your school's media center. Tell them which books you've read and what you're struggling with, and see if they can find you anything.
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    What can I do if I can't focus at home?
    Community Answer
    Try to find a quiet place in your home and keep away from all distractions such as cell phones, computers, music or television.
  • Question
    How do I get out of academic probation?
    Community Answer
    Work your absolute hardest. If your grade is low, then you probably have not turned something in or you need to do better on tests, quizzes or homework since they usually weigh the heaviest. So make a plan for each of those areas. Make the grades a number one priority and balance your social life with your grades.
  • Question
    Can I raise my grades in exactly one day with my extra credit work sheet?
    Community Answer
    It depends how low your grade is and how many points the extra credit worksheet is worth.
  • Question
    If no one answers a teacher's question during a discussion since we don't know it including me, then what should we do?
    Community Answer
    Learn from it! Study the correct answer and the things that you know/think she will ask at the next discussion so you are prepared.
  • Question
    Our teacher doesn't give homework, what can I do to get better grades?
    Community Answer
    Participate in class. If the teacher asks a question and you know the answer, raise your hand. If you're confused about something, or you just want to know more, raise your hand and ask a question. If you're scoring poorly on tests and you need extra help, see if you can stay after class for tutoring.
  • Question
    My teacher doesn't give out extra credit and won't let me redo any assignments. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Do all your assignments and turn them in on time. Study and do as well as you can on your exams. If you have already failed your class because you didn't do your work, you may have to accept that and try again next year or semester.
  • Question
    I have a million things to do, and I cannot do them because I do not have enough tim. How can I make time for everything?
    Community Answer
    Find out why your schedule is so filled up, and make time for the things that matter the most. For example, if you play soccer but you are not turning homework in on time, put homework first. You will probably not be able to do everything, but you WILL have time for the things that really must be done.
  • Question
    What should I do if I am failing due to 1 project and we don't have any other major projects in the class?
    Community Answer
    Try to get good grades on all other assignments since your final grade is based on an average of all of your scores.
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