Q&A for How to Build a Round Pen

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    What is the electrical braiding for?
    Community Answer
    It is to keep your horse from chewing on the fence.
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    If I'm using steel pipe panels, do I need to sink them into the ground and secure with cement? If they are considered portable, how are they secured to the ground?
    Community Answer
    You do not have to sink them into the ground, they will stay up if you have them put together right.
  • Question
    Do I have to use all the same size panels, or can I mix 10 and 12's?
    Community Answer
    You can mix 10' and 12' panels as long as they have the same type of hinges and heights.
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    Do I need to use treated wood to build a round pen?
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    Would you recommend a membrane on top of the gravel? I live on clay soil and we have a lot of rain here in Manchester UK, so its always wet and boggy in winter.
    Community Answer
    No gravel. It gets stuck in their hooves, and can cause them to limp.
  • Question
    How high should the fencing be for the round pen?
    Mackenzie Bystrek
    Community Answer
    The fence should be up to your horse's neck, so it doesn't jump out.
  • Question
    How much space should be between each rail of a round pen?
    Community Answer
    This is a personal preference, assuming you're referring to the horizontal rails, not the poles. I have seen round pens with rails rather close together, as well as round pens with rails more like that of a fence. I prefer the fence-like rails to allow the horse to see its surroundings, but the closer rails could allow for a more articulated connection.
  • Question
    Can I use this pen for my horses' everyday pen?
    Community Answer
    If your round pen is built sturdily, you can use it for everyday use in addition to work.
  • Question
    Where can I find used steel panel for a 50-foot corral?
    Community Answer
    You can find a lot of used steel in junkyards and such. You can purchase new steel from construction stores, and perhaps livestock stores such as Tractor Supply.
  • Question
    How much sand will I need for the footing in a round pen?
    Community Answer
    The amount of sand you want depends on the size of your particular round pen, as well as how deep you want it to be for yourself and your horse's comfort.
  • Question
    I messed up, and my pen is round. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If you meant for it to be square, make your round edges into sharper angles. If you meant for it to be round, then it is fine.
  • Question
    What is the approximate cost to build a round pen?
    Community Answer
    I would think about $2,500 using 16' panels and having sand and rock delivered. No holes to dig is a big plus.
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