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Q&A for How to Canoe
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QuestionIs it mandatory for both paddlers to paddle at the same time?Heather Kenyon-HaffTop AnswererNot generally. Having one person go, then the other provides a smooth travelling rhythm. Only for very quick racing do the paddlers really have to go at the same time.
QuestionIf the paddles are two different lengths, who uses the longer paddle: the bow or the stern?Community AnswerThe stern. They need the longer paddle to produce more force for steering.
QuestionCan you start and finish your canoe trip at the same point?Community AnswerYes, but if you're on a river, you will have to paddle back upstream - if there is a heavy current, you may have a difficult time.
QuestionHow do I do a canoe sprint?Community AnswerRun as fast as you can whilst in the water then jump in!
QuestionShould I kneel or sit in the canoe?Community AnswerIf the canoe has seats, it may be easier to sit. But you can also kneel on a foam pad and paddle from the duff--or middle of the boat. This gives the canoe more power. When paddling solo, it's best to sit in the stern duff for maximum power.
QuestionWhat is a sport canoe?Community AnswerA sport canoe is going to have a more streamlined hull design than a typical fishing or recreational canoe. This allows the canoe to track in a straighter line at a more efficient pace through the water.
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