Q&A for How to Care for a Dwarf Gourami

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    How do I choose Dwarf gouramis?
    Joe Perez
    Aquatic and Terrarium Specialist
    Joe Perez is an Aquatic and Terrarium Specialist and the Manager of the Chlorophyll Corner, based in Tempe, Arizona. Joe has been part of the aquatic and reptile industry and hobby for almost 30 years. His specialty is in creating planted aquariums and full-setup terrariums. The Chlorophyll Corner started as a small family plant store and has grown to a full-planted aquarium shop with an Instagram following of over 82,000 people.
    Aquatic and Terrarium Specialist
    Expert Answer
    If you can buy them in pairs, that would be fantastic. When selecting a pair, opt for one male and one female if possible. Male dwarf gouramis are known for their striking colors and elaborate fins, while females are typically smaller and less colorful. You can also observe how they behave before purchasing to see signs of compatibility and aggression.
  • Question
    Are these fish good for beginners?
    Community Answer
    These fish are very easy to care for.
  • Question
    Can I put two tiny gourami fish in a betta fish container?
    Dieyun Ding
    Top Answerer
    Never put any fish in a store betta cup. No matter how tiny fish are now, they will grow. Two dwarf gouramis will need at least a 20-gallon tank with decor, a heater, and a filter to live. Putting two of them in a cup is unacceptable, even if it's just for a few days.
  • Question
    Do gourami eat tetra tail?
    Dieyun Ding
    Top Answerer
    No, they shouldn't, as tetras look nothing like bettas and won't inspire aggression in a gourami. What might be a problem, however, is the quick tetras nipping at the gourami.
  • Question
    I have a 5 gallon tank, but only one dwarf gourami. Do you think that is big enough? The guy at the pet store said it would be fine, but I just want to make sure.
    Community Answer
    That is not big enough. You need at least a ten gallon. Most of the pet store people lie to sell you fish. Good on you for checking.
  • Question
    How would I know if my dwarf gourami is pregnant?
    Community Answer
    The dwarf gourami will be bigger around the stomach. You may also start seeing little eggs inside the stomach.
  • Question
    Can I keep two gouramis and three tetras in a 10 gallon tank?
    Community Answer
    You could try, but given the gourami can get a bit territorial and tetras are schooling fish, a single gourami and five or more tetras would be a much better idea.
  • Question
    Can two dwarf gouramis live in a 20 gallon tank?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as there are enough hiding places for both of them. They need these to mark their own territory.
  • Question
    Could I house two in a tank with neons? Or should I put one with cory cats?
    Community Answer
    Cory cats would be a better idea, but neon tetras would work.
  • Question
    Is it okay to quarantine two dwarf gouramis in a 5 gallon tank?
    Community Answer
    No. Two dwarf gouramis will fight. If they do not fight, then they will both get very stressed and will be less immune to diseases.
  • Question
    Would a blue dwarf gourami attack shrimp in a 20 liter tank?
    Community Answer
    First of all, 20 liters is too small. You need at least a 38 liter tank. In a 38 liter tank, the gourami and shrimp will be fine.
  • Question
    How many males should I keep with each female?
    Community Answer
    Two males for two females, that way the males wont fight over the females but to be even safer, keep it at one male with one female.
  • Question
    Can I keep two males in a 30 gallon tank with other fish?
    Community Answer
    Two males isn't the best idea. Males can get rather territorial and attack one another. Get one male and one female or just one gourami. Other fish will be fine, such as corys, tetras and the like. Stay away from bettas, fancy guppies, and fish like that because gouramis will attack them. Get plants or other decorations so they can have place a hide as well.
  • Question
    Can you give me advice for any type of gourami fish?
    Community Answer
    It is best to keep two or three females with one male, as two will fight and one might get lonely without a female. Try not to keep them with larger fish or bettas.
  • Question
    Is my ten-gallon tank a good size for one gourami?
    Community Answer
    Yes, a ten-gallon tank should be just fine.The rule is one inch of fish per gallon of water, so ten gallons for one gourami will be plenty.
  • Question
    How many dwarf gouramis can I have in a 120 liter tank?
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    Do they need a top on the aquarium?
    Community Answer
    It is beneficial, as gourami can have problems if the air outside of the aquarium is cold.
  • Question
    Can I have three in a 10-gallon tank?
    Community Answer
    If they are the only fish in the tank, yes. But it would have to be one male and two females. Three males probably would injure one another. The rule is 1 inch of fish per gallon of water, so six gallons for three 2-inch dwarf gourami.
  • Question
    Can they be kept with tiger barbs?
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    Does it matter what color they are if adding more to a tank?
    Community Answer
    No. As long as the other fauna in the tank are compatible, it should be alright.
  • Question
    Can I put two gauramis, two bala sharks, two rainbow sharks, two albino rainbow sharks, and two angel fish together in one tank?
    Community Answer
  • Question
    How do I know which is a male and which is a female?
    Community Answer
    Males are typically larger and more vibrant in color. Females are silvery/more bland.
  • Question
    Can you keep 4 cory catfish with 4 dwarf gouramis?
    Community Answer
  • Question
    How many dwarf gouramis can I put in a 7-gallon tank?
    Dieyun Ding
    Top Answerer
    No dwarf gouramis should be held in a 7-gallon tank permanently. A honey gourami would work better for your tank.
  • Question
    Can a dwarf gourami live with five Neon tetras and a fancy guppy?
    Community Answer
    Yes. That seems like a nice setup. They all have low aggression, if any at all, and those are all nice, peaceful species. Good luck with your tank.
  • Question
    My dwarf gourami is being bullied by a small tetra. Will he be okay if I move him to a tank by himself?
    Community Answer
    He will be fine if you move him.
  • Question
    Can I keep two females in a twenty gallon?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Just make sure the tank is heavily planted with lots of hiding spots and they should be fine!
  • Question
    Can I put 2 gourami with a couple of tetra in a 10 or 15 gallon tank?
    Community Answer
    You could try it with a 15 gallon tank, but a 20 gallon would be better. Your fish will be happier and healthier with more space.
  • Question
    Do they need a filter?
    Community Answer
    Yes, like all freshwater fish, they need a constant stream of water going into the tank.
  • Question
    Can I house a gourami go with 3 goldfish?
    Community Answer
    No, most definitely not. Gouramis have a required temperature range of 76-80 F, while goldfish are strictly a cold water species, 60-72 F. Housed at the wrong temperature, fish will die of stress from a weakened immune system/disease.
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