Q&A for How to Carry on a Romantic Conversation

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    How do I keep a conversation going with my boyfriend?
    Imad Jbara
    Dating Coach
    Imad Jbara is a Dating Coach for NYC Wingwoman LLC, a relationship coaching service based in New York City. 'NYC Wingwoman' offers matchmaking, wingwoman services, 1-on-1 Coaching, and intensive weekend bootcamps. Imad services 100+ clients, men and women, to improve their dating lives through authentic communication skills. He has a BA in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.
    Dating Coach
    Expert Answer
    Reciprocate if the other person is flirting with you. Sometimes people miss opportunities because they don't show the other person they're interested. If someone gives you a little touch on the elbow or a flirtatious glance, they're trying to get you to react. That reaction is what shows them you're interested too, and that's how you start to build passion.
  • Question
    How do I talk to my crush without being awkward?
    Imad Jbara
    Dating Coach
    Imad Jbara is a Dating Coach for NYC Wingwoman LLC, a relationship coaching service based in New York City. 'NYC Wingwoman' offers matchmaking, wingwoman services, 1-on-1 Coaching, and intensive weekend bootcamps. Imad services 100+ clients, men and women, to improve their dating lives through authentic communication skills. He has a BA in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.
    Dating Coach
    Expert Answer
    Show your real personality. Don't be afraid to be yourself when you're flirting. Say the things you would normally say when you're around your friends or people you're comfortable with.
  • Question
    How do I have a romantic conversation?
    Imad Jbara
    Dating Coach
    Imad Jbara is a Dating Coach for NYC Wingwoman LLC, a relationship coaching service based in New York City. 'NYC Wingwoman' offers matchmaking, wingwoman services, 1-on-1 Coaching, and intensive weekend bootcamps. Imad services 100+ clients, men and women, to improve their dating lives through authentic communication skills. He has a BA in Psychology from the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth.
    Dating Coach
    Expert Answer
    Make your intentions clear right away so they know you're flirting. To do that, you might include a little physical contact or teasing. For instance, if someone says something to you, you might say, "Are you flirting with me??" or if someone touches you, you might say, "Hey, hands off the merchandise, I'm not that easy!" That way, it's fun, but it's still flirting.
  • Question
    How do I flirt with someone who is rude?
    Top Answerer
    Why would you want to spend time with someone who is rude to you? Seek out happy people who treat you well.
  • Question
    How should I approach a girl?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Take an interest in her activities, start a conversation, say hi, listen more than you speak. Find out if you're just infatuated with a pretty face and dreamed up everything else about her, or if she's actually a genuinely interesting person you could love. Give her a chance to know you. After all that, then you can approach her with your love.
  • Question
    What types of questions should I be asking when I am with him?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Any question you feel like. You don't have to turn yourself into someone that suits him. Just because he likes this or that type of question doesn't mean you have to ask it if you don't care or don't feel like that question. For example, if he likes volleyball but you couldn't care less, you don't have to ask him about it. Also, it's not an interview, so don't prepare too many questions in advance. Just see where it flows and follow that. And always listen more than you speak.
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    How do I get someone to fall in love with me who doesn't want to fall in love?
    Community Answer
    You can't. All you can do is protect your heart and manage your own expectations, which in this case may be unreasonable based on what you already know.
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    How do I show that I really love him?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    If you're sure you feel that way and you say you love him, then you do. You don't need to show him, because you simply do love him. May he assure himself that you do love him. Other than that, you can always kiss him, hug, and go on adventures.
  • Question
    How can I be romantic when my partner is in an angry mood?
    Community Answer
    If your partner is angry with you, give them some space until they've calmed down. If they're angry about something else, be there for them and listen to them if they want to talk about it. It would be best to save the romantic overtures for when they're in a slightly better mood, but you could always try just holding their hand, or even rubbing their shoulders to show that you care.
  • Question
    Is initiating sexual conversation bad in romantic conversation?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    As with many things, it depends. If you want any chance of success, however, you need to feel out the situation. Romance is a good segue to develop things into sex, but it is also a valuable thing to do in its own right. If you feel your partner is up for it, take the lead, if you feel some resistance, tone it down; if you see disappointment when you turn it down, turn it up again. Finally, allow your partner to take some initiative as well.
  • Question
    What do I do when I lack topics to discuss with my boyfriend?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    You don't always have to talk. You can enjoy some quiet time together, maybe even plan it: "This Thursday, let's just be together. If we have something to talk about, great, if not, also great. I want to just hug you and be close to you." Barring that, you can always go more in-depth into any topic you have previously discussed. Find a random page online and see how you feel about that. Ask him what he's feeling, thinking, hoping, doing, planning. Make plans together, go travel.
  • Question
    I just found out that my boyfriend of 3 years has had a side chick for close to a year now. He said he found a new girl because I stopped understanding him, and he says he loves her too. How can I understand him? What would you suggest I do?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    The normal way this is supposed to go in relationships is this: problem, identify the problem, try to solve it with your partner. If unsolvable, break up, give your heart time to heal, then find someone new. He failed to talk to you about his (perceived?) problem, and he is now blaming you for being with someone else. Not only is he not mature enough to talk about his issues, he's not even mature enough to be responsible for his own actions. Whatever you decide to do, keep these things in mind. My advice? Break up and find a real man.
  • Question
    How do I start a romantic conversation?
    Community Answer
    Before any romantic conversation, there is always a conversation. Don't fret about it being necessarily romantic, but start a conversation how you normally would. Get into a comfortable area of conversation about something light and positive. If it goes well, then you may proceed to more intimate topics. Start by telling the person how you feel about them.
  • Question
    How do I start a conversation?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    In my warm-up games when I teach sport, we play a game called "add one". I do a move, you repeat it and add your own, I repeat those two and add my own, and so on. You can always only control half of the direction things are going in, and conversations are the same. But if you have only half the control, it would be a shame if you didn't exercise at least that half of your control. Start with hi, ask a few simple questions like "how 's the kids?", then bring it to your topic, but go with the flow if the other person subtly changes things.
  • Question
    Do I have to talk to my girlfriend every day?
    Top Answerer
    No, not if you don't want to. She will sense it if you speak to her because you feel you have to rather than because you truly want to.
  • Question
    How can I start a good conversation with my boyfriend? He is unhappy because I told him he isn't spending enough quality time with me.
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    You noticed an issue, then you addressed it with him, talked about how you felt and what you'd like him to do. Now he's skulking? He should be doing his very best to improve his behavior instead of being unhappy. Both his and your feelings will dissipate if he just spent more quality time with you. But instead of doing that, he's being unhappy, and if he expects you to make him happy, well then he's twice wrong!
  • Question
    Tips on how to be romantic?
    Community Answer
    Consult Be Romantic .
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    What do I do if I rejected a romantic situation and I regret it?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Though we all try to have as little of it as possible, it is inevitable that life gives us some regret. But that realization is enough to set regret aside and move on. You can't get that moment back, but you can create new moments, with this person or someone else. Learn from it, and remember which decision you regretted next time you're presented with it. Finally, you can also trust your instincts a little here. If you regret this decision a little, maybe you'd have regretted the opposite decision much more, and your instincts knew this. Look to the future and risk the other decision next time, if it feels right.
  • Question
    I and my boyfriend broke up because of misunderstanding. At first he said I should give him a break. But for a month nothing changed! But we still chat but not really like before. Any chances of getting back?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Time moves forward. Whether you break up or stay, relationships always evolve and they can never go back to what they were or stay how they are. From that perspective, the chances of going back to what it was are zero. Or, you could say they're 50/50: either you do get back together, or you don't. But in all seriousness, if you want to get back together - let him know. Say it was but a silly misunderstanding, you two shouldn't make such a big deal about it, you love him and don't want these small things to jeopardize that. Just remember, if he doesn't want to, it can't happen. Permission is required from him too.
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    How will I show to my partner that I care about her?
    Benjamin Reyes
    Community Answer
    There are many ways to show you care about someone. Making time in your day for them is always a good start. Compliments will also get you far. Additionally, you can help her with homework or chores. Gifts can work also, but don't be excessive with them. In essence, just be an extra good person around them.
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