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Q&A for How to Change Your Voice
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QuestionIs it possible to change my voice?Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association.Absolutely. Many people don't use the full range of your voice. If you breathe and do exercises to open your voice, you'll be able to find the range, from the highest to the lowest pitches you can produce. Then, you can practice using those pitches to grow your voice.
QuestionHow do I make my voice higher?Community AnswerGradually practice going higher and higher as you speak or sing. Eventually, you will be able to reach a higher register.
QuestionWhat do I do if I speak quickly through my nose and sometimes it is difficult for others to understand?Community AnswerHold your nose next time you speak. It will require you to speak out of your mouth. The more you do it, the clearer and more intelligible your voice will become.
QuestionCan a person change his voice type through practice?Community AnswerWhile there are physiological constraints on how much you can change your vocal range, you can extend it a bit through practice. If you want to go higher, try doing vocal scales with ascending beginning notes. Begin from where you're comfortable and go up until you reach a note you can't easily hit. Then, practice this scale until you can manage it. Afterward, move on up. The same can be done going downward. Eventually, you will hit a note you can't reach even with practice.
QuestionAt what age can I change my voice?Community AnswerYou can change your voice at any age!
QuestionHow do I change my voice from light to heavy?Community AnswerTry to pitch your voice, and after a while your voice actually gets darker (or lighter) depending on how you pitched it. It seems a little weird, but it helps!
QuestionWhy do pre-teen voices crack sometimes?Community AnswerThis happens during puberty, and one's voice is maturing. It is temporary.
QuestionMy voice has a weird deep tone to it. Is it possible to completely change my voice to make it higher and more feminine?Community AnswerYes. You can't completely change your voice, but you can definitely alter it. If you're not familiar with singing, there are two main registers, the chest and the head registers. If your voice is deeper than you'd like, then you can use your upper chest voice or your head voice to sound lighter or higher in pitch. Sing up a scale from your lower notes/voice until you're comfortable with a certain pitch. If you reach your vocal break (when your chest voice reaches its peak and you have to switch to head voice), and you're still not happy, switch to head voice and continue moving up until you find a pitch that you're happy with. Then practice speaking in that pitch.
QuestionI'm a 12 year-old female and I have a really deep crackly voice, almost boyish. How can I make my voice higher pitched?Community AnswerFirst, try the tips in this article. If you already did, still try to practice. It takes weeks, probably even years for one's voice to develop. Also, it takes time. But, throughout that time, practice by vocal warm-ups and doing a scale over and over and over again until you feel like you have met your goal.
QuestionHow do I make my voice higher pitched?Community AnswerYou can try speaking in a high- pitched voice, and you should avoid speaking in a low tone or mumbling.
QuestionAs I reached 15, my voice is so melodious even teachers are criticizing me as a transgender. What's a good method to get a harsh male voice?Community AnswerIt's your unique voice and you should embrace how it sounds. Don't change it to make it fit in with everyone else just because some teachers don't approve of it.
QuestionHow do I change Siri's voice?Community AnswerIn Settings>General>Siri. There will be an option to change the accent and gender of the voice.
QuestionHow can I learn to speak in a British accent?Community AnswerTry listening to someone with that accent, ideally using a video online that you can continually re-watch. Once you have that accent locked in your mind, try to practice sounding like that. Read a book out loud with that accent or practice with someone.
QuestionWhat can I do if I have strained vocal cords?Community AnswerThe first thing you should focus on is resting your vocal chords. If you strain yourself too much it could lead to more serious problems down the road. Drinking warm liquids (tea, hot water and honey, etc.) also helps.
QuestionHow do I make my voice deeper as a girl who wants to be transgender?Community AnswerIf you take hormones, over time your voice will deepen and take a more mature sound. If hormones aren't available or not for you, then try practicing. Don't force it, try to make it sound natural. Don't speak from the back of your throat. Practice and watch tutorials!
QuestionMy voice sounds weird and none of these tips helped in any way. What can I do?Community AnswerMost areas have fine arts centers,which offer lessons at a greatly reduced rate (they are non-profits). Nothing beats a face to face.
QuestionWhat if I'm a woman but feel as though my voice sounds like a man?Community AnswerThe voice you “feel” is in your mind. What others perceive may be totally different. You can try to record your voice and listen to it from the recording. A more masculine voice can have advantages; for example, you'll be able to more easily command attention. But if you want to get more feminine voice points, you can try things like smiling or using more melody.
QuestionHow can I change my voice from deep to soft? I'm a girl.Community AnswerDeep voices are really cool in girls; if you really want, you can just practice speaking more quietly.
QuestionHow does a type of drink affect how deep my voice is?Community AnswerFor me, I find it easier to change my voice after sticky drinks like pop. I tend to have the more natural tone after I drink water. Pop can create saliva and make you voice sound deeper because you have more than the normal amount of saliva blocking your throat. That's another reason why people sometimes clear their throats after a swig of pop, because it feels awkward and sounds awkward too. Unless you're aiming for that.
QuestionHow do I get a lower tone without my voice cracking?Community AnswerPractice. Speak like you are talking from your chest. After a while, your voice will be able to hit those low notes without cracking. After you've got it, you can try going for the next note down doing the same thing.
QuestionMy voice is similar to a girl's and I am a 20 year old man. How can I change it?Community AnswerYou have to speak from deep inside, do not speak from your throat. Also, if you are tensed while speaking, your voice would sound higher. Relax before you speak.
QuestionHow can I stop my voice from being very monotone?Community AnswerBe excited when you speak. It helps if you are speaking about a topic that you like and that interests you, because it will be easier to change your tone whilst speaking.
QuestionHow to speak in a British accent if I mumble by choice, and want to continue doing so in the future? I choose not to speak clearly, but would like to speak in a British accent.HumanBeingTop AnswererPlenty of British people mumble. You can mumble with a British accent. Speaking with a British accent does not mean speaking in Queen's English. Try a British countryside accent, such as a Dorset or Norfolk accent - you may find these accents more easily accommodate your desired mumble.
QuestionHow can I make my voice sound like it did when I was a kid?Community AnswerRelax your jaw, and speak with enthusiasm. As you age, your voice will get deeper and change a little bit, there’s really nothing you can do about it, but keep practicing those two tips.
QuestionHow can my voice be clear and easy to hear by others when in a noisy area?Community AnswerRaise your voice a little but don’t speak too quickly, as it may cause your words to be jumbled.
QuestionCan I stop my voice from getting deeper, being a teen boy?fried infantsCommunity AnswerNo. You will just have to 'graduate' or change your label. So if you're an alto, you'd go to tenor; tenor would go to bass, etc.
QuestionHow do I make my voice lighter when reciting the Quran?Community AnswerRelax your jaw and speak gently. Develop a rhythm, an easy flow.
QuestionWill my voice go back to the way it was before puberty?Community AnswerNo, it is not likely that your voice will go back because the changes happened due to your body maturing. Typically, changes in your voice are permanent. Therefore, you will have to learn to sing with your new voice and appreciate it for what it is.
QuestionHow can I change my voice? I mean my real voice. Not the pitch, not the emotion, but the actual voice I have.Community AnswerYou can try by opening your throat more, making your jaw muscles more passive when you sing, and having larger vowel shapes. Experiment with the vowel shape in your face and the vowel shape shown on your lips. You should try talking to a vocal coach or choir teacher though. And it can help to choose a voice you like and practice it often; actors are the easiest place to choose a voice style from.
QuestionHow do I imitate an American accent?Community Answer
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