Q&A for How to Choose an Instrument

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    What is the first instrument I should learn to start a music career?
    Community Answer
    Any instrument is a good start. If you want to start with something basic, though, learn to play the piano, the guitar, or drums. The first two instruments can help you learn to read music, which will aid you in playing more difficult instruments.
  • Question
    Will it be easy to play the guitar if I know the violin?
    Community Answer
    It will be easier for you to learn guitar than for someone who does not know any other instruments, but it will still be challenging. It's like learning a language: The first language you learn besides your mother tongue is always the hardest, and they get easier from then on. It will not be "easy" to play guitar, but it will not be as hard as it was to learn violin.
  • Question
    What would be a recommended instrument after the flute?
    Community Answer
    If you want to play higher notes, try a piccolo. If you want to still play a woodwind instrument with the ability to breathe better, try a clarinet. If you want to use a technique similar to the flute, try a trumpet.
  • Question
    What should I learn next after the ukulele?
    Community Answer
    Try learning the guitar if you want to stay in familiar territory. If you want to try something really different, go big and learn the oboe or the viola.
  • Question
    How can I choose the best instrument to play that won't cost a lot of money and is quiet?
    Community Answer
    No instrument is quiet, but just go for whatever instrument sounds fun to play for you. You can find cheap used instruments of any sort online, and in good condition. Before you start to search for one instrument to rent or buy, research on how to take care of it and the difficulty of playing it. It may look fun, but if you can't handle the pressure and don't have the patience to keep practicing until you've perfected it, try looking for another instrument.
  • Question
    What instrument is suitable for me if the trombone turns out not to be?
    Community Answer
    Usually the trumpet is the best choice for people who discover that the trombone is not suitable for them. If you still feel like playing bass, consider a tuba or a baritone.
  • Question
    Will it be easier to to learn to play the viola if I already play the cello?
    Community Answer
    Yes! They have the same strings (CGDA), just that the viola is one octave higher, and the finger placements used are slightly different. The only other difference is that the viola involves placing the instrument on your shoulder whereas for cello, you will sit and play it. It should definitely be easier to pick up viola if you already know how to play the cello.
  • Question
    Do I need strong lungs to play a brass instrument?
    Community Answer
    You don't need particularly strong lungs to play a brass instrument, with the exception of the tuba.
  • Question
    What instruments are good to play with piano and violin?
    Community Answer
    You might try playing a larger stringed instrument to give more bass, and probably a clarinet for a woodwind option, or a trumpet to give you a brass section.
  • Question
    I don't know if I should change flute to percussion. I'm terrible at flute, and percussion looks easy.
    Community Answer
    Percussion may look easy, but it's not. If your problem with flute is remembering notes, then percussion may be for you. If the problem is playing rhythms in the music, you may have a hard time with percussion. However, all instruments are hard at first. You won't get good until you've put in a lot of time and effort practicing.
  • Question
    Which is the best instrument to start with for person like me? I'm 30 years and never in my life touched an instrument.
    Community Answer
    Any instrument you are passionate about learning is ideal, and age is irrelevant.
  • Question
    As a beginner, should I learn the violin or the synthesizer?
    Top Answerer
    The synthesizer is very forgiving compared with the violin. You would likely need fewer lessons.
  • Question
    I have been playing piano for 8 years. Will learning the violin be easier? Also how can I persuade my parents?
    Community Answer
    Having previous knowledge of playing piano will make playing violin easier, since you will already know how to read treble clef. As for persuading you parents, think of all the reasons you want to start playing violin. Be sure to bring these up. Also, if you want to start with your school, they will most likely provide rentals that are cheaper than the music stores. Be sure to share this information with them as well.
  • Question
    I really want to be a drummer but my mom doesn't like the idea, what should I do?
    Kennedy Agnew
    Community Answer
    If she won't let you get a full drum set, go with some bongos or other smaller hand drums. Show her that you are responsible and that you are really interested in the drums.
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    I have asthma. Can I still play a woodwind?
    Community Answer
    It may be a bit harder, but it is possible.
  • Question
    What instrument is easier to learn: saxophone or trumpet?
    Community Answer
    Trumpet by far. It's easy to start off on the trumpet, and it is probably one of the more versatile brass instruments. While the saxophone's keys look daunting, it becomes more familiar as you play it. With practice, neither will be hard.
  • Question
    I have big hands, and just started orchestra. Which instrument would be best?
    Community Answer
    Larger instruments such as double bass or tuba can be harder for people with smaller hands to play, and easier for you to try.
  • Question
    What instrument should I learn first?
    Community Answer
    I'd definitely recommend you start with piano. Then you can go learn any treble or bass clef instrument with knowledge of notes, chord progressions, and harmony.
  • Question
    How do I choose whether I want to play the guitar or the violin?
    Community Answer
    The guitar is more versatile and there always seems to be someone who has a guitar lying around. It gives you a chance to practice playing with other musicians. Also, a violin and a guitar follow the same principles, so once you have learned the guitar, you can attempt the violin. The key is to have chances to play, and with a guitar you can attempt more music styles, as well as a lower initial investment on an instrument.
  • Question
    Is a flute or a harmonica good as a first instrument? Which is easier to learn?
    Community Answer
    One of the best instruments to learn first is the piano, but you can easily catch up on flute or harmonica as well. Although harmonica is smaller and may look easier to play, you might only want to play it if you are a perfectionist or are very detailed. The flute is one of the easiest band instruments to play, so I would recommend flute.
  • Question
    Should I play the violin or viola?
    Community Answer
    Whichever one you like. If your hands are large, consider the viola. If you like a challenge, go for the violin.
  • Question
    Is a piano accordion easier to play than a button accordion?
    Community Answer
    Yes; it is essentially playing the piano, which is pretty simple. I would recommend that instead of a button accordion for a beginner, especially if you're familiar with playing the piano at all.
  • Question
    How do I choose if I want to play a saxophone, trumpet, flute or drums?
    Community Answer
    Go to a music store, most will let you try out the instruments. You will just have to pick what you enjoy the most. You can always change your mind at a later date.
  • Question
    I have played clarinet for a year and am thinking about switching to the bassoon. Will it be easy for me to transition?
    Community Answer
    It will be fairly easy, as you already play a wind instrument. It will still be difficult though, because it is a new instrument.
  • Question
    What is the best sax family member for an experienced guitar player?
    Community Answer
    All of them will be essentially completely different from guitar. You could try picking whichever range you think sounds the nicest.
  • Question
    How do I find out which instrument is best for me? I can't decide whether to learn drums or bass guitar.
    Community Answer
    Flip a coin. Then, if whichever result you get makes you feel immediately sad, pick the other one!
  • Question
    I've been learning the bassoon for a few years now and want to add on another instrument, specifically a classical stringed one. Would this be too hard to do?
    Top Answerer
    If you want to be an expert instrumentalist, playing only one instrument is best rather than trying to learn more than one. To answer the question, it probably wouldn't be too difficult to learn to play another instrument.
  • Question
    What instruments are good for people with short fingers?
    Community Answer
    Finger size doesn't affect your performance that much. Of course, if you have really short fingers, try the ukulele, smaller classical chord instruments (violin and viola), some thinner necked guitars, such as the Les Paul, or even mandolins and banjos. The strength of the finger is way more important. Go to a music store and experiment with all the different instruments and see what's best for you.
  • Question
    Can I start playing a banjo if I have zero knowledge on music?
    Community Answer
    Of course! You can start playing pretty much any instrument with zero knowledge of music, and the banjo is a perfectly fine option for a beginner.
  • Question
    I am playing the trumpet, and next year I want to play the clarinet. Should I switch?
    Community Answer
    If you want to switch, go for it! I've tried the trumpet and my main instrument is the clarinet. The techniques for playing are pretty different. My friend who plays the trumpet tried my clarinet and it was hard for him, but if you want to make the switch, you should!
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