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Q&A for How to Comfort a Girl
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QuestionHow can I comfort a girl if she's upset with me?Community AnswerIf she is upset with you, it is best to start off slow. If she is upset with you over something you said, comfort her by apologizing or telling her that you didn't mean it. Assuming that you were angry at the time you said it, explain to her that you only said it out of anger. Make sure to add an apology and give her a hug.
QuestionThis girl that I'm talking to is crying on the phone and she won't tell me what's wrong. What do I do?Community AnswerOffer your support. Tell her you're there for her and be patient. Say "I'm not going to pressure you to talk to me but you know where I am if you need to". She should slowly open up, don't give up trying, she wants you to keep on trying, especially if she's initially cried on the phone.
QuestionDoes this work if you are a girl?Community AnswerAbsolutely! It doesn't matter what gender, it's about caring for another human being regardless of your genders.
QuestionWhat should I do if I want to tell her that she can tell me? I'm usually awkward and disliked by others.Community AnswerIt's clear you have a heart of gold and you're probably really sensitive about other people's impressions of you. Reach out to her and let her know if she needs a listening and caring ear, you're there for her. She can only so no, and you never know, she may be extremely touched that you care and will talk to you.
QuestionHow long do you have to comfort her for? I start feeling awkward after a bit.Community AnswerComfort her until she either cheers up, stops crying or tells you she wants to be alone. Comforting may take a while, especially when the girl is crying too hard to hear you. Just keep offering support, but not to the point where you are asking if she is okay every three seconds. When she calms or asks you to leave, that's your cue to either go and get a cup of something or to actually depart until later.
QuestionWhat do I do if the girl I am trying to comfort is not answering me?Community AnswerIf the girl isn't answering you, it usually means that she doesn't want to talk. Give her some space and when she wants to talk, normally she will begin talking to you again. Don't pester her or she will just become more distant.
QuestionWhat if she is crying over letting you down?Community AnswerBe reassuring and let her know that she hasn't let you down and that things will be just fine. Reassure her by letting her know that you're still good friends (or whatever else your relationship is) and that tomorrow is a fresh start. Then let it go -- presuming that is what you're wishing to do.
QuestionMy (girl) best friend is crying because her bf is being mean. How do I help?Community AnswerMore than anything, listen and listen and listen some more. Don't be judgmental and only offer advice if she asks for it. Let her know you support her in whatever she decides to do. Reassure her that you care for her and that she doesn't deserve any meanness directed at her.
QuestionWhat if she is self-harming?Community AnswerEncourage her to tell someone and to seek help. Tell her you are concerned about her. If you feel it is necessary, you may want to tell someone about this yourself.
QuestionWhat if she won't talk to anyone?Community AnswerThis is often an initial reaction to help her cope with something bad. Give her space at first, although it can't hurt to leave a text, note under the door or message saying you're ready to support her and talk whenever she needs. This is a non-intrusive way of being a source of comfort, as she knows you're available when needed.
QuestionWhat if I don't have exactly what it takes to think ahead?Community AnswerYou don't have to know exactly what to do in every situation. As long as you're being kind, comforting and considerate of her feelings, you will be showing that you care about her.
QuestionMy girlfriend is sad and she won't tell me why, she said she doesn't want to put pressure on me. What should I do?Community AnswerAssure her that she is not being a burden or putting too much pressure on you. Tell her that you care about her and want to help her. She may think that telling you what's wrong would be a bother to you, and you should make sure she understands that that is not the case.
QuestionMy girlfriend is on her period and says I don't help at all. If anything, she says, I make it worse. What am I supposed to say?Community AnswerAsk her how she feels about what you already do. Tell her that you want to be helpful in any way that you can, and ask her what you can do differently next time.
QuestionWhat if the girl's mother is very sick, and the girl does not seem to care about it? Should I assume she is mean and does not love her mother or she is pretending to be ok? And how could I help her?Community AnswerAlways assume the best. People can do weird things to defend themselves from their emotions. Let her know that you are sorry to hear about her mother and that if she needs support or wants to talk, you'll be there for her.
QuestionWhat if she suddenly said she wanted to be alone? I also think she's mad at me, but I don't know why.Community AnswerIf she wants to be alone, respect that. When she feels like talking again, you can ask her why she was upset.
QuestionMy girlfriend is sad and she won't tell me why.Community AnswerYou need to make sure she is comfortable with you. Tell her that she can trust you and talk to you about anything that's bothering her. If she really doesn't want to talk about it, tell her you understand and ask her if she'd like to do something to take her mind of her troubles. Take her out for ice cream, a movie, etc.
QuestionHow can I comfort a girl if she won't tell me why she's upset or angry?Community AnswerIf she won't tell you what's wrong, the best thing you can do is let her know that you're there whenever she wants to talk. If she looks like she might enjoy sitting quietly with you, then do that, but don't pressure her to talk if she doesn't want to.
QuestionWhat if it's a girl I like?Top AnswererComfort her just the same as you would any other friend. Do not, I repeat do not, use this moment to show her how you feel. If she's feeling sad, this comforting moment is about her, not about you. Ask her why she's sad, ask what you can do, or, if she doesn't want to talk about it, just be there for her. If you really like her, you will ruin whatever chance you have if you use this moment to focus on you, whereas if you are just there for her, she will appreciate you all the more. But feelings can't be forced, there's no guarantees.
QuestionMy friend is being bullied, but he isn't crying - he is just depressed. What should I do?Community AnswerIf your friend is depressed, this may be bigger than just simply comforting him yourself. Dealing with someone's depression will require outside help from someone such as a counselor.
QuestionA girl I like is feeling bad because her grandparents were involved in a car accident. I'm very worried about her. How can I make her feel better?Community AnswerJust be there for her, give her a hug, listen if she wants to talk about it, and let her cry if she wants to. Tell her you're always available anytime she needs you.
QuestionWhat if she is upset about a family problem?I like sushiTop AnswererLet her know that you are there for her and that you understand what she is going through is difficult, but you support her.
QuestionWhat if she wants to kill herself because her boyfriend dumped her?Community AnswerIf you're a kid/teen, tell an adult, her parents, your parents, a teacher, whoever. You should take all threats of suicide seriously, even if you don't think she means it.
QuestionHow do I comfort her if she's afraid of my parents?Community AnswerAsk her why, and tell her it's okay to tell you why, as you're here to listen to her and help make her fears all better and eventually go away. Once she tells you why, find a way to fix that, if possible.
QuestionMy gf is upset about something, but she doesn't want to tell me why or talk about it. How do I comfort her?Community AnswerDon't push her, but let her know if she has problems and needs to talk, you will be there to listen and comfort her.
QuestionHow is this about gender? It really shouldn't be.Community AnswerGirls and guys generally respond differently to their emotions due to societal norms and how they think they are "supposed" to act. Therefore, techniques that work to comfort a girl may not work on a guy.
QuestionWhat do I do for a girl that doesn't even know that I exist?Community AnswerDon't do anything, it would be a bit creepy if a random guy tries to comfort a girl. You need to build a relationship with her first.
QuestionMy girl is very upset with me because I didn't take any special effort to show her my love. What should I do?Community AnswerIf she wants effort, put in effort! Make her something or write her a letter that tells her how you feel. Pick her flowers and put time into planning dates you know she'll enjoy.
QuestionWhat if she would rather talk to her ex-boyfriend who lives out of state?Community AnswerIf you're her current boyfriend, this is troubling. She obviously still has feelings for her ex, and you need to decide whether or not you're willing and able to deal with it. Try talking to her and letting her know that this makes you uncomfortable and you'd like to be the one she comes to for comfort.
QuestionWhat if my friend left me, then left her other friend to come back to me, and now she is mad/sad?Community AnswerIt sounds like she is not a very good friend and she is just using you and the other girl, only spending time with you when it's convenient for her. If you didn't do anything wrong, don't worry about her being mad or sad. Look for other friends who you know you can count on.
QuestionHow can I help my girl when her best friend committed suicide?Community AnswerAll you can do is let her know that you are there for her. You don't have to say much; just be with her.
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