Q&A for How to Convert a Muslim to Christianity

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    Why peoples change their religions?
    Community Answer
    Because they have experienced a change in their religious beliefs.
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    What if you are happy being Muslim and you are getting annoyed that your friend is trying to convert you?
    Community Answer
    Tell him/her firmly that you will not leave your faith. Say the same response every time until your friend really gets the point.
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    I have an issue with this article. Just because you go to church every Sunday, that doesn't make you a good Christian, it just makes you look like a good Christian.
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Nobody ever said attending Church regularly makes one a good Christian. Just like attending school regularly doesn't make one a good student. It does mean that we try.
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    Why is it important to be baptized as a Christian?
    Community Answer
    Baptism shows everyone that you have now made a commitment, that you are now a new person. It is symbolic: in water, when you go underneath, it is like you have died. When you emerge, you have been brought back to life! In other words, the old you has died, and the new Christian has replaced that old version of you!
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    I am dating a Muslim man and would like to get married but will love him to become Christian. How do I handle this issue?
    Community Answer
    This sounds like a question for your pastor, and a conversation you need to have with your significant other.
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    How do I convert to Christianity?
    Community Answer
    Talk to church in your area for advice.
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    Muslims believe in Jesus and Moses and all of the prophets in the Bible. We just have different names for them like Isa (jesus), Musa (moses), Dawood (David), Yusuf (Joseph) and Adam (Adam).
    Community Answer
    Yes they do, as their names are correct and the other names are just English translations.
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    Why not convert to Islam? Respect my choice and my unshakeable belief in Islam!
    Community Answer
    Nobody is forcing you to convert to Christianity. If someone that is Christian is trying to proselytize to you, simply thank them politely, and tell him/her that you do not wish to convert.
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    How do you convert a Muslim to Christian when the law prohibits this?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Keep in mind that you may expose potential converts to danger, if you live in such a nation. If those people want to immigrate to a much freer country, share with them your Christian faith then.
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    AM a muslim and i want to get married with a catholic guy,How can i do?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Do you want to raise your children in your faith or in his? In the Catholic Christian faith, matrimony is a Sacrament and any wedding ceremony that is not performed in the Catholic Church is not recognized. So, you may have to make certain concessions to marry in the Church.
  • Question
    I am a Muslim, but I want to change to the Christian religion. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Find your nearest Christian church and go and speak to the priest; he will help you. In the meantime, start praying to Jesus, he loves you.
  • Question
    Why would you change your religion as long as you're obeying God?
    Community Answer
    Religion is all about seeking the ultimate truth. If you find the ultimate truth of God in a religion other than the one you're currently in, then you may wish to convert.
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    I am Christian and a boy who likes me is a Muslim. He wants to convert for me, what should we do?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Invite him to your Church and have him tell your priest or minister of his intention to convert. Teach him all about the Christian faith, and if it is for him, help him get baptized. He must be sincere in his desire to be a Christian, however, not just converting so that he can date you.
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    How can I tell my Muslim friends about Jesus Christ?
    Community Answer
    First of all, remember that Muslims already do believe in Jesus, but not in the same way in which Christians do. Muslims do not believe that Christ Is the Son of God. They believe that He was only a prophet. Although they believe in his virgin birth, they do not believe in his passion, death, and resurrection. Explain to your Muslim friends that Christ died because He loved us, and perhaps talk about some of the biblical stories featuring Christ.
  • Question
    I'm 14 and Muslim but I want to convert to Christianity. How can I?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    At age 14 you are still under the authority of your parents. Would they be okay with this? If so, you may contact your local Christian Church and find out how to go about joining the Christian faith. If your parents are not okay with you converting, you may have to wait until you are a little older before doing so.
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    What if my "friend" forces me to convert when I obviously don't want to convert?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Nobody can force you to convert to anything you do not want to be. Tell your friend that your faith is your choice and you have no desire to change it. You can even tell them that you won't be their friend if they keep trying to push their beliefs on you, if necessary.
  • Question
    What if I want to be Christian, but I might get killed?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Do you live in a country with little freedom of religion? Perhaps you should emigrate to another nation first, before converting to Christianity. Until then, you can privately believe whatever you like - no one can monitor what's going on in you head - but it may be best to keep it to yourself until you can get somewhere safer.
  • Question
    I'm Muslim, but I feel like converting to Christianity. I love Jesus. I went to church, but I felt too nervous to speak to the pastor. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Go back and speak to the pastor! Just ask him the questions you want to ask. He should be absolutely open to it. Jesus will be very proud of you for having the courage to reach out.
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    I'm Muslim in Kerala India and I would like to convert to Christianity. Is there an option available?
    Community Answer
    Although Christianity is a minority religion in India, there are small groups of Christian churches around. Visit your local Christian church, and let them know your interest in becoming Christian. They will advise you from there.
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    I'm a Muslim girl and I really want to convert to Christianity, but my whole family is Muslim and they don't believe in other religions. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    You do not say how old you are, or if you are still living at home with your family. Perhaps you should wait until you are old enough to live independently of your family before converting to Christianity.
  • Question
    I am a Muslim but my family is Hindu. I was once Hindu but now I want to follow Christianity, but how is this possible?
    Community Answer
    Decide which Christian denomination you would like to convert to. Once you have decided, then you must become baptized according to that denomination's baptism procedure. Talk to the minister, priest, vicar or other relevant person to obtain more information.
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    How long does it take for a Muslim to make the conversion to Christianity?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the particular Christian denomination. For example, were a Muslim to want join the Catholic Church, he/she would have to enroll in the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) program, which begins in the early fall and concludes at the Easter Vigil, when he/she is Baptized into the Christian faith.
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    I want to be Christ.
    Community Answer
    Only the Lord Jesus is Christ. But, if you pray to God for the Holy Spirit, and receive Him, and do good deeds, you may become a saint.
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    Why do we all feel the need to convert each other? Can we not simply respect each other?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Why do businesses feel the need to advertise? Why do countries feel the need to promote their nations? All religions proselytized at one time or another, otherwise, they would have never come to be.
  • Question
    I'm from Malaysia, and I'm keen on learning more about the Catholic faith. What should I do?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    Contact your local Catholic Church and inquire about joining the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults program. These programs usually start up in September, so you should contact them soon.
  • Question
    I'm a Muslim who wants to be a Protestant. Where do I start?
    Community Answer
    Just start going to Protestant church services. Find a church you like and stick with it.
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    When Jesus was in Mary's stomach, who was God?
    Community Answer
    It can be a little confusing, but Jesus was still God. God is made up of the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They are all one. It is best to go to a church and ask the pastor about it for a more detailed explanation.
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    Do I have to follow Jesus to be a Christian?
    Community Answer
    Yes, following Jesus is the key to Christianity.
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    I'm Muslim, but I want to convert to Christianity. I love Jesus. I went to church, but I felt too nervous to speak to the pastor. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Do not fear the pastor. God has appointed him to his role to help lead people to Christ and teach them how to grow in their faith. A good pastor will show the love of Jesus to you. So, return to this church and muster the courage to speak with him. Also, Ask God to show His love to you. Feel free to talk to God and ask for His help in this situation. He loves you and wants to help you!
  • Question
    I was born Catholic but I attend a Christian church near our school. I already accepted God. Our pastor invites us to be baptized, is it fine if I don't want to be converted to Christianity?
    Carolyn Barratt
    Community Answer
    If you are Catholic, then you already ARE Christian. Catholicism is the original Christian church!
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