Q&A for How to Convince Your Parents to Let You Get a Piercing

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    How can I persuade my mom to let me get my ears pierced on my birthday?
    Community Answer
    Use your birthday as an opportunity to remind your mom that you're older now and mature enough to get your ears pierced. Also, tell your mom this is the only present you want for your birthday.
  • Question
    My mom thinks all piercings are ugly, and even though she has pierced her ears twice, she says she regrets it. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Try to reason with her. Tell her you'd get a subtle piece of jewelry, and show her what you have in mind. Have a calm discussion about why you want the piercing, and explain that, while she doesn't like piercings, you are a different person with your own opinions and feelings. Just because she regrets something doesn't mean you will. If all else fails, you'll just have to wait until you're 18.
  • Question
    One of my mothers has a lot of piercings and obviously has some experience with them. Could I possibly ask her?
    Community Answer
    Definitely, and if you can convince her, she might help you persuade your other mom. Even if she doesn't let you get the piercing now, she can give you good advice for when you are older.
  • Question
    My mom won't let me get my nose pierced. My dad is fine with it but I don't live with him. How do I get her to see my side?
    Community Answer
    Listen to her concerns and try to address them rationally one by one.
  • Question
    My mum says I can get my cartilage pierced if I get permission from school, and she wants an email for proof. None of my teachers will bother writing the email. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Ask the teacher that likes you the most. Tell them that it would mean a lot to you and offer to stay after school and help them clean up the classroom, etc. You could even offer to write the email for them, then all they have to do is look it over and send it.
  • Question
    My mom is constantly saying "because I said so," and me makes me super annoyed. How do I stay calm and not argue with her when she says that?
    Community Answer
    Take a few deep breaths and walk away to calm down for a few minutes if needed. Once you return, let her know that constantly saying ''because I said so'' annoys you, and that you are trying to be serious. Proceed to then talk to her calmly, reminding her that you do not feel as though getting a piercing will make a huge impact on her life.
  • Question
    My mom and dad are always saying that I'm too young to get my nose pierced (I'm 13). My friend got hers done for her 13th birthday. I keep telling them I'm mature enough. How do I get them on my side?
    Community Answer
    Have them talk to your friend and have her tell them about her positive experience. Keep in mind that it's ultimately up to them, though. Everybody's parents have different rules.
  • Question
    How do you know where to get your ears pierced?
    Community Answer
    Ask friends or relatives who have piercings where they went, or search on the internet and read the reviews. You may want to look around the shop to ensure it is clean and safe before getting pierced.
  • Question
    What if your mom thinks piercings on guys are gay?
    Community Answer
    Tell her that many (male) famous musicians and athletes have piercings and they are married to women. They can have piercings while being straight and so can you.
  • Question
    I have had this conversation with my parent for four years now and they still refuse to let me get my tongue pierced. I know of all the dangers and so on, but my parents just won't budge. Should I give up and wait until I'm older?
    Community Answer
    I would try to have a very formal conversation with them one at a time. Also, try to convince them that if anything does go wrong then it will fix itself over a certain amount of time. Remind them that they aren't permanent.
  • Question
    What age is good to get a piercing?
    Community Answer
    It really just depends on when you're personally ready. Some people get their earlobes pierced as babies, while some wait until they're teenagers.
  • Question
    I'm 13 and my mum won't let me get my second piercing because she says it will affect my professional career. What should I do to persuade her?
    Community Answer
    Possibly try to explain to her that companies/businesses are becoming a lot more liberal regarding piercings and if it becomes a problem in the future, you can always just take it out. You've got a few years to go before you have to worry about your professional career.
  • Question
    My parents wanted me to get my ears pierced; I didn't want to, but now I do. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Bring it to them slowly, telling them how you've matured and changed your mind after you thought a bit about it.
  • Question
    What happens if you have strict parents?
    Community Answer
    Then they might not let you get a piercing. You can still try the tips in the article, but not all parents can be convinced.
  • Question
    Do you think it is okay for me (a 13-year-old boy) to get an industrial piercing?
    Community Answer
    Of course, as long as your parents approve. Make sure you go to a reputable piercer and get good jewelry.
  • Question
    How long does a piercing last?
    Community Answer
    Most piercings last forever unless you take them out. However, surface piercings, such as on the eyebrow and navel, do have a chance of rejecting, which is when your body pushes the jewelry out over time. If you do take a piercing out, the hole will eventually close up, though it may leave a scar.
  • Question
    What if my mom has said no multiple times already?
    ThatPleb 101
    Community Answer
    Make a list or presentation showing her that you are prepared to get a piercing. It should have the piercing you want, pros and cons, what the risks are, how to take care of it and, in general what you know about it.
  • Question
    What if I'm young but I still really want one?
    Community Answer
    If you are under 18, there's not much you can do. Until that point, you need a parent or legal guardian to accompany you to the parlor.
  • Question
    I'm 11 and I really want my right helix pierced. My parents are divorced and my mom already said yes, but I need to get permission from my dad. How do I ask him?
    Community Answer
    Just keep it simple and direct. Say something like, "Dad, would it be okay with you if I got a helix ear piercing?" Don't say "Mom already said yes" unless he asks you or tells you to ask your mother, because you don't want to sound like you're pressuring him. Tell him you've thought it through and it's something you really want and that you've already read up on aftercare, etc. so he knows you're taking the decision seriously.
  • Question
    What if it's a double piercing?
    Community Answer
    You may have to work doubly hard to convince them!
  • Question
    What happens if my parents say to wait?
    Community Answer
    You should obey them.
  • Question
    My parents say it makes me look feminine and it doesn’t give us a nice image of my Christian family.
    Community Answer
    Just because your family is Christian, this doesn't mean a piercing is un-Christian. They appear to have old-fashioned ideas, just let them know it works for you and you're still very much Christian.
  • Question
    Is it better to get hypoallergenic earrings instead of normal ones?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. Hypoallergenic earrings may be slightly more expensive, but they are worth it as they are more comfortable nad are less likely likely to cause irritation or any other symptoms.
  • Question
    My mom doesn’t like the septum what should I do to convince her?
    Top Answerer
    It may be helpful to know that after it is healed, you can move septum jewellery up to hide it. This means that it doesn't always have to be visible when you wear it. Septum jewellery comes in many different designs. You can show her the different types of jewellery that are available. You should also remind her that it is your body and white you may have different opinions, you should be able to make decisions on your own body, within reason.
  • Question
    How can I get my mom to let me get a stomach piercing at an early age? She says I'm too young but she got one when she was my age too.
    Community Answer
    Do not go against your mum's rules but try asking a question you know she will say "No" to first. Then you ask your question, "Can I have a piercing?" It will possibly catch her off guard making her have a higher chance of saying, "Yes" But don't press your mum if she says no. Maybe her experience taught it is better to wait.
  • Question
    How do I know when the right time to ask is?
    Community Answer
    The right time is when you are ready to not look at your piercing multiple times in the mirror, can focus on work and not feel conscious of it outside. Also, carrying the pierced look with accessories or without requires patience and care. When you realize this and feel calm about it, it might be time to ask when they are calm and see you ready for it.
  • Question
    My parents are saying no to me getting a cartilage piercing. I have told them the pros and cons of it and they are still saying that one piercing in each ear is enough. What should I do, I'm 14?
    Community Answer
    They might find it too extreme a look change with more piercing. If you show them some images of more piercing and accessories on them from online images, and if they look presentable, they may agree.
  • Question
    I've been asking for a while for my mom to take me to get my ears pierced and she keeps giving me reasons why I can't. She didn't straight up say no but she keeps making excuses. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You'll be better off knowing what is keeping her away from taking you to get it pierced. Maybe she wants to, however, she is waiting until that particular thing is done. Why don't you ask her at night, before sleeping, when she is calm and then ask her which month or day she'll be available.
  • Question
    My parents are super religious and think that women should only have a piercing in the lobe. How do I argue against religion without resorting to begging?
    Community Answer
    Point your parents to scriptures that speak for the making of informed decisions and assure them that you'll be careful of your intention with the attention you'll catch by wearing it.
  • Question
    I'm a teen and my father won't let me get my ears lobes pierced I have talked to him and he says that I would look like a hooker, my mother won't help me because she's scared of him, what do I do?
    Community Answer
    There is a time for new adventures. When you are young, you will have to wait until you are above 18 to experiment with looks. In the meantime, look up images online with those areas pierced as you like and see how it will look on you. It can help you prepare for it later.
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