Q&A for How to Convince Your Parents to Let You and Your Friends Go Out

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    So my mom is really over protective and I want to go to my friends house. Not that she doesn't like my friend she just thinks she's a bad influence but she's not. She's the reason I passed my maths paper.
    Community Answer
    Sit down with your mom and explain why you like this friend. Mention specifically about how she has helped you. It also may help to introduce your friend to your mom and have your friend hangout at your house first.
  • Question
    My mom says, "Why did you guys plan and not the parents?" And I end up not going. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If there are parents involved in the planning, let your mom know. And if there aren't, then try and get the parents involved so that your mom won't have to wonder who is making the plans.
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    Well I got a B- in math and imI'm not allowed to go out unless I have an A or above which I do in all my other subjects and My new term just started what should I do?
    Community Answer
    If your other subjects are good, stay on top of them. But focus specifically on your math and get that grade up to an A. Look for a tutor or friend to help you out or even ask your parents for their help in math. If you can't convince your parents to lift their rule, then just focus on getting that grade higher.
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    My dad wont let me go to my friends house because he said that he's an overprotective parent and he said what if something happens to me?
    Community Answer
    Have your dad meet your friend's parents. You can invite your dad to their house as well so he's with you and sees that it's safe and will let you go alone next time.
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    What if they're really concerned about my safety and claim that another parent is supposed to be there?
    Community Answer
    If that's the case, you should respect their wishes and ask another parent to go. Or instead, you could ask them to go with you of they're that concerned about your safety.
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