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Q&A for How to Cook Frog Legs
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QuestionWhat is the easiest way to cook frog legs?Community AnswerSautéed frog legs -- but, it's a matter of opinion, really.
QuestionSince live frogs carry salmonella, could I get salmonella poisoning from eating undercooked frog legs?Community AnswerYes, that is a possibility. You should not eat frog legs if you believe they might be undercooked.
QuestionHow do you get the stringy taste out of them? I heard soaking in salt water for 24 hours helps. Is that right?Community AnswerSoaking them in salt water will only make it worse. I suggest setting the frog legs in boiled water for 2 hours (or overnight). Let the water and legs cool, then pour the water out and boil the legs again, except this time put them in with garlic and butter for a lighter taste.
QuestionDoes it seem weird if one of the frog legs look dark in color?Community AnswerNo, it could be the natural color of that frog or it is maybe just a bit overcooked.
QuestionHow long should the frog legs cook?Community AnswerThe cooking time will depend on the method used.
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