Q&A for How to Create Your Own Coat of Arms

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    Are there any ways to create a coat of arms that isn't a shield?
    Community Answer
    Yes. In Europe, the most common alternative shapes for the escutcheon are the lozenge (diamond-shaped, used to display the family arms of unmarried women) and the cartouche (oval, used by clergy, as well as women).
  • Question
    What does hearts describe?
    Community Answer
    Hearts symbolize wisdom of feelings, love, and affection. They would be best used for a person who is very kind and caring.
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    What do stars symbolize?
    Community Answer
    Stars - also called mullets - are among the many badges, or symbols, available to be placed on a shield. At one time, as with everything else in heraldry, there was an order of seniority in choosing charges. Some were reserved for the royal family. Next came the dukes, followed by the marquis, earls, barons and viscounts. Others were used primarily by women. When a star is the main charge on an armorial, it tends to mean of divine quality bestowed by God. Also, the star can signify the third son.
  • Question
    What should I write in the banner of my coat of arms?
    Community Answer
    You could put a motto/inspirational saying, or just write your full name. If you choose a motto, try to find something that is meaningful to you personally.
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    Can I do it Chinese themed?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can make it however you would like. It's your coat or arms, after all!
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    What does a hawk represent?
    Community Answer
    Hawks or falcons represent people who don't rest until they reach their objective.
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    What would I write in the banner of my own coat of arms?
    Community Answer
    You can write whatever you'd like. Coats of arms often held the family's motto in Latin; you could use Google Translate to come up with your own.
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    What is a tincture? How do I add one to my coat of arms? What does it mean?
    Community Answer
    A tincture is a pigment you add. Colors (blue, red, green, black, and purple) and metals (gold, and silver) are tinctures. To add one, just color in your Coat of Arms. Be sure that when you add tinctures, you don't break the rule of tincture, which states that a metal cannot go on a metal, and a color cannot go on a color.
  • Question
    What does pink represent on a coat of arms?
    Community Answer
    It represents love and romance. It also represents feminine qualities. Note that pink is not a traditional tincture, but, you can still use it for fun.
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    What does a dragon represent?
    Community Answer
    A dragon represents courage. It also represents protection of treasure and valor.
  • Question
    What does a shark represent?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes, a shark is represented as a demon of the seas, but other times, they are viewed as a symbol of perseverance; since they have no swim bladder and must continue swimming at all times.
  • Question
    What types of animals should I use?
    Community Answer
    Use animals that represent who you are as an individual. Choose an animal that you like. It is your coat of arms.
  • Question
    What is the software commonly used in for making coat of arms and national emblems?
    Community Answer
    If you know how to blazon coat of arms, you could use DrawShield but it won't look very good. Vector editors such as Inkscape, Adobe Illustrator, and Sketch App are commonly used. Raster editors are another option. If you are using Windows, Microsoft Paint is available but extremely limited. Paint.NET, Gimp, Krita, and Adobe Photoshop are better options.
  • Question
    Can you put the Papal Tiara for the coat of arms
    Community Answer
    The Papal Tiara is reserved for the Pope, so if you are not the Pope, you may not use it.
  • Question
    What does the papal tiara mean and can we put in our coat of arms?
    Community Answer
    The Papal Tiara represents the Pope and the Catholic Church. The Papal Tiara is used to represent the Pope so you shouldn't use it unless you are the Pope.
  • Question
    Do you have to write on your banner or could you just leave it blank?
    Community Answer
    It is completely your choice if you want to write on your banner, but most people write on their banners. You could write your name, your motto or anything that means something to you.
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