Q&A for How to Disconnect Yourself from Electronics

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    Should I go cold turkey or slowly cut down?
    Community Answer
    If you go cold turkey you'll feel sudden urges and you may just end up giving up altogether. Start by cutting out certain amounts of computer time and removing the apps from your phone that occupy most of your time. Set a timer for the amount of time you're allowed access each day and follow through.
  • Question
    Do I need to check my WiFi connections?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Most people who are heavy users of internet will more likely have their WiFi connection on all the time. We all know that excess use of gadgets can be harmful for us, therefore, limiting the use of gadgets and technology can improve our natural health and well-being to a great extent.
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    How do I help my husband realize he has an addiction?
    Community Answer
    Try challenging him to go a week with no electronics, allowing 1 or 2 hours for work-related activities (only if needed). Get him to agree beforehand that if he really is not addicted, he will have no problem completing this challenge.
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    How do I plug in an ac/adapter?
    Community Answer
    If you're using a laptop, the input port should be on the back or on the side of the laptop. Other electronics have different places to plug them in.
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    How do I break a game habit?
    Community Answer
    The best way is to start slowly. Do not go cold turkey. Limit yourself. I also would try downloading an app that notifies you when you play more than an hour.
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    What about listening to music?
    Community Answer
    Music is fine. What the article i saying is to avoid looking at the screen, interacting with the electronics, etc. Music listening is permitted.
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