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Q&A for How to Draw a Butterfly
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QuestionHow can I make the second wing like the first?Caroline DelgadoCommunity AnswerTry to draw a light line with a ruler. Be careful, though, the pencil will only erase what it can. Anyway, sketch a line lightly in the middle of the butterfly. Once you have done that, try your best to just look at the other side, and again, sketch lightly because you are not sure if you can do the other side right in just one try. So when you finish the other side of the butterfly, see if you got it right. If you didn't get it right, erase your errors, and keep sketching until you get the other side right. If you get it right, however, use the pencil or a fine black marker and outline the lines of the butterfly. And in my opinion, I think that strategy is the simplest one. Another way is to use tracing paper or other thin paper, put it over your butterfly and trace the first wing. Cut that out, line it up on the other side, and trace it.
QuestionHow can I draw a butterfly with pointed wings and stripes?Community AnswerAfter you've drawn the wings (step four), extend the top right and left corners into points. Follow the same steps on the bottom corners. Once you've decided whether you want vertical or horizontal stripes, grab a ruler. Very lightly draw lines, vertical or horizontal, spaced evenly apart. Step back for a moment, if the lightly drawn lines look good, fill them in more heavily.
QuestionHow I can draw a butterfly without a body?Community AnswerJust draw a thick line where the body would be and then extend the wings out from there.
QuestionHow do I make designs on the wings?Community AnswerYou can just get creative and start doodling on the wings to create a pattern! You could also look up images of butterfly wings online to find a pattern that you would like to copy.
QuestionHow do you draw a butterfly quickly?Drew Hawkins1Community AnswerYou can draw an easy cartoon butterfly in a few short minutes. Take a sheet of paper and a pencil and start by drawing a small circle in the center for the head. Add to smaller circles over the head for eyes and color them in, leaving small circles to give them a glow. Draw 2 curved lines for antennae and a small "U" shape for the body. Draw a big letter "B" on each side of the body to form the wings, and add some designs to the wings. Add 3 short lines coming out of each side of the body for legs and you're all set! You just need to add some color to bring your butterfly to life!
QuestionHow do you sketch a butterfly eye?Drew Hawkins1Community AnswerYou can make a cute, butterfly eye easily. Start by drawing a circle for your butterfly's head. Then, draw 2 smaller circles overlapping the top of the head. Inside of the 2 circles, draw a smaller circle to show light reflecting off of them. Fill in the area of the eyes outside of the small reflection bubble to create 2 big bug eyes that look like they're reflecting light.
QuestionHow do you draw easy butterfly wings?Drew Hawkins1Community AnswerThe easiest way to draw butterfly wings is to start by drawing a circle to create the head, and 2 overlapping circles over the head to add eyes. Then, draw a "U" shape to form the body of your butterfly. On each side of the body, draw a capital letter "B." On the left side, make the letter a reverse image. There you have it! Easy butterfly wings.
QuestionHow do I make it easier to erase the guidelines? I always end up erasing the “real” lines instead.Emery CailinTop AnswererDraw the guidelines as lightly as you can, so that you can gently erase and leave at least some of the final lines. If you are able to draw larger, you can have more whitespace to work around the final lines when erasing.
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