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Q&A for How to Dry Yourself After a Shower
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QuestionHow do you make a towel bun?Kelsey Morey is a Professional Hair and Makeup Artist, Model and the Owner and Founder of Haus of Pretty based in Westport, Connecticut. With more than ten years of experience, she specializes in balayage, hair care, color care, and photoshoot styling. Kelsey received her training from Brio Academy of Cosmetology and John Casablancas Modeling and Career Center. She also completed her apprenticeship with Warren Tricomi luxury salons.Stand up straight and arrange the towel vertically underneath your hair. Then, wrap the towel around your hair (like in a spin) and start fitting the towel around your hair into a bun. To finish things off, you can tuck the end part of that towel into your hair.
QuestionHow do I dry my back after a shower?Community AnswerHold your towel with both hands behind your back. Stretch your towel and bend your arms toward your body one side at a time. Rub your back with the towel left and right repeatedly until dry.
QuestionMy partner thinks I'm weird because I dry between my toes after a shower! Is this not the norm?Community AnswerI do this all the time, as far as I'm aware it is normal. Having damp feet is unpleasant.
QuestionCan I use this method for a wash in the bath tub?Community AnswerYes you can. Just remember to dry yourself a bit more because you may drip more after being in the bathtub.
QuestionHow long does it take skin to dry?Community AnswerDepends on the weather and if you're moving around, but usually the body air dries in about 5 minutes.
QuestionWill water make your acne worse?Community AnswerNo, water has no effect on acne. And regular washing with a cleanser is an important step in managing acne.
QuestionWill rubbing your face when drying give you acne or will it just irritate your skin?Community AnswerAcne is caused by a buildup of oils and bacteria. Rubbing your face will only irritate your skin and will have nothing to do with acne.
QuestionHow do I dry your private parts if I'm a girl?Community AnswerJust grab a towel and dry yourself. Pat the area dry, and make sure the towel has soaked up a lot of moisture.
QuestionHow do I dry my legs without making my skin dry?Community AnswerLet them air dry, mostly, but you can pat them gently with a towel when you first get out of the shower. Put lotion on once they're dry.
QuestionWhy should you dry yourself well after a shower?Community AnswerIf you do not dry your feet properly, then you could get Athlete's foot which is a bacterial infection. This sort of thing can happen all over you.
QuestionI can never do the towel wrap around my head. My hair won't stay in it. What should I do?Community AnswerTry using a t-shirt or a Turbie Twist. These options are gentler on your hair and tend to stay better.
QuestionWhich side of the towel should I use?Community AnswerIt doesn't really matter, both sides are the same.
QuestionHow do I get my hair dry as quickly as possible? My hair is extremely thick.Community AnswerUse a towel to rub it dry quickly. I use a Turbie Twist, maybe look into that. Blow dry it on cool. If you don't have cool, warm is okay too.
QuestionWhat are the best towels that dry you the best?Community AnswerEgyptian-cotton all the way.
QuestionI always share towels. Is this bad?Community AnswerWell, it depends on who you are sharing these towels with. If the person is not sanitary and uses the towel to dry his or her private parts, it's not a good idea to share.
QuestionIf I do not dry my hair what will happen?Community AnswerYour hair will air dry. It will take a little longer and may get your clothes wet. Do not go into the snow with wet hair.
QuestionHow should I dry off my penis?Community AnswerYou can just gently pat it with a towel.
QuestionDo I follow the same method if I'm male?Community AnswerYes. The pictures only depict a female as an example. The only thing that may change is how you dry your hair.
QuestionIs it necessary to put lotion on after a shower?Community AnswerIt's not totally necessary, but it will help keep your skin from drying out.
QuestionHow do I wash my back?Community AnswerYou can try a loofah with a long handle on it. That will help you reach the spots on your back that you can't get on your own.
QuestionDo I need more than one towel?Community AnswerOne towel should be fine as long as it's sufficient for fully drying your body.
QuestionI’m black. I hate my towels. They put white tuffs all over my body no matter what I do. I’m anemic. What are other ways to dry?HumanBeingTop AnswererHave you tried microfibre towels instead of terry-cotton towels? Travel towels are often microfibre, they are designed to dry hands and face while camping or travelling so are kind of small, but, you could use two or three after a shower or bath and they shouldn't leave annoying tuffs on your skin. Try patting your skin dry rather than rubbing too.
QuestionMy exes have always told me that it’s weird that I just put my hair up in a towel and wrap a towel around myself then leave the shower. Am I supposed to be drying more before exiting?Mocha ZhouCommunity AnswerYes, you should definitely dry yourself before wrapping yourself up. Get rid of most of the water on your body before wrapping yourself up. You can just dry your hair to the point where it's not soaking and dripping. Blow drying your hair is also an option if you're in a hurry.
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