Q&A for How to Eat in Islam

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    What about chickens? They also eat worms.
    Community Answer
    It needs to be slaughtered in the name of Allah, like other animals that are permissible to eat.
  • Question
    Can I eat from stainless steel cups, plates, bowls, etc.?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can! As long as it's not made from silver or gold, as stated by the hadith above.
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    Is it okay to share pictures of my food on social media?
    Community Answer
    It depends. You shouldn't share it with anyone who might be fasting or suffering from a lack of food themselves. Otherwise, I think it's fine to post those pictures.
  • Question
    What if I am left handed and my right hand is uncomfortable to eat with?
    Community Answer
    It is better to use the right hand. In time, you will get used to it. It is forbidden to eat with the left hand in Islam as Shaytan eats with the left.
  • Question
    Can I use porcelain plates and bowls?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You may eat your food with any plates or bowls or forks or spoons.
  • Question
    I was born with no right hand. Is it okay for me to eat with my left?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but make sure your left hand is clean.
  • Question
    I have heard that Coca Cola isn't halal. Is this true? (It may contain like 0.001% of alcohol.)
    Top Answerer
    No, that's not true. Alcohol is haram, and this is clearly explained in Islamic scriptures. Scholars say that when it comes to food, "some quantity of impurity is allowed, without changing the ruling on the food." Another hadith states, "If the color, smell, or taste changes, the purity changes"; it's unlikely that the 0.001% of alcohol would affect any of the aforementioned features, so Coca Cola should be fine.
  • Question
    Is pepperoni pizza haram?
    Community Answer
    Pepperoni generally contains pork products, so is forbidden. Pepperoni made from halal beef, however, is not haram.
  • Question
    What's wrong with standing and eating?
    Leyla Jeena
    Community Answer
    In Islam, people believe that standing and eating is what animals do, so it would appear as if you are adopting the ways of an animal.
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    What if I eat something haram by mistake?
    Community Answer
    As long as it was by accident, that's fine. You sin if it were done intentionally. However, it is still good to make tawbah. Be more careful in the future.
  • Question
    Are snails haram or halal?
    Community Answer
    Snails are haram, you should not eat them because you can contract a fatal disease due to the bacteria and prions that are alive inside the insect.
  • Question
    Is caffeine an intoxicant? Some people in America's medical field call it a (soft) drug.
    Community Answer
    No, caffeine is just an ingredient in coffee. In Islam, it is permissible to drink coffee, as Saudi Arabians drink Arab coffee and because Saudi is a Muslim country, no drugs or alcohol are permitted into the country.
  • Question
    Is it haram to consume food that has been thrown away and left in the garbage bin long enough to be contaminated by other trash?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is haram to eat food out of the trash can. It is not safe as there are many diseases and contaminates inside a garbage bin. You should only eat clean and safe food.
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    Is there any specific place where I can buy halal meat?
    Community Answer
    It depends on where you live. You can ask Muslim communities or groups where they get their meat. Most of the time a store selling it will have a sign on the window advertising halal meat. You could also try Googling "halal meat near me".
  • Question
    What do I do if I finish eating completely, wash my plates, sit back down and remember I forgot to say bismillah? What do I do or say?
    Community Answer
    "Bismillahi fee aw-walihi wa akkhirihi" ("In the name of Allah, to the beginning and the end"). Just say that every time you forgot to say 'bismillah'.
  • Question
    What do Muslims eat?
    Community Answer
    Lots of things. Muslims just don't eat pork or animals that were killed cruelly. Muslims don't drink alcoholic beverages since it is bad for the human body, but that's about it. All seafood can be consumed by Muslims, and other forms of food, too.
  • Question
    Is crab Halal in Islam?
    Community Answer
    Yes, crab is permissible to eat in Islam, so long as it's cleaned properly and caught in the proper Islamic manner.
  • Question
    Is dolphin halal or haram?
    Community Answer
    Dolphin is haram; it is sometimes referred to as "the pig of the sea".
  • Question
    Are you allowed to eat while watching TV, using phone or computer?
    Top Answerer
    Muslim families are encouraged to sit at the table and enjoy food and conversation together, so this would be considered bad manners in Islam (and in many other religions and societies).
  • Question
    Is it forbidden to eat from the cooking pan?
    Seyed Amin Masudian
    Community Answer
    There are no problems with eating from the pan. It is okay to do that.
  • Question
    How many times should I eat per day?
    Community Answer
    People typically have meals three times a day, breakfast, lunch, and dinner. During Ramadan the fasting period involves consuming only two meals, which consist of a substantial breakfast and a heavy dinner.
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