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Q&A for How to End a Letter in German
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QuestionHow do you say 'from Tess'?Selene011Community Answer"Von Tess" is how you say "From Tess" in German.
QuestionHow do I say "best wishes" at the end of a birthday card?Community Answer"Die besten wünsche" is German for "best wishes." You can also just say, "viele wünsche," which means lots of wishes.
QuestionIs it proper to say "I look forward to keeping our appointment" in a German letter?Community AnswerYes, say "Ich freue mich auf unseren Termin."
QuestionHow do I close a letter "with love" in German?Community AnswerYou can write "Liebe Grüsse", or if it's even more informal, the commonly-used short form is "LG".
QuestionHow do I say "I look forward to hearing from you."?Selene011Community Answer"Ich freue mich darauf, von dir zu hören." is German for "I look forward to hearing from you."
QuestionIs there a different etiquette for emails?Community AnswerNo, not really. Any letter you write should be written the same way regardless of whether it's sent online or in the mail.
QuestionIs it correct to end the letter "und verbleibe, Mit den besten Gruessen"?Community AnswerYes, that's correct. Or you could also use the more formal "und verbleibe mit freundlichen Gruessen". Depends whether it's a business letter or a personal letter.
QuestionHow do I begin a letter in German?Community AnswerStart by writing the address and date on the top right. Unlike English, the address all on one line. You can then start the actual letter a line down with Leibe or Leiber (for female and male respectively) to address the person. Skip a line and then write a small introduction.
QuestionHow do I say "I live in Southwest England"?Community Answer"Ich lebe im Südwesten Englands."
QuestionWhat does "von unterwegs" mean at the end of a German letter?Community Answer"Von unterwegs" or "von unterwegs gesendet" usually means "sent from a mobile phone." It literally means "sent on the go."
QuestionHow do i say "Let s keep in touch, hopefully we can work something out?"Anada MartinezCommunity AnswerThe translation of "Let us keep in touch, hopefully we can work something out?" in German is "Bleiben wir in Kontakt, hoffentlich können wir etwas ausarbeiten?".
QuestionHow do I end a letter "with love" in German?NicoTop AnswererYou would use "Liebe Grüsse", but you can also use "Viele liebe Grüße" which means "Lots of love".
QuestionHow would you say "have a good evening" in German at the end of a text?NicoTop AnswererYou would say, "Hab einen schönen Abend" or "schönen Abend" which means "have a nice evening".
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