Q&A for How to Fast in Ramadan (Teens)

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    What happens if I pass out and need to drink water?
    Top Answerer
    If you pass out, you should break your fast once you regain consciousness. Your body may not be physically capable of fasting yet, so don't force it to.
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    Can I still fast if I am not Muslim?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can.
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    Does crying break a fast?
    Community Answer
    No, crying does not break your fast.
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    Does the swallowing of saliva break the fast?
    Community Answer
    No, it does not break the fast to swallow your saliva.
  • Question
    If my daughter ended her period in the middle of Ramadan and doesn't want to do the rest of her fasting after Ramadan, what should I do?
    Top Answerer
    Try asking her why doesn't want to make up her fasts during Ramadan. If she doesn't believe she has to, encourage her to research more about having menstruation during Ramadan. You could even show her this article since it targets Muslim teens. However, if she is adamant, you should respect her decision.
  • Question
    Does sweating break my fast?
    Community Answer
    No, sweating will not invalidate your fast.
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    Can I exercise while fasting?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but it is not recommended because your sugar levels will not be as high as they need to be which could lead to you passing out.
  • Question
    Is it a sin to watch a movie during Ramadan?
    Community Answer
    No, it's not a sin to watch a movie during Ramadan. However, it is greatly disliked because it distracts you from the remembrance and worship of Allah, especially in this holy month in which you should increase your devotion to Allah.
  • Question
    Will using mouthwash break my fast?
    Community Answer
    No, mouthwash will not break your fast. You should, however, be careful that you do not accidentally swallow it. In fact, using mouthwash or toothpaste is makrooh (disliked) according to some scholars.
  • Question
    If I feel hungry, can I imagine eating food?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can imagine eating food as long as you don't actually eat anything.
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    Is it bad to listen to music even though my favorite group is posting up a new song and everyone will be talking about it? What should I do?
    Top Answerer
    Music is disliked in Islam. This can be inferred from passages in the Quran and the Sunnah. It doesn't bring someone closer to Allah; rather, it makes one forget about Him, and often has themes that are inappropriate or disliked in Islam. In Ramadan, it is even more disliked, because this is the month in which we should increase our worship and devotion to Allah and leave anything and everything that does not benefit us in this life or in the hereafter.
  • Question
    What if I suddenly cut myself and I was bleeding? Can this stop my fast?
    Top Answerer
    It only nullifies your fast if the loss of blood caused any major pain or weakness to your body. If it was only a small amount, it does not break your fast.
  • Question
    Is it OK to listen to a surah outside or in the car while diving?
    Top Answerer
    Yes, it is fine InShaaAllah. It is preferable to listen to a surah that you know, so that you are not listening to something you do not understand. You must also not neglect it by talking over it or leaving it on quiet volume.
  • Question
    Is tarawih prayer optional?
    Community Answer
    Yes. It is a sunnah, however, and you should at least try to pray four raqats.
  • Question
    Is it okay to have sexual intercourse during the night with my wife in the month of Ramadan, and then purify myself by performing ghusl, or is it forbidden for the whole 30 days?
    Top Answerer
    It is permitted at nighttime (Surah 02:Ayaat 187), but not during the day time.
  • Question
    My parents do not know that I am Muslim and I need to fast. What should I do?
    Top Answerer
    You can talk to your parents about it. If they are not supportive, remember that your fasting is between you and God.
  • Question
    Could being angry/sad/dramatic break my fast?
    Top Answerer
    Remember that fasting involves the mind, body, and spirit. You should avoid committing sins; while it may not break your fast, sinning could result in you going to the hellfire in the afterlife.
  • Question
    What happens if I do listen to music?
    Top Answerer
    It is not a sin, however, remember that you should be remembering God more in the month of Ramadan.
  • Question
    What if I am in gym and fasting and I feel thirsty?
    Top Answerer
    If you are fasting, and you have to do some physical exercise, then contact your school teachers to see if you can make arrangements to get around it.
  • Question
    If I'm on my period and I can't fast, however my dad makes me fast, what should I do?
    Top Answerer
    You should speak with your mother (or other feminine figure) about any concerns you have about feminine hygiene and fasting.
  • Question
    Are there any exceptions when I don't have to fast, as a girl?
    Community Answer
    The only time in Ramadan when you don't fast is when you are on your period, and as soon as that finishes, you must continue to fast. After Eid, before the next year of Ramadan begins, you must make up those fasts you missed. Also, if it's Ramadan and you are travelling, then don't fast. You also wouldn't fast if you're 7 years old or younger.
  • Question
    Can I drink water during fasting?
    Sarah Fathima
    Community Answer
    No, drinking water would invalidate your fast. If it is really hard fast then try drinking more water at sehr, and during the hours when you are not fasting.
  • Question
    Does salivating when fasting break a fast?
    annelise fp
    Community Answer
    Swallowing your own saliva is perfectly permissible and, in fact, encouraged. "This misconception has no basis at all," says Mr Hassan, "swallowing your saliva is natural. It definitely will not break the fast.
  • Question
    If I’m a girl recovering from an eating disorder, what would Allah feel if I didn’t fast if it was for my mental and physical health? Am I committing haram? What other ways can I devote myself?
    Community Answer
    Allah will understand if it’s because of a sickness. If possible, try to replace it before next year’s Ramadan and if not, do Zakat.
  • Question
    How many years old to I have to be to fast?
    Community Answer
    You have to reach the age of puberty. Around 10-15 in girls and 15-20 in boys.
  • Question
    What should I do if I am hungry?
    Community Answer
    You cannot break your fast before Iftar because you are just hungry, but keep yourself cool and lie down on the bed. Do not do hard work. You should also eat nutritious food for Suhoor, and drink plenty of fluids from Iftar to Suhoor.
  • Question
    What if a woman who doesn't cover her head, wants to start doing so in Ramadan but is really shy to adapt to the change, how should she cope up with the situation?
    Hafsa Suleman
    Community Answer
    Don't feel shy at all. Grab that hijab and put it on, you'll feel honestly happy if you do so, and you will strengthen your iman. If you're having trouble adapting, why not try just wearing a normal scarf on your head first, then start wearing a hijab when you get ready to wear it?
  • Question
    If I am a Muslim girl who has reached puberty and get my period during Ramadan or any day in general, can I use tampons to avoid the external bleeding and still participate in religious activities?
    Hafsa Suleman
    Community Answer
    While menstruating, your wuzu Is broken, meaning you cannot participate in religious activities, not even fasting or praying. You can wear a tampon, but that won't stop your period. However, you can give charity, and then after Ramadan, you have to make up for the days you missed.
  • Question
    What if I have gastritis ? How should I do fasting?
    Community Answer
    If you have a sickness like gastritis, then you should not fast. The prophet said:"Islam doesn't like hurting and being hurt".
  • Question
    Are we allowed to watch videos of people eating during Ramadan?
    Seyed Amin Masudian
    Community Answer
    Watching people eating is okay, in videos or in real life. The only important thing is that you mustn't eat or drink.
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