Q&A for How to Find Out if a Person Actually Misses You

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    How do you know if someone misses you badly?
    Supatra Tovar, PsyD, RD
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist (PSY #31949)
    Dr. Supatra Tovar is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist (PSY #31949), Registered Dietitian, Fitness Expert, and the Owner of Dr. Supatra Tovar and Associates. Dr. Tovar has worked in the fields of health education, clinical dietetics, and psychology. With over 25 years of holistic wellness experience, she practices Holistic Health Psychotherapy. She combines her psychology, diet, and fitness knowledge to help those struggling with depression, weight gain, eating disorders, life transitions, and relationships. Dr. Tovar holds a BA in Environmental Biology from The University of Colorado Boulder, an MS in Nutrition Science from California State University, Los Angeles, and a PsyD in Clinical Health Psychology from Alliant International University, Los Angeles.
    Licensed Clinical Psychologist (PSY #31949)
    Expert Answer
    Sometimes it can be difficult to discern whether or not a person misses you, but you can look at their behaviors for a few telltale signs. For instance, you may hear from others how much you are missed by this person, and this usually means you are truly missed. The best way to find out, though, is through real action: if they are making plans to travel to you and follow through with these plans, you know they miss you.
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    If a girl graduated high school and you're still in school can there be a way for them to be together again?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Keep in touch through letters, messages, and phone calls. But be sure to respect her need to explore her new life, too. If you have a strong connection and treat each other well, you will be able to overcome a period of separation.
  • Question
    We were together, but then we broke it off, and now we're friends. He constantly misses me, and I miss him. He always texts and calls every day and says, "I love you, and I miss you". How do I know if he wants to be in a relationship?
    Community Answer
    If he's constantly texting and calling and telling you he loves you and misses you, he's sending some pretty clear signals. If you want to resume the relationship, too, sit down with him and talk about what it would take for the two of you to get back together.
  • Question
    How can I tell if someone misses me?
    Community Answer
    You can follow the steps that are outlined in this article, but you can also ask the person directly.
  • Question
    What type of facial expressions will someone make when they see me to show that they missed me?
    Community Answer
    They'll probably smile warmly or rush to hug you enthusiastically. If the person missed you, they'll be really happy to see you.
  • Question
    I like a few people; how do I choose between them?
    Community Answer
    Choose the one who makes you want to be a better person (or the one who makes you laugh).
  • Question
    What should I do if my boyfriend does not miss me very much?
    Community Answer
    Find another one. You clearly don't deserve to be with someone who does not care whether he sees you or not. Of course, before you ditch him, make sure he actually doesn't miss you: just because he's not very expressive doesn't mean he's not feeling your absence.
  • Question
    How do you know if the person has a webpage or is on a social network site if you don't see him or her often?
    Community Answer
    Social media is a good way to keep in touch with people you don't see often. Search for the person's name, or look through the lists of friends or contacts of the people you know in common.
  • Question
    Does someone miss me if he keeps asking someone about me?
    Community Answer
    It could be for a number of reasons that he's asking about you. But to keep it simple, if he's asking about you, he's thinking about you, which is a clear indication of missing someone.
  • Question
    My best friends and I had a fight and aren't friends anymore. Two days ago, one of them told me that they miss me and want to be friends again. How do I know if it's a prank?
    Community Answer
    If you were close, you should be able to tell if your friend is being sincere or not. If you want to be friends again, give him/her a chance.
  • Question
    My BFF is in love with me, but he broke off our friendship. How do I know he misses me?
    Community Answer
    Ask him directly. Or, ask a mutual friend if he's asked about you.
  • Question
    My ex recently ended a new relationship and says that he wants me back. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Well, it depends on how he treated you. If he treated you with kindness, love, affection, and you would like to have a relationship with him, go for it. If he didn't treat you with respect, and/or you're not interested in getting back together, don't do it.
  • Question
    What if you do not talk to this person anymore?
    Community Answer
    Try reaching out by sending a message or a letter or dropping off a quick note maybe at the front desk of where he works but make sure the envelope is sealed and has his first and last name on it if you know he still works there. I’m you short but sweet letter tell him it’s been a while and you didn’t know how else to reach him and thought it would be okay to drop a note by at work. Let him know you wanted to say hi and see how he was doing band invite him for a cup of coffee. Leave your email and or your phone number and see if he replies. If he doesn’t after a week or two, he is either not interested anymore or could be in another relationship and rather than have to tell you, is silent.
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