Q&A for How to Find a Snail

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  • Question
    I can't seem to find a snail or two in my garden. What do you recommend I do?
    Community Answer
    Try building snail shelters and wetting the soil to lure snails to your yard. You can also dig a pitfall trap to catch snails and other ground-dwelling creatures near your home.
  • Question
    What season is good for finding snails?
    Community Answer
    Spring and fall because it's not too hot or too cold, and they can usually be found roaming around, especially if it's rainy.
  • Question
    Where can I look besides stores and under rocks for a snail?
    Community Answer
    Try looking in parks, school playgrounds, or even in bushes or hedges along sidewalks.
  • Question
    Where do snails mostly live?
    Community Answer
    Snails can live anywhere, apart from really cold places. They usually come out during rain or in shady, damp areas.
  • Question
    Can snails be found on trees?
    Top Answerer
    Yes. In the morning and in the shade, they can sometimes be found.
  • Question
    Where in a park can I look for a snail?
    Community Answer
    Look under a rock, bench, or playground equitment and they could be anywhere if it just rained.
  • Question
    There used to be at least 15 snails at our door step every morning, but now there are none? Why?
    Community Answer
    It is probably not the right temperature for them. It may be getting too cold. Or, they may have just found a better place to hide/play. Also, have you switched the time you are looking for them? Usually, after a day of rain, they will show up on wood.
  • Question
    What is the biggest snail? How big was it?
    Community Answer
    The biggest snail is the African giant snail. It was recorded at 39.3 cm and its shell was 27.3 cm.
  • Question
    How can I check to see if the snail is in its shell?
    Community Answer
    Pick the shell up and look inside. You should be able to see the snail or some sort of flap or plug. If it looks very dried out or feels light, you might have a dead snail or an empty shell.
  • Question
    If the thunderstorm that I am in has tornado sirens and I cant see any tornadoes, what would happen to the snails?
    Community Answer
    The snails would find a safe place to hide from the storm. Nothing bad will happen to them.
  • Question
    Can snails also come out during the day (when it is not raining)?
    Lucy Thurgood
    Top Answerer
    Sure, but it's much easier to find them when it's raining.
  • Question
    What can I name my snail if it is unisex?
    Community Answer
    You can name your snail whatever you would like to name it, whether it is a boy or girl name.
  • Question
    Is it okay for a snail to drink beer?
    Community Answer
    Absolutely not. Consuming beer could very easily kill a snail.
  • Question
    What if the snails around me are small or mostly dead?
    Community Answer
    If all the snails are dead, you might just want to go to your local pet store/feed store and see if they have a bag of snails to purchase.
  • Question
    Do all snails have female and male sexual organs?
    Community Answer
  • Question
    What kind of snail is really tiny? Could I keep one?
    Community Answer
    The Angustopila dominikae snail is the smallest. I would not recommend keeping one, though, since there is not much info on how to take care of it.
  • Question
    I can't find one snail in my yard. What can I do?
    Lucy Thurgood
    Top Answerer
    Try purchasing a snail online. They come cheap, sometimes even free! If not, wait for a rainy day.
  • Question
    If snails are hermaphrodites and exchange sperm during mating, why are they classified as male or female? Do the two snails lay eggs after the mating?
    Community Answer
    They have both male and female organs. You need two snails. They might start laying eggs in 24 hours.
  • Question
    Where can I find a pet snail in central Indiana?
    Community Answer
    If there is a park nearby or if you have a grassy backyard, you probably have a good chance there.
  • Question
    How many should I have to breed heaps?
    Community Answer
    Four snails, or even two would breed heaps. Each snail produces between 200 and 400 eggs per clutch.
  • Question
    Can I buy land snails at a pet store?
    Community Answer
    It's very rare to find a pet store that will sell a good, healthy snail. Even if you find a pet store that does it will probably be a giant African land snail, which are illegal in America.
  • Question
    I live in a place that doesn't have a lot of shade but is surrounded by forest that is too thick. Where should I look?
    Community Answer
    Look under leaves and in swampy places. Old forests with a lot of dead trees are good too.
  • Question
    I am trying to start a bug zoo and I can't find snails and am wondering if I should look at a PetCo.
    Community Answer
    At Petco, snails cost about $5.00. Look at the website for more information.
  • Question
    How dangerous is the snail to a human being?
    Top Answerer
    Not at all dangerous. There are special sea snails that are venomous, but garden snails and the like are fine.
  • Question
    How do you know if snails are female or male?
    Community Answer
    Don't waste your time trying to tell the males and females apart. Snails are hermaphrodites, meaning that they have the reproductive organs of both sexes on them.
  • Question
    How far can snails travel in a day?
    Community Answer
    They can travel 13 inches, or about 30 cm, in 2 minutes, which means 21,600 cm (or 216 meters) in 1,440 minutes (1 day). So a snail could travel about 200 meters in a day.
  • Question
    It's summer, therefore it doesn't really rain, and I don't know where to find them. I put a pot of fresh vegetables out in a tub, but there are none here. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You will most likely find snails in gardens or places where it is moist. I suggest making a wet dirt spot somewhere in your yard. In my experience, my cat's food often caught the attention of snails, so you could try that.
  • Question
    Can I find them in summer?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can find snails in the summer, but it is harder because most of them are hiding. If you wake up at about 6:00 - 7:00 to go out for a walk, you can find them roaming on the sidewalk.
  • Question
    Can snails be found in humid countries?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they like humidity and areas with a lot of rainfall.
  • Question
    Does snails eat bread?
    Community Answer
    No, they will not eat bread.
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