Q&A for How to Find out What You Got for Christmas

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    How will I know if my parents are getting me a dog?
    Community Answer
    Look around the house for any dog owner's essentials your parents have tried to hide from you, such as dog food, a dog bed, dog toys and a leash. Also, check relatives' houses; they might be looking after the dog for you until Christmas morning!
  • Question
    Mum got me a huge square box, but I didn't ask for anything like that. She's not the type to put small gifts in bigger boxes.
    Community Answer
    The gift might be a surprise. Or maybe she bought you lots of small things which are difficult to wrap, so she put them in a big box and wrapped that for convenience.
  • Question
    What do I do if I can't unwrap my gift? How do I know what it is?
    Community Answer
    Check their email accounts, as described in the article. Look for purchase confirmations from stores where they might have been shopping for you.
  • Question
    How do I deal with wondering what my grandma got me?
    Community Answer
    Just wait. Wondering makes it more fun. Think about what she might have gotten you.
  • Question
    How can I tell if my sibling is lying about what we got for Christmas?
    Community Answer
    Sometimes, if they speak nervously or don't use contractions, such as "didn't" or "wouldn't," they may be lying. Also, if your sibling is known to not tell the truth in these types of situations, then they're probably lying!
  • Question
    What if my mom does all her shopping on her private smartphone, and my dad does his on his private iPad?
    Community Answer
    Get ready for a surprise! There is a good chance that you will like it because your parents know you. You could try to go on the private device if you are desperate enough, but if you get caught you'll probably get in trouble.
  • Question
    My mom always puts our Christmas gifts on the porch. On the porch door, she hangs a loud bell that jingles whenever the door is opened. What should I do, since I know my gifts are on the porch?
    Community Answer
    Go back to sleep and wait until it's actually Christmas, or it'll ruin the fun of the holiday. It's a skill you'll need for all your life, waiting for better things to happen...
  • Question
    I found out that I am getting the Luciana Vega doll and her accessories from my mom. How do I keep the fact that I already know what I got for Christmas when I open my gifts?
    Community Answer
    Pretend that you didn't know you were going to get this gift. Be excited when you open it. Have some words ready for describing how amazing, wonderful and fantastic your gift is!
  • Question
    What are some good ways to catch a child who snoops for Christmas gifts?
    Community Answer
    Try setting up a few cameras around the house. They don't have to be noticeable, they just have to be there. Cameras are foolproof ways to catch your child snooping.
  • Question
    I found my gift, and its' the video game I really wanted but I just can't wait to use it. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Do NOT touch it! You might break it or ruin it. But more than that, waiting is an important skill to learn in life. If you're too impatient about everything, you'll find it hard to cope with lots of situations in life. Learning to wait and look forward to something is worth more than spoiling your parent's surprise.
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    What should I do if my mom catches me?
    Community Answer
    Apologize and be patient. Anticipation can be fun.
  • Question
    I can’t find my present anywhere. Any tips on where to search?
    Community Answer
    Look in places you don't ordinarily go. Or you can just be patient and wait like the rest of us.
  • Question
    I know what my sister got and I really want to tell her, but I can't until she opens it! What do I do?
    Sophey RIchardson
    Top Answerer
    Be patient. Your parents will probably find out if your sister knows what she got for Christmas and they will be mad at you. Trust us, the best idea is to wait.
  • Question
    I found out what my biggest present was without trying (and I didn't want to know). Do I tell my parent I already knew on or after Christmas?
    Sophey RIchardson
    Top Answerer
    Tell your parents that you didn't mean to know what they got you, but that you are sorry for telling them. But tell them after you open that gift so that they won't take it back.
  • Question
    What should I do if the gifter is very observant?
    Sophey RIchardson
    Top Answerer
    Wait until the gifter leaves the house. If they catch you, you could risk them hiding the gift or taking it away completely.
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