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Q&A for How to Fix a Broken Zipper
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QuestionCan I fix a broken invisible zipper?Chloée Ohayon-Crosby is a Costume Designer and Wardrobe Specialist in Los Angeles, California. With over eight years of experience in fashion consulting, Chloée specializes in personal, film, theater, and commercial styling as well as image consulting and costume design. Chloée has worked as an assistant designer for the distinguished fashion house Chloée and as a freelance stylist with Glamour Italia. Chloée studied Fine/Studio Arts at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts and Fashion Design and Merchandising at the world renowned ESMOD École Supérieure des Arts in Paris, France.Those are a little bit harder to fix, and it's most likely going to be better to just replace it to save yourself time and not have to worry about it breaking again in the future. The last thing you want is to be out in public and your zipper breaks.
QuestionWhat if the slider is completely off?Chloée Ohayon-Crosby is a Costume Designer and Wardrobe Specialist in Los Angeles, California. With over eight years of experience in fashion consulting, Chloée specializes in personal, film, theater, and commercial styling as well as image consulting and costume design. Chloée has worked as an assistant designer for the distinguished fashion house Chloée and as a freelance stylist with Glamour Italia. Chloée studied Fine/Studio Arts at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts and Fashion Design and Merchandising at the world renowned ESMOD École Supérieure des Arts in Paris, France.At that point, you're going to have to replace the zipper. There's really no way to fix it.
QuestionCan a tailor fix a broken zipper?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerTailors can repair or replace broken zippers. Taking your item to a tailor is a great option if you don’t feel comfortable doing the repairs yourself.
QuestionHow can I fix my zipper if it’s become misaligned?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerUse a pair of pliers to take off the top stops. You may need to remove the zipper with a seam ripper first in order to do this more easily. After the stops are off, pull the slider off the zipper. If it’s stuck, add a couple drops of zipper lubricant or a puff of graphite powder to get it moving. From there, you can realign the 2 sides of the zipper and check for any misshapen or missing teeth before reinstalling the slider and stops. Make sure the slider works and the zipper closes properly before you put the stops back on!
QuestionThe plastic and material on the side of the zipper are ripped. Is there any way to fix this problem?Pam KellyCommunity AnswerI have the same problem on a jacket. I sewed it back to as much material as I could catch with a needle and thread. I'm hoping it holds. I'm wondering if I can reinforce it with glue, but I don't know what kind to use.
QuestionHow do I fix a zipper that has a rip in the fabric part that the teeth are attached to?Community AnswerYou may be able fold over the main piece of fabric, and slip the torn bit inside, using some glue on either side to fasten it. Hope this helps.
QuestionWhere can I find a new Zipper pull to replace my broken one?Community AnswerAny craft/sewing store or big box store with a sewing/craft/fabric section will have them. In a pinch you can also use a key ring as a replacement zipper pull
QuestionThe zipper on my cardigan came loose and opened all the way from the bottom to the top. I've been able to fiddle the slider back down the zipper to about ten inches from the bottom, but now it sticks at that point. What should I do?Community AnswerTry rubbing crayon wax at the point where it sticks and it should be able to slide the rest of the way down.
QuestionWhere can I purchase replacement zipper teeth?Community AnswerYou can look for them online or at craft or fabric stores like JoAnn Fabrics.
QuestionHow do you connect the zip back in to the teeth?Community AnswerYou can use a flathead screwdriver to wedge the teeth back in to the zipper.
QuestionI have a running jacket that is very well-designed. I love this jacket, but the fine toothed zipper regularly pops open in the center. What should I do?Community AnswerTry using pliers to close the zipper teeth tightly.
QuestionThe zipper on my coat goes up but not down. How do I fix it?Community AnswerRub the zipper with a bar of soap. This should make the zipper move more easily up and down the track.
QuestionHow can i fix the pulley on a broken zipper without replacing the whole thing?Michelle FlemingCommunity AnswerYou can purchase a replacement pulley. Your local fabric store should have them, or you can order online.
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