Q&A for How to Get Out of Doing Homework

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    Is it okay to leave a few questions unanswered when turning in homework?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but you should try to do as many questions as possible, even if you aren't sure of the answers. This is especially true if your homework is graded.
  • Question
    I was absent for a few days and have no idea what we're doing in class and I can't come in for help. The internet doesn't help and I can't look up the answers online. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If you're able to get in touch with any of your classmates to ask about what you missed, do that. Otherwise, just approach your teacher before class (get there early if possible) and tell him/her that you were unable to get the assignments you miss and ask for an extension. Assuming you don't miss class all the time, he/she will probably be understanding.
  • Question
    How do I dodge a teacher whose work I haven't done?
    Community Answer
    It would be extremely difficult to do this without skipping school. Find a way to get the work at home and play sick for a day to finish the assignment.
  • Question
    How do I get out of giving my work to others?
    Community Answer
    Remember that someday the teacher will find out. It may be that the hand writing is the same or that the answers are the same. Ask a friend or adult to help you not give your work to others.
  • Question
    Can I just copy and paste stuff and change a bit here and there?
    Community Answer
    No. Even if you change a few words, taking someone else's sentences and calling them your own is plagiarism. It is not okay. You need to phrase things in your own way, rather than copying and pasting.
  • Question
    I have to redo a huge assessment and it's for a super strict teacher. I have to hand it in first thing at the very beginning of the week. I really can't do it. I've been so depressed.
    Community Answer
    Try to push through your depression and do it. Sometimes work can be a great distraction when you're feeling low. Sitting around and wallowing in your feelings won't make anything better. If you absolutely can't do it, explain to the teacher what's been going on, that your depression is preventing you from doing the work, and then go see your doctor about it.
  • Question
    What if I have a strict teacher who doesn't accept excuses?
    Top Answerer
    Do what the teacher asks. In less than a year you'll be done with that teacher.
  • Question
    How do I stop my mom from hitting me?
    Top Answerer
    Tell another adult about the problem.
  • Question
    How do I get my mom off the topic of checking my homework?
    Community Answer
    Get her to look at something else. For example, if you have a sibling, say that they aren't feeling well and she should go check on them. If not, try something like, "I think dad's looking for you" or, "Is that your phone ringing?"
  • Question
    I don't want to do homework right now that is due two days from now, but my mom says if I don't, I can't go to my friend's house. What do I do?
    EZ Gamer
    Community Answer
    Tell your mom that your friend has the same assignment and you guys will do it together. If this works, when you get to your friend's house, work as fast as you can with your friend's help so you can play. If it doesn't work, you'll just have to do the assignment if you want to go to your friend's house.
  • Question
    How do I get out of doing homework if the app I use for the homework sends it to the teacher immediately when done, or doesn't send if not completed?
    Community Answer
    If this is on a mobile device (phone, iPad, tablet), tell you teacher that you got a new phone and forgot about the homework so you don't have the app, and if it's on a computer, say that your computer got infected with a virus and you need to fix the problem before you can finish the assignment. If you're expected to do it on a computer on school property, you're out of luck.
  • Question
    Why do we need homework? We have teachers and classwork.
    Top Answerer
    Doing homework reinforces the learning accomplished in the classroom.
  • Question
    I am a procrastinator, and my teacher is going to check a lot of homework that is due tomorrow. What should I do to be ready?
    Community Answer
    Do the homework you haven't done. Just sit down and make a list of everything you have to do and make your way through the list, item by item. Take regular 5-10 minute breaks to keep your mind fresh. Even if you can't get everything done, getting some of it done is better than none of it. Next time, don't procrastinate and you won't be in this situation again!
  • Question
    What do I do if I'm told to do my homework that's due on Monday, and it's Friday now?
    Community Answer
    Do as much of it as you can today, and use Saturday and Sunday to finish it off. Make yourself a timetable for the weekend - get up at a reasonable time and set out 1-hour blocks for doing your homework with 20-minute breaks in between. Don't worry about having to cancel or reschedule other things; your grades are the most important thing right now.
  • Question
    How do I get help if I have homework due tomorrow and I haven't done it?
    Community Answer
    Try to reach one of your friends/classmates and ask if they can help you, or ask a parent or sibling to help with anything you don't understand. You could also try googling the topic and checking out reputable (educational) websites. Just do as much of the homework as you can, and if you don't get everything done, be honest and tell the teacher what happened - you ran out of time, you didn't understand part of the assignment, etc.
  • Question
    How can I make teachers think I did some work in class?
    Community Answer
    Say that you have loaned it to a friend who didn't come on the day that you received your homework and he or she still has it. Some teachers won't fall for it but if it's a teacher you are familiar and friends with, it should work.
  • Question
    Can I use my computer as an excuse to get out of doing homework?
    Community Answer
    Do you mean saying something like your computer is broken and that's why you couldn't do the assignment? You can try, but teachers know that most households have more than one computer/device, and you also could have gone to a library or a friend's house to do your homework.
  • Question
    What can I do when my parents love making me do homework even if it's not due anytime soon and I can't convince them that I don't need to do it yet?
    Community Answer
    Simply, don't do it. Read a book or prop the book up and play games behind it. If you get in trouble, tell a friend's parent or adult you can trust (maybe a grandparent, aunt or uncle) if you get too frustrated with the situation. Don't worry, you're not being a tattle-tale. Let your parents understand what they mean to you but that you really find this pressure frustrating.
  • Question
    What should I do if my homework is due tomorrow but I can't access the internet?
    Community Answer
    Most teachers should be pretty understanding about that situation, so just tell them that. You could even get a parent or guardian to write a quick note about the internet having been down at your place of study.
  • Question
    What do I do if I don't understand my homework material?
    Community Answer
    Find online tutors, talk over it with the teacher, or Google it online. wikiHow also has many articles that will help on a variety of topics; just type what's causing you problems in the search bar above.
  • Question
    I have absolutely no motivation to do my homework and my teacher is really starting to get on my nerves. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Do it. You will most likely get stressed for longer, and that teacher won't be your teacher forever!
  • Question
    Is it OK to skip homework?
    Community Answer
    It's really not a good idea. One of the purposes of attending school is to learn to take responsibility for your own life. Skipping assignments can foster the habit of cutting corners and being lazy, which will hurt you later in life.
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