Q&A for How to Get Rid of Armadillos

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    How do I keep armadillos out of my yard?
    Elmer Bensinger
    Pest Control Specialist
    Elmer Bensinger is a Pest Control Specialist with Eden Advanced Pest Technologies in Spokane, Washington. With over 20 years of experience, Elmer specializes in integrated pest management and products such as insecticides and rodenticides. He studied business at South Puget Sound Community College.
    Pest Control Specialist
    Expert Answer
    You can also install barriers, like chicken wire or hardware cloth around your property to prevent them from digging inside. If these methods don’t work, start considering a professional wildlife removal service for more specialized solutions.
  • Question
    How do I use castor oil?
    Community Answer
    I have not tried castor oil for armadillos, but I have used it for moles. I would recommend that you mix the oil with water and enough dish soap to emulsify it (meaning the oil won't float on the water anymore). Then, spray liberally on lawns and gardens. Don't spray when rain is eminent or you'll have to do it all again. If you are using it on structures or non-organic surfaces (like driveways, sidewalks, etc.), the oil can be mixed with alcohol for better spray control and a faster dry time. Just be sure to test any finishes first, like car paint, to make sure the alcohol won't damage it.
  • Question
    What does the hole look like?
    Community Answer
    It looks like a golf divot, but deeper. The holes in my yard are about 3" in diameter and 2-3" deep. We are spreading nematodes in our yard to kill the grubs which the armadillos feed on. Hoping that works as we are tired of the damage they are causing to the lawn and our privacy.
  • Question
    Will pets bother mothballs?
    Community Answer
    In my experience, mothballs do not work at all. I tried it and it looked like they were eating them.
  • Question
    I have an armadillo in my yard that has been around for over six months. Why is it not leaving?
    Community Answer
    Probably because it likes it there and has no reason to leave. They need food, water and a secure comfortable location. Follow the steps in the article if you really feel the need to have it gone.
  • Question
    What do I do with an armadillo that died in my back yard?
    Community Answer
    If an armadillo dies in your backyard, call Animal Control Services to dispose of the body. Armadillos are one of the only animals that can transfer leprosy to humans, so avoid touching the body yourself.
  • Question
    I have a live trap the correct size and type, but the armadillo pushed so hard on the door it bent the latch and escaped. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    The best traps are wooden. It costs a little more to get one that already has armadillo scent inside, but it's worth the extra money.
  • Question
    We have several live traps. We can trap possums, skunks, and on several occasions the neighbor's cat! We use cat food as bait, but it doesn't seem to work for the armadillo. Any suggestions?
    Community Answer
    Try meal worms, maggots, overripe fruit, and spoiled meat, but it also depends on where you live.
  • Question
    I spotted a family of four armadillos on my morning walk and am afraid of the neighbor's kids playing with them. Should I call animal control?
    Community Answer
    Definitely; armadillos can transmit diseases to humans, and children might not know better.
  • Question
    Do I use bait in the trap to get rid of armadillos?
    Community Answer
    They isn't any bait that works for armadillos (they eat worms and grubs). The best thing to use if you want to trap them is place trap in an area they have been active in and use 12"-high boards or short fence to create a funnel into the trap entrance. I used this many times and it works very well. I take the trapped animals about 5 miles or more to a unpopulated area and release.
  • Question
    I caught 6 armadillos and released them 15 miles away. Why do they keep returning to my yard?
    Community Answer
    Because they are still breathing! They need food, and they will keep coming to your yard if there is a good source there. They're probably not the same ones, though, if you took them 15 miles away. There are lots of them and they can destroy a yard in just a few nights.
  • Question
    When do they come out at night?
    Community Answer
    Armadillos are usually most active late at night or early in the morning, so you could get up early or stay up late to try to trap it, or you could use a live trap so you won't have to do the work.
  • Question
    How do I get an armadillo out from underneath patio concrete?
    Community Answer
    Just use hot pepper flakes, the kind you use on pizza. You can buy it by the 5 lb bag for approximately $25 or less. I buy it on Amazon and use it on my food, but mostly to sprinkle around my yard and where armadillos and other mammals dig or visit. It works like a charm. Broadcast it like weed and feed or tick killer. If they try to come back, do more the next night. Do this approximately once a month, because rain may neutralize it somewhat, but not completely.
  • Question
    How do I know the armadillo is out from under the house before I block up the hole?
    Community Answer
    Put loose sticks across their entrance hole. If the sticks are pushed aside, then you know it is an active entry/exit. Do this several nights to establish their in/out habits. They're usually active at night and early morning. Block hole with a big rock then.
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