Q&A for How to Get Rid of Rabbits

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    I've heard that coffee grounds will deter rabbits - true?
    Community Answer
    I've heard many strong, natural spices, will deter rabbits. That includes coffee grounds.
  • Question
    Can rabbits carry rabies?
    Community Answer
    They can, although this is uncommon. Common symptoms of rabies include: lethargic or aggressive behavior, excessive salivating or slobbering, fever, blindness, difficulties swallowing, and loss of jaw mobility/slack jaw.
  • Question
    Can my dog get sick from eating rabbit droppings?
    Community Answer
    Yes, I have two dogs and they got very sick from eating rabbit droppings. They had to go on antibiotics and other medications, and one of them almost died. Do not let your dog eat rabbit droppings, and if it has, see a vet.
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    How do I fill in a rabbit hole?
    Community Answer
    Fill with large rocks and moth balls. You will most likely have to put a big rock over the hole until the rabbits get the idea they are not wanted and go elsewhere.
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    How do I keep rabbits from getting under the chalets?
    Community Answer
    Put lights underneath. Rabbits like to live in the dark where they can get a lot of sleep, so lights will deter them from living in that area.
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    What do rabbit droppings look like?
    Community Answer
    Little, round, dark brown or black pellets similar to small beads.
  • Question
    If a rabbit has eaten a chipmunk, is that a sign that it has a disease?
    Community Answer
    It could be, since rabbits are herbivores and shouldn't eat animals. Or it could have eaten the chipmunk out of desperation due to having an inadequate diet.
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