Q&A for How to Go to Church

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    What is appropriate church attire?
    Zachary Rainey
    Ordained Minister
    Rev. Zachary B. Rainey is an ordained minister with over 40 years of ministry and pastoral practice, including over 10 years as a hospice chaplain. He is a graduate of Northpoint Bible College and a member of the General Council of the Assemblies of God.
    Ordained Minister
    Expert Answer
    Wear modest attire that is appropriate to the culture of the local church. In some churches that means semi-formal, in others it means casual.
  • Question
    How do you decide what church to go to?
    Zachary Rainey
    Ordained Minister
    Rev. Zachary B. Rainey is an ordained minister with over 40 years of ministry and pastoral practice, including over 10 years as a hospice chaplain. He is a graduate of Northpoint Bible College and a member of the General Council of the Assemblies of God.
    Ordained Minister
    Expert Answer
    Find a church where you can serve well. Your own personal preferences and opinions may hinder you from finding a fellowship where you can grow spiritually. Ask yourself what you have to offer and find a church that needs you. You will be much more fulfilled.
  • Question
    Do I call the church to attend the church or just show up?
    Community Answer
    You just show up. Nobody keeps track of who does or doesn't attend the church. Whoever wants to can walk in anytime.
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    Where can I get a Bible?
    Community Answer
    You can get a Bible online or at any bookstore.
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    Should I go to church if my parents are athiests and I'm not?
    Community Answer
    You can go to church even if your parents do not. It is up to your personal preference.
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    Can I visit a church if I am another religion, such as Hindu?
    Community Answer
    Of course! Also, it is your decision if you want to be part of this religion.
  • Question
    Can I go to a church and attend a service without becoming a member?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You don't need to be a member. It's just nice to be part of the community
  • Question
    Can I use the same prayer twice?
    Community Answer
    I don't see why not. The Lord's Prayer has been repeated by billions of Christians billions of times over thousands of years, and it is still fundamental to the faith.
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    I'm afraid to go a church alone as I'm very shy and have no religious friends or family. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    That shouldn't stop you. You are not going to church to chill with your friends and family, but there to hear the word of God. If you really want to go, then just go.
  • Question
    How do I get younger kids in church?
    Community Answer
    There are usually Sunday Schools for kids. Ask churches in your area about their Sunday Schools. They are usually they are all based on age and grade, like the nursery, the toddlers, the kindergartners, the preschoolers, the elementary, and maybe junior high and high school.
  • Question
    I am in the Undertale Fandom and I have seen some terrible things. Am I still allowed in church?
    Community Answer
    Of course. Anyone who is interested is allowed to go to church.
  • Question
    What should I do if I attend a church and the pastor does not speak to me?
    Community Answer
    Speak to him. Most pastors are pretty busy, but he should take time to speak with you. If he seems rude while you are speaking to him, consider going to a different church with a more welcoming pastor.
  • Question
    Can I go to church on a Monday?
    Community Answer
    There is no particular day or time that you can go to church, but it is worth noting that Sunday has a special significance for going to church.
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    Can I go to church online?
    Community Answer
    You can, but ideally you want to find a church to attend in person so that you can fully join the fellowship of Christ. After all, church isn't just for worship -- it's also about getting to know other Christians. However, if you cannot attend a regular church, then going to church online can be a great alternative.
  • Question
    Why do I find church boring?
    Community Answer
    You probably find church boring because you're not paying attention. Try to take what the priest/preacher/etc. is saying and relate it to your own life.
  • Question
    How do I convert to Christianity if I changed my religious beliefs?
    Community Answer
    If you want to give your life to Jesus, repent of your sins and be baptized. Say the sinners' prayer and then be baptized by the holy spirit (ask the holy spirit to come into you and live in you) and then be baptized. Once you have been baptized ,you must go and live for Jesus and read the Bible and resist the devil's attacks and temptations.
  • Question
    What should I do if my parents won't take me to church?
    Community Answer
    Find a church nearby and just go by yourself.
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    Can I go to a mosque?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Anyone of any religion should be free to visit any church they like. If you know someone who is Muslim, ask if you might go along with them.
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    I'm unemployed and live with my parents. Can I still be accepted in church?
    Community Answer
    Employment and a separate address may be important to a credit rating, but not to religious faith and belief. Consider that Christ had a few sharp things to say about excessive wealth and greed, but loved the poor. I see no reason why you shouldn't be accepted at church. Are you going to church with your parents? If other church members try to give you "static," talk to your parents about it privately, or talk to the minister. If you are making your faith journey on your own, be aware that some congregations are more welcoming to single people, young people, and people with rough employment histories than others. Such congregations will usually find a way to let seekers know that.
  • Question
    What if I have been to church before?
    Charles Villaflor
    Community Answer
    Usually every Catholic needs to go to church every Sunday. Yet some people forgot to, or just don't take the time to attend Mass. If you've been to church before, you still have to attend Mass, according to the 3rd commandment.
  • Question
    Can I just show up to church and sit down?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can go to any church you like at any time. If anyone makes you feel even slightly unwelcome (which should not happen), try a different church.
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    Can I go to church without a Bible?
    Community Answer
    Of course! Most churches offer up Bibles to use, and most also give them away for free!
  • Question
    What is appropriate attire for Sunday morning church service?
    Community Answer
    Follow the guidelines in Dress For Church Services and Dress Nicely for Church .
  • Question
    What is appropriate for choir when you are part of the choir? What do I wear for the special events that they're having?
    Community Answer
    Wear your choir robe for normal occasions. And there is usually different attire for special events for your church. Ask the choir leader for this information.
  • Question
    How do you pass time at church?
    Community Answer
    During a church service, take notes in a notebook (not on your phone- too distracting!). Have your Bible out so you can follow along with the message, and keep your phone silenced and in your pocket throughout the whole service. Participate in singing, and, if you are a born-again Christian, you may participate in communion. Being busy and passing the time are not the goals of going to church. You should go to church to worship and fellowship with other believers, to learn more about God, and help others. If these are not the reasons you are going, then either you need to switch to a more Biblical church, or re-evaluate your own faith in God.
  • Question
    What is appropriate attire for church choir members?
    Amanda Cousins
    Community Answer
    Wear robes for choir members in a church choir for performing and regular clothing for rehearsal sessions.
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