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Q&A for How to Harvest Black Walnuts
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QuestionIt’s September, and the walnuts I’m seeing on the ground are black. I’ve hulled several, and a lot of the black stuff has stuck to the shells. Should I wash or soak the nuts before drying them?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIt's a good idea to wash the shells before drying the nuts. However, be cautious about using nuts with black or decayed hulls. The nut meat won't taste as good, and in some cases the nuts may be infected with toxic mold or microorganisms.
QuestionWhat part of the walnut do I use for a natural dye?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerYou can make dye by simmering the hulls in water for about an hour. Hit the hulls with a hammer first to break them open a bit--this will help release the juices. Put the nuts in a mesh bag, bring some water to a boil in a big pot, and put the bag in it to simmer. Take the bag out and strain the dye bath to remove debris once it's had time to cool.
QuestionWhen I cracked the walnuts open the meat of the walnut was still very soft, almost like a jelly. What does that mean?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerIf you don't dry the walnuts before cracking them, the meat will be moist and soft. After getting the hulls off the nuts, allow them to dry for a few weeks before you open the shells.
QuestionI found fuzzy, web-like matter in a walnut. What is this?Community AnswerThe fuzzy matter could mean that a bug got into the nut and has laid eggs.
QuestionThe skin on my walnuts has turned from green to black. Can I still peel and dry them?Community AnswerIt will be messy, but the nutmeat inside is still good. Just be sure the hulled nut is nice and dry before you start cracking.
QuestionHow do I crack nuts with a vice?Community AnswerYour vice needs to be attached to a work table or other suitable surface. Open the vise, insert the shell, and slowly tighten the vice. If the nut slips, re-position it. If it starts to buckle, watch for small pieces that might fly off. As a safety precaution I would advise safety glasses.
QuestionDoes a black walnut still ripen in the husk after it falls from the tree?Community AnswerA walnut will continue to ripen after it has fallen from the tree. It will slowly decrease ripening when put out to dry. If you keep them in the green shell, they could continue to ripen for the next 2 weeks, then they will start to dry. Don't leave them in the green shell for more than 2 weeks, or they will get moldy.
QuestionWe picked ours off the ground a few weeks ago. I told my hubby to leave the green skin on, now they are all black, some have molded. They were kept in an unheated garage on the news-papered concrete floor. Are they still good to eat?Community AnswerThe walnut meats inside the hard shell should be fine, but I think they still need to dry/cure - not sure how long, as I've not done that bit. The part that is decaying is just the outer hull. I use this part as dye - the tannins and juglone in the green (now black) hull help make a remarkably color-fast dye. This of course is why handling walnut hulls leave your hands stained for days. When I harvested walnuts last week, I collected the hull and left the nuts for the squirrels.
QuestionWhat is the best way to clean black walnut liquid from hands or clothing?Community AnswerIn time, you will slough off the stained skin. Best to wear old clothes and heavy rubber gloves when working with walnuts, as there isn't a way to get it out of clothing.
QuestionWhat does it mean if I found a walnut tree in the forest, but when I crack open the nuts, there is no meat inside, only thin leathery material?Community AnswerIt means the nut was damaged by insects or was otherwise open to the atmosphere by a crack or hole and the developing nut dried out early.
QuestionCan green walnuts be consumed?Community AnswerOnly after the green husk has been removed and the nut has had some time to dry out and age a bit.
QuestionAfter the nuts have dried, I use a medium to large vice-grip pliers to crack them. Has anyone else had luck with this?Community AnswerYou can use any of the larger pliers on the market. Use 1/2-inch masking tape to build up the ends of the pliers handles so when the hulls break, the pliers don't pinch your fingers.
QuestionI want to save walnuts to feed squirrels over the winter. Can I leave the walnuts in the green hull?Community AnswerYes, I have several walnut trees and I put them in a large plastic bin I leave outside for the squirrels and chipmunks. They peel the green right off, no problem.
QuestionIs it safe to eat walnuts that have been exposed to the maggots of a walnut husk fly?Community AnswerYes. The maggots can't get through the hard shell. I've also hulled walnuts and never had any issues.
QuestionCan I use black walnut extract for treating parasites?Community AnswerYes, you can make a tincture with green hull nuts and 80-proof vodka to treat parasites.
QuestionHow long do walnuts in their shells last?Community AnswerIf kept in a refrigerator or freezer, unshelled walnuts last 9-12 months.
QuestionHow do I can walnuts after I have cracked them and gotten them out? Can I use mason jars?Community AnswerYou can use mason jars to store walnuts in the fridge or use freezer bags and keep them in the freezer, but if you don't refrigerate them the oil will cause them to go bad fairly quickly.
QuestionDo the nuts - either before or after shelling - need to be baked?Community AnswerNo. You can eat them raw, or bake them in recipes that call for nuts.
QuestionWhat should we do if we pick them too early and they are too hard?Charlie HerzCommunity AnswerYou can try to use the hulls for dye, but the meat inside won't be ripe. If you press with your thumb and it shows an impression, then they are ripe.
QuestionCan I soak them shell and all in salt water?Community AnswerNo, don't soak them. Crack open the nuts and put them in a baking pan. Add some oil, salt them, and roast them in the oven.
QuestionCan the outer shell/hull of black walnuts be used for anything besides dye? I wondered if anyone had tried burning them or converting them into a fuel source?Dann FlesherCommunity AnswerAmerican Indians reportedly used them (in some quantity) to anesthetize/kill fish in a slow stream. The fish would float to the top and be scooped up or netted. As naturalist Euell Gibbons ("Stalking the Wild Asparagus," 1962) once said about freezing and thawing dandelion roots in your refrigerator to produce fresh mid-winter greens, "It's a scurvy trick, but it works." And, like fishing with dynamite, it is effective but not selective, and should only be used for survival purposes.
QuestionI am drying the nuts outside, does rain hurt them and should I bring them in?Community AnswerThe rain will be good to clean them after the outer green shell is removed. After that, dry them in sun or bring inside to dry. Regarding the little worms, they are in the green shell area which is removed, and do not harm the walnut inside.
QuestionAre there net type systems available for purchase that aid in harvesting walnuts?Dann FlesherCommunity AnswerI have seen it done with simple tarps, placed around the tree soon after the first nuts have fallen. Wait a few days, the winds will help you. Use a pole to shake the limbs and finish the harvest. Done at the right time, most of the nuts will fall and can quickly be gathered just by folding the tarps and funneling the nuts into a box or basket for further "processing."
QuestionWhat's the best way to get the husk off a black walnut?Community AnswerOne easy way to get the green shell off is to put on a pair of rubber boots or work boots and to stomp hard on the green shell while they are laying on the ground. Put on a pair of gloves, proceed to collect the walnuts, and place them in a place where they can dry for at least one week. Then you have to finish your job by raking the green shell and discarding of them properly.
QuestionHow can I remove walnut juice from my hands?Community AnswerOrange hand cleaner you can find at any auto parts store works very well. Just apply generously and wipe with a rag or paper towels.
QuestionWhat kind of parasites does the walnut tincture prevent?Debra BishCommunity AnswerThe husks inhibit plant-life of many kinds, all kinds of fungus, and many microbes.
QuestionWill walnuts ripen when off the tree?Community AnswerYes, especially if they have fallen off the tree naturally. The husks will darken with time, become mushy, and slip off. Once the husk is removed, any nuts that float in a bucket of water are generally empty, either because of disease, bugs, or rot. They can be safely composted or thrown in the woods. The rest need to dry, and cure for a couple of months. Most people harvest them in October or early November, and wait until January or February to crack them, then put them in the freezer to be used throughout the year. Some prepare them all before Thanksgiving so they may use them in holiday baking. They are especially wonderful in toffee!
QuestionMust I plant the whole nut to grow a tree?White CatCommunity AnswerIf you want to have a black walnut tree grow the fastest take off the outer hull first. However, the black walnut will still sprout if planted whole in soil. It will just take longer, because the outer hull will have to break down first.
QuestionWhen I pulled the husks off of my California black walnuts, some gooey black stuff was still stuck to the shells. Do I have to scrape that off, or can they just dry this way?Community AnswerI recommend cleaning it. Place them in a bucket with water and stir them vigorously. Change the water several times and repeat. This should sufficiently clean the walnuts.
QuestionCan I eat nuts that have had maggots in the outer shell?White CatCommunity AnswerYes. Last year, we gathered tons of black walnuts. After they had been piled in a plastic barrel for a few days and the green hull had started to turn black, we began to de-hull them. During that time, there were tiny maggots inside the outer hull. This is actually nature's way of helping to clean off the outer hull. After the maggots had started their work, it made de-hulling much, much easier. We then spray-washed the remaining black residue off the nut and left them to dry in the sun. The maggots did not go inside the inner hull which protects the nutmeat inside.
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