Q&A for How to Have a Personal Christian Devotion

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    How long and how often should I pray?
    Olivia Woodford
    Founder of Bible Women Speak
    Olivia Woodford is the Founder of Bible Women Speak. Olivia has been teaching biblical stories of women through theater since 1992. She is a member of Biblical Storytellers International and has performed at and hosted learning retreats with churches, schools, and women's groups of all denominations throughout the United States, Canada, and New Zealand. Olivia has a BFA in Theater Arts from Boston University.
    Founder of Bible Women Speak
    Expert Answer
    Well, I don't think you should add a time constraint there, or it might seem you're just trying to fulfill an obligation. You're like, "Okay, ten minutes on the clock, done." IUt doesn't matter if you're gonna sit there for three or twenty minutes, as long as you dedicate your time and your energy to it.
  • Question
    How can I fill my mind with Jesus?
    Community Answer
    "Seek the Lord and His strength; seek his presence continually!" - 1 Chronicles 16:11. There are many ways to fill your mind with Jesus. Go to church, surround yourself with godly people, be active in a ministry, and pray for His guidance. But remember, if you earnestly seek Jesus above all else, He will give you peace. Spend time with God. Read scripture to learn about the Lord, and apply it in your life. Look to people you trust to give you advice. Most of all, talk to the Lord like He is right next to you. He is your father, and He yearns to have a relationship with you. He is on your side.
  • Question
    How can I strengthen my relationship with Jesus? You know, I've joined so many worship teams and praise him but my problem is, why can't I do it continuously?
    Community Answer
    Try just praying for longer periods of time to start and keep in mind you don't have to be on a praise team to praise him.
  • Question
    How can I decide which verse I should read?
    Community Answer
    Begin in the Book of John and contiune through the New Testament.
  • Question
    How can I decide which scriptures or verses I should read?
    Community Answer
    Just open the Bible and start to read. Study these verses in more detail. Otherwise, if it is Easter or Christmas or something like that, read a passage that relates to that event.
  • Question
    How do I have quiet time with God?
    Community Answer
    Just like you need a quiet environment to talk to someone, you need quiet time with God. Merely reciting prayers and leaving God without forming a connection is not a deep connection with God. Understand the importance of trusting and loving God because He loves you, and know that a quiet time would create a perfect environment for you to begin listening to Him and feeling His presence around you. Have a quiet time by being alone in your room, or any other place like a Church etc. If that is difficult then just ignore any other sound and people around for some time to 'give' time to God and have some together time with Him, wherever you are. Jesus also went towards quiet mountains to pray.
  • Question
    How can I be loyal to God and keep my promises to Him?
    Community Answer
    Follow His word and do His will. That's all God asks of us. If you need further help, look up the Commandments, and if you follow those, you will be doing his will and you'll be keeping your promises to Him.
  • Question
    How to make a devotion?
    Community Answer
    After you confess, forgive, read your Bible, and pray, your next step is to simply listen. Many people do everything but this, and this is a big mistake. Having devotion time means praying, reading god's word, and listening to what he tells you. This means simply sitting (sometimes being in nature helps) don't read text or do anything, just say something like "Speak father I'm listening" or what Samuel said "Speak for your servant is listening."
  • Question
    Who wrote the book of Genesis?
    Community Answer
    The first book in the Bible, Genesis, was written by Moses.
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    How do I know which book to read when doing my devotions?
    Community Answer
    When conducting a devotion, you should choose a book that either the Lord has led you to or has something to do with a topic you are interested in at the time. Sometimes, a good study of, say, the judges of Israel could become quite the experience. Just pray about it.
  • Question
    I need help or advice what should I do if l a surrounded by people playing ungodly music?
    Community Answer
    If it troubles you, stay away from that room or space where ungodly music gets played. Maybe those playing it don't realise how ungodly it is. Forgive them, pray for them to understand the difference and stay away from the fear that ungodly music will affect you. Have faith, and it won't affect you.
  • Question
    How to write a Devotion Journal?
    Community Answer
    A devotional journal is your's and God's. There is no one right answer. Do what God wants you to. Write fave verses, prayers, prayer needs, things going on, or anything!
  • Question
    When I read the Bible, I start to get so sleepy and I love reading and learning about God. How can I stop this?
    Community Answer
    Don't become so sleep-deprived that reading leaves you feeling so sleepy. Sleep well in advance, before you get to read your Bible. Wake up early after a sound sleep at night. Pray about it so you don't feel sleepy. Make the verses interactive by immediately interpreting what it means to you.
  • Question
    If I say to God: "Speak, for your servant is listening," how long do I wait?
    Community Answer
    Wait persistently. Be on standby if you want i.e., by waiting and not doing anything. If you can't because you are to be doing some work, let God know you are still waiting continuously for Him to respond even if you are working. He will respond in His time.
  • Question
    In what types of situations are you thankful for God's omniscience? How does knowing that Jesus understands everything encourage you? Isaiah 40 14.
    Community Answer
    Perhaps if we didn't know that God was omniscient, we would pay more attention to communicating with God. Regardless, knowing that God knows everything instantly builds a connection between people and God. Knowing that God knows each of us and what we are going through builds a spiritual connection that is beyond walls and any mediums.
  • Question
    What are steps in winning souls to Christ?
    Community Answer
    You don't win anything. Christ guides you. So, seek his guidance on where to go, whom to talk to, what to say when you meet them and how to survive the troubles. Pray, read the Bible, know what Jesus did and said while he lived among us like a man. Know the life and troubles of the disciples. You'll find much guidance in this way. Allow yourself to think, and go forward in this direction and see how God shapes your journey.
  • Question
    What I have to to be a faithful disciple?
    Community Answer
    To be faithful, you should see hope in the darkest of challenges. Fear makes you draw away from God to other forms of healing and techniques for solutions. Stay with Jesus. While you stay, aim to be a listen. Be His faithful servant: read the Bible, know his stories, try to know Jesus.
  • Question
    What should I do to help me stay longer In the place of prayer
    Community Answer
    What is your reason to want to stay longer? Is it because you are required to pray longer or you want to? Either way, think of prayers as a divine interaction between you and your Creator. It is not any other interaction. Try to take your woes, and fears, to God. Think of things to say that you mean to make Jesus happy. All these are your own. Let your answers come. Remember not to treat God like someone you can call and keep waiting with no love or respect. Be very mentally and emotionally available.
  • Question
    I want to do a devotion on joy and light.
    Community Answer
    Look up for verses on both joy and light like by typing 'verse on joy' and then one for light. Pick the ones you feel drawn to for the heart of their message. Write a line or two about what they bring into your life. Add a prayer to bring joy of [your choice] and Light of life or anything that you feel like. Then, complete your devotion.
  • Question
    Why is it that when I pray for others God answers but he never answers mine?
    Community Answer
    Your prayers are genuine and God answers them when the time is right. Regarding answering your own prayers, He actually has higher plans that go above your views and wishes. Pray over it that you wiill get wiser and see His path set based on your capabilities. Seek what He wants for you, rather than what you're settling with. You must not undervalue your spiritual journey or else your efforts won't be utilized well.
  • Question
    How do you know when God speaks or what should someone do when you are not sure if God is speaking alone to you?
    Community Answer
    God speaks about good actions. If you feel compelled to act, look into the words and analyze if God would really ask you to act that way. God asks you to make peace and live happily. When you are not sure, either you could talk to a father of a church, or read the Bible about how Elijah listened to God in His still small voice.
  • Question
    Why do you say begin with the Book of John? Why did you leave out Matthew Mark and Luke?
    Community Answer
    It is totally up to you how you want to begin. If someone asks for a hint or a suggestion out of other's preference, they might have suggested to start in that order. However, you should choose according to your preference if you like it that way.
  • Question
    I received a nice 365 devotional but it's in date order. Do I start reading at today's date or Jan first? It shouldn't be this hard!
    Community Answer
    You can go back to the website or app from where you got it or email them to ask about which day to start with. It seems that going by the present date to read from that devotional might be wise as they may align with feasts and holy days.
  • Question
    How can I stick to devotion for the rest of my life?
    Community Answer
    Devotion needs expression by means of praising God, thanking Him for His gifts, and loving Him for His guidance and love. To stick to devotion, avoid fear as fear tends to weaken your faith. Read the Bible regularly, including verses of faith, avoid temptation, love God, etc. Attend church, volunteer in any form to be charitable and listen to those who feel oppressed. Pray regularly as you are communicating with Jesus and can ask him for what you should do in life.
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    How can I be sure God is talking to me?
    Community Answer
    Ask Him what He wants you to do. All He will say will make it clear if He is taking to you or your thoughts are doing this. Offer Him your willingness to listen and obey Him. If you still are not convinced, tell Him that and request Him to show you in some more ways for you to know that He is talking.
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    I'm a Muslim, can I pray as a Christian?
    Community Answer
    If you feel drawn to Jesus/Yehoshua, you should seek more information on who He is. Your spiritual journey will allow you to know where you want to settle. Your faith is your best guide. Read the word in the Bible, perhaps an online Bible if your family has any issues with it. God knows your devotion. Go where you feel devoted to go and pray as that, either as a Muslim or a Christian.
  • Question
    How can I make my devotion deeper?
    Community Answer
    If you have already been spending regular daily devotional time with God, praying, reading His Word, and waiting upon Him, you are on the right track towards a deeper relationship with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. You have already confessed and repented of your sins, sought forgiveness and accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord of your life.
  • Question
    When you strengthen your relationship with God, can you help someone else know God at the same time?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. You must contemplate how you are going to do it. Some people like being on their own, while some like to be guided.
  • Question
    What is devotion prayer?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    Devotional prayer is often a guided prayer that has a specific purpose. For example, a morning prayer or morning devotion is often done to thank God for another day and a request to receive His favor and guidance throughout the day. Similarly, a devotion prayer in the evening is often meant to thank God for His blessings and to ask for his guidance with any problems you're having.
  • Question
    What is the difference between prayer and devotion?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    Though they're related to one another, devotion and prayer do have minor differences. The main difference is that prayer is an active conversation or communication between you and God, while devotion is an act or mental state of being devoted to God. For instance, if you're reading God's word and reflecting on how it applies to your own life, you're in a state of devotion. If you're talking directly to God, whether it's in your head or out loud, you're in a state of prayer.
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