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Q&A for How to Keep Animals Out of Your Vegetable Garden
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QuestionHow do you keep animals out of your garbage?Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.One of the best ways is the use of ammonia sprays, such as Windex. The strong scent scares animals off.
QuestionWhat herbs keep animals away?Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.Some of the best herbs to use to keep animals away are catnip, garlic, and sage, among others.
QuestionHow can I protect my garden from rabbits?Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.One of the best ways is to use chicken wire or any wire with a 1-inch or less mesh.
QuestionWhat can I spray on plants to keep animals away?Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.Some of the options are scented soap, animal repellent, and predator urine.
QuestionHow do I keep animals from eating my plants?Ben Barkan is a Garden and Landscape Designer and the Owner and Founder of HomeHarvest LLC, an edible landscapes and construction business based in Boston, Massachusetts. Ben has over 12 years of experience working with organic gardening and specializes in designing and building beautiful landscapes with custom construction and creative plant integration. He is a Certified Permaculture Designer, Licensed Construction Supervisor in Massachusetts, and a Licensed Home Improvement Contractor. He holds an associates degree in Sustainable Agriculture from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.The most effective solution will be to put in an electric fence and add bait. Once the animal comes into contact with the fence, it will learn to stay away, so the barrier is both psychological and physical.
QuestionHow do I keep a rat from eating my plants?Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.Try planting mint leaves around your plants. You can also add holly or kitty litter to the soil.
QuestionIs it safe to use moth balls strawberries to keep rabbits and chipmunk out?Community AnswerNo. Try using chicken wire instead. String it tightly around metal garden stakes, and bury the base 3 to 4 inches into the ground. It should discourage burrowing from rabbits and other small mammals/rodents.
QuestionHow do I stop rabbits from coming under the fenceCommunity AnswerSurround the garden with marigold plants. The marigolds also keep some bugs away.
QuestionHow can I prevent birds from eating my fruit and vegetables?Community AnswerPut some protective bird netting over your fruit and vegetables. You can buy it from a home improvement store. You can also try other bird deterring methods, such as using a spray or getting a cat or dog. Even if the cat or dog does not hunt the birds, its presence should be enough to frighten them.
QuestionChipmunks are destroying my garden. What should I do?Community AnswerChipmunks are difficult to keep out of the garden with fences. Foul smelling repellents are usually the best choice when keeping chipmunks away.
QuestionWhat can I do to keep Squirrels out of my flower pots?Community AnswerIf you have potted plants as part of your garden, make sure they are kept within the main garden fence. You can also buy covers for individual plants to help keep squirrels or other pests from eating your vegetables.
QuestionWhat is a good deterrent for woodchucks?Community AnswerI had a terrible problem with woodchucks, so I finally set up Havahart traps with fresh celery (with the leaves attached) right next to my garden opening and these worked great. I tried other vegetables first, but the celery works best because it is very fragrant.
QuestionHow can I keep squirrels and raccoons out of the garden?Community AnswerSquirrels can be kept away with spray based repellents or fences that cover a plant completely. Raccoons won't be stopped by most repellents or standard fences. However, electric fences will likely deter raccoons.
QuestionWhat if I don't have any wood?Community AnswerWhat materials do you have available? You may be able to fashion an obstruction out of another material.
QuestionHow do I get rid of rats that eat the bait from traps without springing the trap?Community AnswerMake tasty salads into a "ball" and suspend them with string over the area that trips the trap. That way they have to struggle with the bait a bit and that trips the trap.
QuestionHow do we keep birds out of the garden?Community AnswerBirds can be kept out of a garden by adding things that they find scary. Some bird deterrents will be made from shiny or reflective material that scares birds away. Other deterrents will emit a sound that frightens birds off. If you can't seem to scare the birds away, you may consider covering your plants in bird netting.
QuestionHow do I keep pests from eating my tomatoes?Community AnswerYou could put metal or wood posts around the plants, but make sure they're a little wide, as tomato plants tend to grow. Put garden fabric surrounding the top of the plant and down the sides, or put chicken wire around it.
QuestionHow do I keep neighbors out of my garden?Community AnswerPurchase No Trespassing signs and place them around the perimeter of your property. If your neighbors ignore the signs, call the police. You might also consider building a fence.
QuestionWhat should I do if cats keep burrowing under the skirting around my home?Community AnswerYou will need a very well secured skirting to keep animals out. Your skirting may need to be completely redone, starting 6-12 inches underground, and well secured and sealed to the edge of your mobile home. It's a lot of work, but it's worth it. You may need to do some continual repairs and maintenance to keep them out. Some animals are very persistent, and will keep coming back.
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