Q&A for How to Know Your Sexuality

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    Is it okay to be unsure about your sexuality?
    Kelli Miller, LCSW, MSW
    Kelli Miller is a Psychotherapist based in Los Angeles, California. Kelli specializes in individual and couples therapy focusing on relationships, depression, anxiety, sexuality, communication, parenting, and more. She is the author of “Love Hacks: Simple Solutions to Your Most Common Relationship Issues” which details the top 15 relationship issues and 3 quick solutions to each. She is also the award-winning and best-selling author of “Thriving with ADHD”. Kelli co-hosted an advice show on LA Talk Radio and was a relationship expert for The Examiner. She received her MSW (Masters of Social Work) from the University of Pennsylvania and a BA in Sociology/Health from the University of Florida.
    Expert Answer
    Absolutely—it's definitely okay to be confused about your sexuality. In general, sexuality is very fluid and not always black and white. It's okay to not have a direct answer for what your sexuality is, and it's also okay to explore! See if you're ready to take that next step and see how you feel within that situation. If the experience doesn't feel right to you, you'll at least have a little more clarity.
  • Question
    I'm not attracted to anyone or anything. Why?
    Community Answer
    You might be aromantic and asexual. That's okay. You could make the most of it with platonic relationships.
  • Question
    I don't feel like I "love" anyone. I know I'm not straight, but I don't know anything else.
    Top Answerer
    If you don't feel attraction, you could be aromantic, asexual, or both! It's also okay to not be sure what you are. If you still don't know, you could just use the label "queer" or go unlabeled.
  • Question
    I know am attracted to girls yet I never wanna be in any relationship. I'm pretty sure I'm not gay. I don't know whats wrong with me.
    Top Answerer
    If you feel attraction but don't want a relationship, you could be orchidsexual or orchidromantic. These are when you feel romantic/sexual attraction, but you don't want a relationship.
  • Question
    If I feel the urge to touch the legs of some men but never fmen or any urge to have sex, is it homosexuality? I never feel anything like that to any other gender nor to touch other people's private parts. I am a boy.
    Top Answerer
    If you aren't interested in having sex with anyone, you could be asexual or on the asexual spectrum. I suggest looking into different labels to find one that fits you.
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    I'm a female, I know I'm into guys but I know I'm definitely not straight. During the day, I'm all for guys and women are a HUGE no, but at night, I'm full on gay and men are a HUGE no. It’s confusing.😭
    Top Answerer
    You could be abrosexual! Abrosexual is when your sexuality changes sometimes. You could also look into the SAM (split attraction model) if you're, say, romantically attracted to men but sexually attracted to women.
  • Question
    When would you normally figure out your orientation and could you have multiple labels?
    Top Answerer
    You can have multiple different labels, many people do! You can figure out your orientation at any time, and your orientation and labels can change over time.
  • Question
    I'm attracted to men but I don't think I'm straight. I also consider having sex but I don't feel excited about it. I feel neutral about sex scenes. What do these mean?
    Community Answer
    You could possibly be an asexual person that experiences only romantic attraction to men.
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    I’m non binary, and been confused about my sexuality for a while now. I seem to be attracted to men and non binary people. What do you think I am?
    Top Answerer
    You could be toric or uranic. You could also label yourself as bisexual if you want a less specific label, because bisexual doesn't necessarily mean men and women, it just means attracted to two or more genders!
  • Question
    Is it normal that I imagine myself with a future relationship w/ someone who they're gender is the same as mine, but at the same time, not interest to have a relationship in this moment?
    Community Answer
    Yes, of course! While you could see yourself with someone one the same gender as you, you don't have to want a relationship like that in the present.
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    I honestly thought I liked boys only and recently I've had a crush on a lesbian stud. What does this mean?
    Top Answerer
    You could be minsexual, androsexual, or heteroflexible/homoflexible. Look at labels to find one that fits you if you like!
  • Question
    I dated a guy and I really liked him, but when we had sex I didn't like it, but I am attracted to girls a-lot more. I have no idea what I might be, please help?
    Community Answer
    You might be bi-romantic. It’s the same as bisexual but with the asexual label as well. You can want to have sex with a woman even with this title and just not have sex with a man.
  • Question
    I feel kind of attracted to all genders but mostly men (I'm a girl) but hardly any sexual attraction. I also kind of want to be a guy and not a girl. What the heck am I?
    Top Answerer
    From your description, it sounds like you could look into labels like asexual, graysexual, and hetero/homoflexible. It also sounds like you could be transmasculine or nonbinary. Look into different labels if you want, or you can just be unlabeled!
  • Question
    I have always been straight, but have sometimes had gay thoughts and I am paranoid.
    Community Answer
    You might be bisexual. If you would much rather be with opposite gender, it is okay.
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    What if you like girls but only 1 guy?
    Community Answer
    You could be bisexual. If you also experience attraction to non-binaries too, you could be pansexual.
  • Question
    I don't what I am, I think I'm bisexual? I like both guys and girls
    Community Answer
    You might be bisexual. If you find yourself liking non-binaries too, you could be pansexual.
  • Question
    I know I’m not straight but I don’t know what I am. I like guys and girls.
    Top Answerer
    If you are attracted to girls and guys, you're most likely bisexual. Being bisexual means somebody is attracted to only two genders.
  • Question
    Can teenagers be asexual?
    Community Answer
    Any age can be asexual. Though, people don't tend to understand sexualities and whether they experience attraction to people or not until they are either pre-teens or teens.
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    Is it okay if I realize in a few years that I'm not bisexual?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Sexuality changes over time. You might slowly experience less or more attraction to certain genders as you get older.
  • Question
    Why do my "friends" bully me for being pansexual?
    Top Answerer
    They could be queerphobic/panphobic, or they might not understand what that really means. If your "friends" don't support who you are, find people who do.
  • Question
    I'm female by birth and gender & have only dated cis-men but silently having female crushes along the way, a few very significant. I don't let myself think on it much but I'm not sure that's healthy?
    Top Answerer
    You could be bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual, or heteroflexible. There's nothing wrong with you, and you're not alone!
  • Question
    I'm feeling really confused right now. I may be bisexual but I've never really had crushes. Someone asked me to date them. I said yes because I felt bad, but I don't actually know if I really love them.
    Top Answerer
    You could be on the asexual or aromantic spectrum. If you aren't interested in dating someone, you should let them know that you aren't interested. You could also be cupioromantic. Look into labels until you find one that's right for you.
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    How do I come out to a very anti-LGBTQ family?
    Top Answerer
    If your safety, well-being, or living situation would be put in danger by coming out to them, it would probably be best to wait until you're more independent before coming out. If you are independent enough, before coming out you should try to anticipate how they will react when they learn you're LGBTQ+.
  • Question
    I like mostly girls so am I lesbian or bi?
    Top Answerer
    Lesbians generally are attracted exclusively to girls (or on some cases non-binary people whose gender is close to female). Many bisexual people have a preference for one gender over another, so if you are attracted to more than one gender, but mostly girls, you could still be bi.
  • Question
    Does watching lesbian porn make me a lesbian?
    Top Answerer
    It could be a sign, but not always. Many people watch porn that doesn't align with their sexuality. Pornography isn't real life, people may watch porn for the fantasy. Instead you should focus on what you want in real life. Who are you attracted to when you are not watching porn?
  • Question
    What do you say when someone asks if you are gay and you don’t know?
    Top Answerer
    It's up to you. You could simply say that you don't know, or that they are not entitled to that information. It depends on how comfortable you are with this person.
  • Question
    I have liked girls, guys and one non-binary person. Am I pan or bi?
    Top Answerer
    Traditionally, people made the distinction that bisexual meant being attracted to two genders and pansexual means being attracted to all genders, but the definition more loose than that. Bisexuality is better defined as being attracted to two or more genders. Some people identify as bisexual even if they are attracted to all genders, but gender still plays an important part in their sexuality. So in the end, it's up to you which if you feel bisexual or pansexual fits you better (omnisexual and polysexual are other sexualities you may want to look into). Of course, it's okay to use more than one label, or not label yourself at all.
  • Question
    I don't know where I stand in the LGBTQ+ community and have tried going without a label but then I don't feel legit/complete. What should I do?
    Top Answerer
    If you want to look into different labels that you think could describe you, you can do that! You can also just be unlabeled, and it's perfectly valid either way!
  • Question
    Am I bisexual if the results of two quizzes I took here said I might be?
    Top Answerer
    The quizzes can't tell you for certain. They might give you an idea, or push you in the right direction, but only you can know for certain.
  • Question
    Is it okay to not want a label? It's really confusing and hard to deal with sometimes.
    Community Answer
    Of course. There are some people in the LGBTQ community who don't label themselves and that is completely okay. As long as you're happy with who you are, don't feel that a label is needed.
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