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Q&A for How to Know if a Guy Likes You
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QuestionHow can you tell if a guy likes you over text?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerText can be tricky because you can’t see his body language or hear his tone of voice. Look for signs that he’s being flirty, like playful emojis or friendly, chatty responses. He may not be into you if he replies to your texts with a lot of 1-word answers (like “yeah” or “ok”).
QuestionHow can you get a guy to admit he likes you?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerThe best way to do that is to have an honest conversation with him. If you feel comfortable enough, you can just ask him outright. Say something like, “Do you like me as more than a friend?” If you’re interested in him, tell him how you feel and see how he responds.
QuestionCan I figure out if he likes me without talking to him?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerWhile talking to a guy directly is the easiest way to find out where you stand, you can also look for other clues. For example, check out his body language and facial expressions when he’s around you. If you catch him looking your way and smiling a lot, he might be interested in you. You can also try asking his friends if you know any of them well enough.
QuestionOne day a guy I like got me a ring. I am only 10 but I like him, so what should I do?Community AnswerCherish the ring for the sweet gesture it was. You're too young to be taking dating seriously though. This is a gentle crush and the best advice would be for the two of you to be the best of pals and to have some fun adventures as friends.
QuestionWhat does it mean if a guy always bullies me in a friendly way?Community AnswerThere is no such thing as friendly bullying. Bullying is not a friendly action. You possibly mean teasing but there is a limit to that too and if he can't be friendly without teasing you at least some of the time, then he won't be able to act seriously around you and you'll find he is probably immature or not ready to commit.
QuestionIs it okay to date my ex?Community AnswerUsually, no. He is your ex for a reason and unless you've both thoroughly worked out what went wrong the first time and how to fix it in the future, it's very likely that you'll just repeat the same cycle and things won't work out again. It's really hard to date an ex and most times, it doesn't work out well. That doesn't mean it won't but the likelihood of it failing is higher than it succeeding.
QuestionIs it wrong to text the guy first every day? If I wait for his message, it takes a few days.Community AnswerBy texting daily, you set in motion a pattern that he comes to expect from you. On the one hand, his silence and needing prompting to reply might simply be that he's not minding and is letting you do most of the talking. Unfortunately, on the other hand, he may also come to dread it too, if he finds it too much too often. It is just easiest to ask him if he minds you texting him daily, since he doesn't seem compelled to text you first that often. Let him know that it's okay to be honest with you about it, as you'd rather he didn't feel overwhelmed.
QuestionI can never tell if he likes me or the other girls he hangs with.Community AnswerIf there are no clear signs, then he's either not interested in romantic relationships at all or he's a player. You would do better to keep things light and treat him as a group member, not a love interest until you see any definite signs. In the meantime, be open to other possible guys who might be a lot more realistic for you.
QuestionWhat should I do if we are too rough together but smile quite often?Community AnswerYou're rough-and-tumble friends, it doesn't sound romantic, it sounds entertaining and fun but not that serious.
QuestionThe boy I like already asked out a girl last year but still shows signs that he likes me but still flirts with the other girl. Do I have a chance still?Community AnswerHe isn't worth your effort, he is trying to hedge all of his bets and if you let him, he'll keep stringing you along while feeling free to flirt however and with whomever he wishes. This is not an auspicious start to a healthy relationship, so let go and move on to someone who knows they like you puts you and only you first.
QuestionI love a guy but he already has a girlfriend. I expressed my feelings towards him and he said no way! Should I remain friendly with him or break it off?Community AnswerOne, awkward. Two, break what off? It can only be assumed you had good reason to spill your guts to this guy while he is clearly with someone already. Maybe you have chutzpah and are an upfront kind of person -- what you need to realize though is that attempting to come between two people like that is a recipe for disaster. If he wanted to be with you, he would be. It's your choice whether or not to be friendly but usually staying friendly is a good idea, for the sake of your dignity and social relations.
QuestionHow do I know if a player likes me?Community AnswerThe player likes everyone dear, everyone. Beware. Knowing he is a player is forewarned.
QuestionWhat if he pretends that his older sister dared him to have a crush on someone he doesn't like and he says that he chose me?Community AnswerThis seems to be a very silly reason, so much so that it has to be a cover up for his genuine feelings of actually liking you!
QuestionThere is someone I like but my ex keeps stopping me. What should I do?Community AnswerWhat do you mean that your ex keeps stopping you? Does your ex have you in chains? Tell your ex to butt out and leave you to get on with your own business as what you do ceased to be of any business of theirs the moment you two broke up. If he/she is stalking you, call the police.
QuestionWhat do I do if the guy already has admitted five times that he likes me but has not made a move yet?Community AnswerIs this 1816? No, so go ask him out. He has already made it clear he likes you. What's the worst that can happen? He can only say no because he's scared but at least you'll know and if the best happens, you'll both be going on a date together.
QuestionWhat do I do if five guys have a crush on me but I only like one of those guys?Community AnswerEasy. Choose the one you like. You have the say in who dates you, not anyone else. Or, are you just into showing off?
QuestionWhat do I do when he asks me to be his girlfriend?Community AnswerDecide whether or not you want to be, then agree or decline.
QuestionWhat if we chat only on text or Facetime, but during school he doesn't talk to me?Community AnswerHe might be shy and finds it a whole lot easier to build a relationship with you online. However, this won't do long term, not even after a few weeks. If by then he lacks the courage to talk to you at school, ask him why not (even if you do so using chat), and let him know that you're finding it weird and a little impolite that he isn't talking to you for real.
QuestionWhat if he flirts with everyone?Community AnswerHe likes to flirt and he will probably always like to flirt as a way to ingratiate himself with others and to be liked by everyone. Can you deal with that? If not, he's not the one for you. If yes, then you'll have your work cut out convincing him that you're the one he might like to date.
QuestionWhat do I do if a guy likes me but I don't like him back?Community AnswerIs he friendship material? If so, then it's easy to friend zone him. But if he's not even friendship material, there's no need to beat around the bush. Just make it clear that you're unavailable and that your heart is already set on someone else. It happens to everyone in life, there is no need to feel bad about refusing a relationship with someone you just don't click with.
QuestionWhat do I do when he stares at me? Look away, smile, or stare back?Community AnswerA bit of each is good. Look and smile intensely. Then catch his gaze and hold it for a few seconds. Then look away quickly and carry on with what you're doing. It'll leave him dizzy.
QuestionWhat should I do if he is trying to make me jealous?Community AnswerTry to figure out why he is trying to make you jealous. Once you know why, try to eliminate the source of jealousy. You can find more tips and advice in How to React if a Guy Tries to Make You Jealous .
QuestionWhat if the guy starts blushing when I smile at him?Community AnswerProbably he really, really likes you. It's hard to hide the telltale blush. It could also be he is embarrassed that you caught him looking at you, then forgave all with a smile that melts his heart.
QuestionI like this guy and he likes me but he just broke up with his girlfriend a couple of weeks ago. And while he tells me he likes me, he hasn’t yet asked me out. He likes to touch me playfully, including pinching my backside and brushing my arms, should I let this go on?Community AnswerIt’s hard to tell what exactly is “going on” — he sounds very “maybe, maybe not” toward you, indicating that he isn’t over the breakup yet and feels wary about entering a new commitment just yet. The best advice would be to give him some space for now, stay friendly with him but be a bit boundary-enforcing by saying, “I don’t want to be teased like that. If you like me enough to date me, then I’ll be a lot more comfortable with you touching me like that. But until then, it’s not on. Happy to talk about it though.” And with that, he’ll need to go away and think about what he really wants in relation to you. Be patient!
QuestionWhat does it mean when he makes me laugh a whole lot?Community AnswerHe's a funny guy. Guys with a great sense of humor are worth hanging onto. Lucky you.
QuestionWhat do I do when everyone knows who my crush is?Community AnswerPeople will tease you for a while, but if you ignore it or agree sarcastically, it will stop sooner. But it can be a blessing in disguise if your crush hears about it!
QuestionWhat is the perfect age to get a boyfriend/crush?Community AnswerThere is no such thing as a perfect age but maturity is the key, along with what parents agree to. For the sake of longevity, it is best to be mid to late teens when looking for a longer term relationship. Prior to that it's more about fun and friendship, without deep seriousness. By your 20s onward, any age is the perfect age!
QuestionWhat do I do if one of my friends asks him if he likes me and he doesn't have a straight answer?Community AnswerIf he does like you but doesn't want it spread everywhere, he's hardly going to tell your friend. He could have said "no" outright but the hesitation and failure to give a straight answer shows that he probably does like you and just can't come up with the words fast enough to put your friend off the scent. Take it as a positive sign but still look for other indicators before presuming anything further.
QuestionHow do I know if he does that to every girl?Community AnswerHave some of your friends spend time around him one on one and have them report back to you. If he "does that to every girl" (whatever "that" is), then you'll know soon enough.
QuestionShould I more text him more or talk to him to face to face?Community AnswerDefinitely talk face to face. There is less potential for error and mistaken meanings, and love grows stronger in the real presence of another person.
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