Q&A for How to Live without Electricity

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    Can I cook on a Coleman stove in the house?
    Community Answer
    No. It produces dangerous carbon monoxide, and must be used outdoors in a well-ventilated area.
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    How can I use the bathroom without electricity?
    Community Answer
    Standard toilets don't require electricity, so you should be able to use the bathroom as you normally would.
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    How can one live off the grid without having to live on a farm as suggested?
    Community Answer
    You could live in a cabin in the woods and hunt and fish. You should still maintain a small vegetable garden.
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    How can I live in my apartment with no heat whatsoever?
    Community Answer
    Wear lots of warm layers and drink a lot of hot liquids. You could also get a space heater. Many are very effective and affordable.
  • Question
    Why would anyone want to live without electricity?
    Community Answer
    Some Amish communities don't use electricity. People may want to know how to live without electricity nowadays just in case the grid shuts down or they find that this is the right lifestyle for them, such as living sustainably or in a minimalist way.
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