Q&A for How to Make Someone Text You Back

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    How can you restart a conversation if a girl doesn't reply to your messages?
    Kristina Mirgorodskaya
    Dating Expert
    Kristina Mirgorodskaya is a Dating Coach and the Marketing Director of Amiccio, a New York City social app that helps singles make new connections. Amiccio connects singles by hosting parties, socials, beginners salsa, bachata, and tango classes, and speed dating events. With over four years of experience, Kristina specializes in leveraging people skills, cultivating welcoming environments, and intercultural communication. Her expertise allows her to easily bring people together. Kristina earned a degree in business from Baruch College.
    Dating Expert
    Expert Answer
    Wait a few days or a week, then pick something that is eventful or a commonality between you two instead of a generic "how’s it going?" Or, pick an activity idea and suggest it to see if she is free.
  • Question
    What are some signs that you should stop trying to talk to your crush?
    Kristina Mirgorodskaya
    Dating Expert
    Kristina Mirgorodskaya is a Dating Coach and the Marketing Director of Amiccio, a New York City social app that helps singles make new connections. Amiccio connects singles by hosting parties, socials, beginners salsa, bachata, and tango classes, and speed dating events. With over four years of experience, Kristina specializes in leveraging people skills, cultivating welcoming environments, and intercultural communication. Her expertise allows her to easily bring people together. Kristina earned a degree in business from Baruch College.
    Dating Expert
    Expert Answer
    If your crush doesn’t respond after two texts, it’s a clear sign to give them some space because the ball is in their court now. Any more than one follow-up text will not only make you seem desperate but could also annoy the other person if they don’t want to talk.
  • Question
    What if someone ignores me after they have started a conversation with me?
    Community Answer
    It may be that person got distracted doing something else and forgot to respond. It could also be that something came up and they did not have the time to text you back. Give the person a few days to respond before texting them again; they might also have lost interest in the conversation.
  • Question
    Could someone be ignoring me because I failed to respond to their apology?
    Community Answer
    Yes, this is entirely possible. If you don't respond to an apology, it might come across as though you haven't accepted it, which can seem like rejection. Try to apologize for your lack of communication, and state that you accept their apology and forgive them.
  • Question
    What if I text them MULTIPLE times (even over a spread of a couple days) and they still don't respond? Should I stop texting them?
    Community Answer
    If possible, see your friend in person and ask them about it. Over a spread of a couple of days, the person might feel annoyed and decide not to respond, or simply doesn't have time.
  • Question
    What should I do if I have a friend that only texts me back when they need something?
    Community Answer
    Do not be friends with them. Friends text each other all the time, not just to ask for stuff.
  • Question
    A guy I've been seeing for a while just stopped texting about three weeks ago and never got back. I'm fine if he doesn't want to see me but this is rude. What should I text?
    Community Answer
    Send him a picture where you look good and say, "oops, sorry that was for (insert other's guy name)," and then never text him back again.
  • Question
    How do I deal with people who don't text back immediately?
    Community Answer
    Leave them alone. There may be many reasons they aren't texting you back quickly. Be patient.
  • Question
    What if my boyfriend is too close with his best friend?
    Community Answer
    Let him have some space to be with his friend and then come to you when he is ready. Eventually he will begin to think about you and realize he hasn't spent time with you for a while. Every once in a while, you can text him saying something like "Hey. How's your day?" Or "What's up? Are you busy?" Or you can be more direct and ask him to spend a little more time with you. You can say "Hey, do you have some time? I'd like to spend more time with you. I feel like you're drifting away. I want to be with you more."
  • Question
    What can I do if my girlfriend is ignoring me because I am LGBT?
    Community Answer
    You should give up on trying to text her and you should hang out with people who accept you for who you are.
  • Question
    What do I text my ex so I can get him back, it has been four months and he has a girlfriend. I am very depressed and can't move on. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Forget him and move on, because he obviously has. If he wanted to be with you, he would be. Men are that simple. Keep busy with your life and do things to improve yourself.
  • Question
    How do I resist the urge to send a text to a friend who hasn't replied?
    Community Answer
    Put your phone in a closed drawer or out of sight, and distract yourself by doing something else: reading, housework, going for a walk, etc.
  • Question
    I had a fight with my friend. He now doesn't respond to anything I text him! What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Apologize for your part in the fight, then just give him space for a couple of days. If he still doesn't respond, talk to him in person. Apologize again and tell him you hope the two of you can still be friends. Most likely it will all blow over.
  • Question
    What do I do if someone isn't responding to my texts?
    Community Answer
    Give them a couple of days and then try calling them. If they don't answer, they may be trying to tell you something--back off.
  • Question
    My boyfriend and I had an argument, and now he is not responding to my texts or calls. What can I do to make him talk to me again?
    Community Answer
    Give him a day or two to cool down; he might also just be busy. He may text back, when he feels bad for fighting with you. You could also try apologizing to him, and telling him how much you love him and miss him.
  • Question
    It says he's seen my text. What does it mean if he doesn't respond?
    Community Answer
    Most likely, he is strapped for time and cannot answer right away, or your text did not seem urgent, so he's waiting until later to respond.
  • Question
    She saw my message and did not reply, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Ignore her, you don't need people who don't need you in their lives. If she wants you, she would reply.
  • Question
    My boyfriend and I used to talk and hang out a lot, but lately he's been ignoring me, not answering texts, or he only says "I love you" and then he stops talking. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Just talk to him about it. Tell him you feel like he's being distant lately and ask him if there's anything wrong. Direct communication is best in a situation like this.
  • Question
    How can I make my friend reply to my apology text?
    Community Answer
    You can't make them accept your apology and forgive you. The good news is, assuming they're a good friend and whatever you did isn't too serious, they'll probably get over it eventually. Just give them some space for now.
  • Question
    Me & my friend are supposed to have a sleepover later but she has not texted me back to say she could come. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    If you know the parent/guardian's number, maybe give them a call? If you don't know the number, your parents might.
  • Question
    What is wrong if my friend doesn't text me back most of the time, and I am the one who initiates the texts?
    Community Answer
    It could mean any number of things. Maybe she's often busy, or maybe she just doesn't like texting. It's also possible that she just doesn't think of you as a very close friend. Try asking her what's up. Just say, "Hey, it seems like you never text me back, why is that?"
  • Question
    I never see my friend, because we met on the internet. I sent her urgent texts and everything. What now?
    Community Answer
    First of all, keep in mind that if you haven't ever actually seen each other then she may not be who she says she is. This person may have lost interest in being that person and stopped talking to you because of that. On the other hand, it's also possible that she's just busy. Maybe there was a family emergency. It's possible she's just being cautious, seeing as you've never actually met. You never know what's going on. Try to be patient and wait for her to get back to you.
  • Question
    Am I doing something wrong if people gradually stop responding to my texts when I am not rude to them?
    Community Answer
    Not at all! They probably see you a lot and therefore don't feel the need to text you that often. If you almost never see them, then they might just not feel the need to text you. It's also possible that they just got busy and don't have enough time to text.
  • Question
    How can I tell if someone has a crush on me via text?
    Community Answer
    Emojis. They will use a lot of interesting emojis. They might also tell you a secret, or something deep/important about themselves and/or ask you about something deep/important about you.
  • Question
    Will someone eventually answer me after I've annoyed them?
    Community Answer
    Chances are, they probably won't answer you. They might get fed up, and decide to ignore you altogether, or even turn their phone on silent or block your number. It's probably best to just try to be patient.
  • Question
    What does it mean if I have been texting my ex for two days and then he texted the next day "Well I'm gonna go into class, I'll see if I could text you later," and hasn't texted since?
    Community Answer
    I wouldn't read too much into it. Of course, if he's your ex, then he may not be interested in talking with you anymore. But that could be true whether or not he said "I'll text you later." "I'll text you later" is like "I'll see you later." If someone said "I'll see you later" after hanging out with you, you wouldn't sit around waiting for them to drop by.
  • Question
    How do I get people to chat with me?
    Community Answer
    Try texting them on a different app. If you are texting them on iMessage, maybe try texting them on Instagram instead.
  • Question
    When I text my friend something serious, she nearly always replies with random emojis. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You should talk to her about it and explain that it makes you feel bad when she doesn't put a lot of effort into responding to your messages. If she doesn't work to fix the issue, then I would stop sending her anything serious.
  • Question
    What do I do if I have to start the conversation all the time?
    Community Answer
    If that's the case, the person might not be very interested in talking to you, or they might just be shy or introverted. Try asking them why they never text you first.
  • Question
    If I text someone, how do I know if they actually read my text?
    Community Answer
    If they have "Read Receipts" enabled on their phone, it will say "Read" and the time once they have read your message. If they don't have this function enabled, there is no way to tell.
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