Q&A for How to Make Time Go by Faster

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    How can I make time go by faster when I'm waiting for my flight?
    Paul Chernyak, LPC
    Licensed Professional Counselor
    Paul Chernyak is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Chicago. He graduated from the American School of Professional Psychology in 2011.
    Licensed Professional Counselor
    Expert Answer
    Bring something to the airport to entertain yourself with while you wait for your flight. Listen to music on your phone or bring a good book with you to pass the time.
  • Question
    I stay at home all day to take care of my 5 month old daughter, which can sometimes be boring. What can I do to pass the time?
    Paul Chernyak, LPC
    Licensed Professional Counselor
    Paul Chernyak is a Licensed Professional Counselor in Chicago. He graduated from the American School of Professional Psychology in 2011.
    Licensed Professional Counselor
    Expert Answer
    Consider making friends with other new parents in your area and getting together for "play dates" to get out of the house and enjoy passing the time. You may also consider taking walks somewhere outdoors, like a park, while pushing your daughter in a stroller.
  • Question
    I'm waiting to go to my friend's house, and I have nothing to do. I have at least six hours before I go, what should I do to make time go faster?
    Community Answer
    Watch TV, read a book, imagine what it will be like once you get to her house, go outside and enjoy nature, play with pets/siblings/parents, search the web for cool games, play solitaire, listen to music, grab a snack, or do anything else that sounds cool to you. Those are just some ideas to get you started.
  • Question
    What if I am waiting a few months for something?
    Community Answer
    Forget about it. If you're constantly waiting for something, it makes it seem farther and farther in the future. Don't stress over it and it'll be there before you know it.
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    How can I go to sleep faster?
    Community Answer
    See further How to Get to Sleep Faster for some helpful information.
  • Question
    How can I pass the time faster on Christmas Eve?
    Community Answer
    Decorate the house, help your mother bake and cook, go around the neighbourhood wishing people Merry Christmas, call friends, write Christmas letters, tell your young siblings a Christmas story, curl up with a book and a mug of hot cocoa/tea/coffee and other hot beverages, etc. Remember that the key for passing time faster on any day is to have fun!
  • Question
    What if I am waiting for my dad who is in a meeting?
    Community Answer
    If you're at his office, play games on your phone or watch YouTube videos. If you need the WiFi password, go to the front desk, or find someone who is not busy and ask for it. Tell them you need to finish your homework.
  • Question
    I have some video games, but I am bored of them. Should I replay old games, or should I binge watch TV shows?
    Community Answer
    Consider replying your old games and try to beat your score. Many video games also contain Easter eggs, unlockable characters, and secret levels. Read up on your games, and see whether or not you can unlock those secret levels, characters, weapons, etc. If all else fails, you can always binge watch the TV shows.
  • Question
    How do I stay occupied before I am going to do something fun?
    Community Answer
    Research the fun thing you are doing, talk to your friends about it and take part in your hobbies to stay busy.
  • Question
    How do you pass time during a long car ride?
    Community Answer
    Make a playlist or listen to the radio or an audiobook. If you're driving with others, play fun road trip games like "I spy" and the grocery store game, or watch a movie, if possible.
  • Question
    I have to wait four more days to see my long distance friend. How do I make it seem like a shorter time?
    Community Answer
    Call your friend if you have contact. Make a movie. You can always clean your room, go shopping, take a nap, hang out with other friends. Just don't stress, the time will fly by.
  • Question
    I like to use my phone and play games to kill time. How can I stop myself from looking at the clock on the top of my phone?
    Community Answer
    Start playing your favorite game and just focus on the objective. You can also look into picking up some games that run in full screen mode and hide the clock. If you have to, cover up the clock with a bit of tape while you're playing.
  • Question
    What can I do to pass the time?
    Community Answer
    Staying occupied will help pass the time faster. Consider doing a crossword puzzle, writing a letter, or reading a book. Try not to stare at your watch. Distract yourself by calling a friend, cleaning the house, or exercising.
  • Question
    How do I get the time to pass when I am fasting?
    Community Answer
    Make time go faster for a fast -- find a few movies or a TV series that can keep you occupied for a few hours. Also, try to hang out with other people. You could play a board game or go out somewhere that doesn't require a lot of energy or involved eating. Alternatively, you could sleep and kill a few hours. You could also find some random activity to spend time in (for example, origami, building with blocks, drawing, jewelry making, etc). You could also contemplate why you're fasting, what you hope to gain from it and write about this in a journal.
  • Question
    How would you make time pass faster with grandparents at a museum?
    Community Answer
    Find something interesting to do. If you're bored to death, then try to find some exhibits that interests you. If the museum is completely boring, ask your grandparents if you can sit in the cafe till they're done. Then play games on your phone or tablet until they are ready. Or, you could be really cool and try to be interested in all the amazing things you could actually learn int he museum -- that'd be a first instead of telling yourself how bored you are all the time.
  • Question
    How do I stay occupied for a couple of hours?
    Community Answer
    You could watch TV or movies; play video games; read a long book; bake/cook something; listen to music; draw/sketch; create something; go outside and take a walk; exercise.
  • Question
    Is doing homework a good way to speed up time?
    Community Answer
    Yes! Homework or reading books can be boring sometimes, but it's a good way to kill time. You will also learn something by the end of it. It also doesn't cost you anything, compared to watching TV or going out for coffee.
  • Question
    I am going on holiday in two weeks; how can I make this time go faster?
    Community Answer
    Start preparing for your trip--go shopping for new vacation clothes or travel-friendly items. Start making a list of what you want to bring in your carry-on or suitcase. Research your destination and find out what there is to do there. You may even be able to book tickets to events or make restaurant reservations online.
  • Question
    How can I pass time at school when doing a final test?
    Community Answer
    Do all the questions slowly and carefully. When you are done, reread everything and double-check your answers. If you still have time, you can turn the test in and read a book or doodle on a scrap of paper.
  • Question
    How do I make time go faster at school?
    Community Answer
    Paying attention in class can make the day go by faster because it will keep your mind occupied.
  • Question
    I am 13 and I want to be 17. How can I make time go by fast if I am waiting for something like this to finally happen?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    What if it were the other way around? Right now, at 13, you are able to wish for you to be 17. It's a wish that will, at some point come true. But what if at, say, 32, you wish to be 27? Wish as hard as you like, you will never be 27 again. However, you can think back to when you were 27. How would you like that memory to feel? Like a year wasted on your way to 32? Or one of the best years of your life? Sure, it's OK to look forward to being 17, but make sure that once you get there, you have an awesome 13th year of your life to look back upon. Don't forget to have fun now as well while you're waiting to be 17.
  • Question
    I am getting a dog on Saturday for the first time, and I want tomorrow to come so fast. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Make a list of names you could name your new dog, or go shopping for dog toys at the pet store.
  • Question
    How can I get more energy from staying up all night?
    Community Answer
    A little nap should help. If not, maybe a shower or coffee, or eat an energy packed snack, like avocado or peanut butter toast, eggs, or oatmeal with lots of nuts.
  • Question
    How can I make two weeks go by fast in a different country, with no family or friends?
    Community Answer
    Binge watch TV shows or play games. They will take your mind off everything and help you pass the time. If that doesn't work, try going out to local parks or landmarks, eating food or just shopping.
  • Question
    How can I pass time if I wake up but my mom hasn't? She gets really grumpy if I make sounds while she is sleeping.
    Community Answer
    Go on your phone, play games, or watch television in another room. You can even make plans for your day or take an early morning shower.
  • Question
    What do I do when my bf is grounded for 2 weeks, to make time hurry up?
    Community Answer
    Maybe hangout with your friends, have a couple of sleepovers and work on a hobby of yours.
  • Question
    How can I stay occupied until the end of the day when there is almost nothing to do at school?
    Community Answer
    If you're in class, listen to the teacher's lecture. If you're in a free period, ask the teacher if you can listen to music.
  • Question
    I'm getting a PS4 next month and I can't stop thinking about it. How do I make time go by faster?
    Bawana 451
    Community Answer
    Try researching games that you could get. Also, you could do some research on the different functions, as well as the development process. This will help pass the time, and you'll be fully prepared when you get your PS4.
  • Question
    How can I do my homework faster without having the sensation of time freezing?
    Community Answer
    If they're available, invite a friend over, or go over to their house to do homework with each other. If none of your friends are available, then listen to music while doing your homework (as long as you don't find it too distracting). If you're doing homework for a long period of time (hours), make sure you take regular breaks.
  • Question
    Someone I really like is going to be away for a month, how do I stop thinking about them?
    Community Answer
    Keep yourself occupied. Play video games, watch TV, or find a new hobby. You could call a friend every day, or take a walk. Anything you can do to take your mind off of him/her is a great idea. If you really can't stop thinking about them, maybe you could make them a "welcome back" gift.
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