Q&A for How to Make a Magic: The Gathering Deck

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    What color should I use with blue to get more creatures?
    Community Answer
    I would say red. Red and blue work excellent together because you can get your smaller red creatures out faster while preventing the opponent's stronger creatures from coming to the battlefield. There's nothing funnier than continuously hitting your opponent with 200 goblin tokens.
  • Question
    How do you know what color is right for you?
    Community Answer
    You'll need to play for a bit first, before this becomes clear to you. If you are lucky enough to start out in a casual group that had a whole range of control, midrange, aggro, and combo decks to learn from, then that's a great start. Once you know what style you like, choosing a color will become easier. For example, red would suit a more aggressive player, while blue is usually a control player's colour.
  • Question
    Can I use more than one color per deck?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You can use as many as you want - even all five!
  • Question
    What sets contain white and light mana?
    Community Answer
    Shadows Over Innistrad, as well as Eldritch Moon, contain many good white spells and spirit creatures.
  • Question
    What are the minimum and maximum number of cards I can have in a Magic deck?
    Community Answer
    The minimum depends on the format you're playing. Normal decks have a minimum of 60 cards, but other formats like commander have a minimum of 100 cards. There is no maximum amount of cards you can put in your deck, but it is best to keep the amount as close to the minimum as possible to best strategize.
  • Question
    Where should I begin when trying to build an elemental deck?
    Community Answer
    Amassing cards, these are the basis of your deck. After getting a good number of elementals, look through them for combinations that work well together. If you find one elemental that gets extra attack if you sacrifice life points, and another that regains life points, this would make a great pairing.
  • Question
    Does it matter if there are different cards from different sets in a deck?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the format. Standard lets you use cards from the most common, Extended lets you use a wider range, etc.
  • Question
    Which sets contain the most red, black, and blue cards?
    Community Answer
    Red and black is "Dragons of Tarkir", black is the new "Shadows over", blue is the "Journey into Nyx".
  • Question
    What color combinations do your recommend from the get go?
    Community Answer
    White/Red or Green/Red are very good for beginning players. It allows you to experiment with being both aggressive and defensive.
  • Question
    When should I start buying single cards?
    Community Answer
    Start buying singles when you've played with your deck many times and noted its weaknesses. Research which cards can cover those weaknesses, and bolster your strengths. Make sure they fit your general play style, and there are no better/cheaper alternatives.
  • Question
    What is the best strategy for a black deck?
    Community Answer
    Black decks will usually revolve around winning at all costs; this includes having to give up life and sacrifice creatures. However, it also offers ways to gain life and bring creatures back from the graveyard. When building a black deck, try to find good combos that balance each other out.
  • Question
    How will I determine weaknesses in the deck, and how can I research how to improve?
    Community Answer
    After playing for a while, you may find your weaknesses and strengths. When you find them, look for cards that have effects and stats that will eliminate that weakness. For example, if your opponent always gets past your creatures with their own flying creatures and attack you, then add creatures with flying or reach with high toughness to stop them.
  • Question
    What should I do to choose cards to put in my deck, if I have too many?
    Community Answer
    The easiest way is to test your deck by playing with all the cards. Determine from that which cards helped your deck, and which didn't. From that, you should have a better idea of which ones to put in.
  • Question
    How can I make a deck that will beat my opponent most of the time?
    Community Answer
    Look online for what is popular in the format you are playing. Buy the singles and make a deck around a similar strategy, but feel free to tweak it and make it your own.
  • Question
    Which sets contain all white cards?
    Community Answer
    Sets contain cards of all five colors, so the only way you could get an all-white set is to get extremely lucky.
  • Question
    Is white and black a good combination if I'm using a zombie strike deck?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it is. A common black zombie deck can deal some damage to you or your creatures, and white helps put up defenses for your creatures.
  • Question
    Should I buy 2017 cards or 2015 or 2014?
    Nicholas Knox
    Community Answer
    Just buy the set that you see the best cards in. Take a look at the Gatherer to help you decide.
  • Question
    Should I put Yu Gi Oh cards in my MtG deck?
    Emmett Hallsman
    Community Answer
    Um, probably not, because: A. You cannot play Magic with Yu Gi Oh cards, and B. I don't think Blue Eyes White Dragon and Shivan Dragon would get along.
  • Question
    How do I make a rush deck out of a red and a blue deck?
    Community Answer
    Get lots of low mana casting spells (blue) and lots of creatures with haste (red).
  • Question
    Can I get a free welcome MTG deck? Where can I get one?
    Community Answer
    Most game stores have welcome decks. Ask the employees at your local game store if they carry them.
  • Question
    Is black a good beginner's color?
    Community Answer
    I would recommend it as a color for intermediate players, but you can start with whatever color/colors you would like. Most beginner decks are best with only one or two colors, though.
  • Question
    Is black a good beginner's color?
    The Meeper
    Community Answer
    Black is okay, but since black and blue are generally the two colors that can get most confusing, try green.
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