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Q&A for How to Make a Puzzle
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QuestionHow do you cut round edges?Community AnswerThe easiest way to cut round edges is to use a very precise X-acto knife. In a pinch, any small, sharp blade will work, including paring knives or box cutters. You can also use the eraser of a small, round object, like a pencil or pen, to provide a guide.
QuestionHow can I make my cut edges smoother?Community AnswerOver time, your cutting knife will become dull, and will result in ragged edges on your puzzle pieces. Try changing your blade out for a new one every now and then. If you still get ragged edges, try sanding them lightly with some fine grit sandpaper.
QuestionWhat is lacquer? Do I have to use it?Community AnswerLacquer is a type of clear sealant. You don't have to use it. You can use any thing you want (as long as it's clear and good quality), like gloss or even clear nail polish.
QuestionHow would I do a round puzzle?Community AnswerYou would get a round picture and carboard and cut the cardboard with a utility knife around the picture.
QuestionWhat other material could I use if I don't have lacquer?Community AnswerYou could use a glue such as mod-podge, as it dries clear and is great for crafts.
QuestionCan I use regular cardboard?Community AnswerIf it's the type of cardboard that the postal service uses to ship packages in, then yes. After you set it with a gloss spray, and once it dries and the tackiness has subsided, cover it with plastic wrap and let it sit for a few hours. This will help seal it better.
QuestionCan I cut it with normal scissors?Community AnswerTest the scissors on the backing (cardboard, for example) -- if you get a clean cut, great! If not, then it won't be able to cut a clean line with your image on it as well, and you should either find a thinner backing that is still sturdy or use a straight edge blade.
QuestionIs lacquer safe on pictures? Are there other safe alternatives?Community AnswerMost craft and office supply stores (Hobby Lobby, Office Max, even Walmart) carry puzzle adhesive and clear coat that is cheaper than lacquer. Lacquer would dissolve the fragile cardboard and cause far too much warping.
QuestionWhere can I find cutting dies?Community AnswerYou can get wood cutting dies at any craft store. You can also buy them online.
QuestionCan I use the cover of a notebook for the base of puzzle?Community AnswerA notebook cover is pretty flimsy and will make a flimsy puzzle. It can be done, but you may not be happy with the results.
QuestionHow do I create a crossword puzzle?Community AnswerThere are websites that allow you to make a crossword puzzle easily. Just put in the words and clues and it gives you the crossword puzzle.
QuestionCan I use cardstock instead of cardboard to make a puzzle?Community AnswerYes, you can because it is still thick.
QuestionTo stick photographs to plywood, which is the best glue to use?Community AnswerGeneral-purpose, white glue should work fine for this. You could try hot glue or super glue, as well.
QuestionShould the puzzle be easy or difficult?Community AnswerIt's up to you! You could try making both of them to see which you prefer.
QuestionCan I use a sexy photo for my puzzle?Community AnswerYes, you can use whatever kind of photo you want.
QuestionHow do I put on the nail polish when making a puzzle?Community AnswerYou can either use the brush from the nail polish bottle, or you can pour the nail polish out onto a plate and use a separate tool to apply it, like a sponge.
QuestionCan I use scissors to cut thick cardboard?DonaganTop AnswererYes, if you don't mind severely dulling the scissors.
QuestionCan the base of a puzzle be cardboard also?Community AnswerCardboard will become very messy when you start cutting it, and will make your puzzle have very ragged edges. I guess you could sand it, but it's better to avoid cardboard altogether.
QuestionCan I make smaller sized puzzle piece (like the size you would find in a store bought one)? Also, can I use clear-drying glue instead of lacquer?Community AnswerYou can make any size of a puzzle piece, as long as you cut very precisely. It's best to go with lacquer because clear-drying glue will probably dry longer than lacquer.
QuestionWhere could I buy a puzzle backing?Jessie ZhangCommunity AnswerBasically, puzzle backing is like a "hardcover" of a book. You can use cardboard but it has to be a thinner than regular thick cardboard, make sure it is durable though.
QuestionAre there non-rounded puzzle shapes?Jessie ZhangCommunity AnswerIt depends on how you want to design it. As long as it fits into one whole puzzle piece, it is okay to have non-rounded puzzle shapes.
QuestionCan I use glue instead of lacquer?Aroush MianCommunity AnswerYes, you can use glue such as Mod-Podge, as it is clear once dried. You can use anything good-quality and clear like gloss.
QuestionCan I make smaller sized puzzle piece (like the size you would find in a store bought one)? Also, can I use clear-drying glue instead of lacquer?Aroush MianCommunity AnswerYes, you can make smaller-sized puzzle pieces, you just have to make a smaller grid. Clear-drying glue (like Mod-Podge) will work instead of lacquer. You can use anything good-quality and clear like gloss.
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