How to Spend Your Spring Break (for Students)
Q&A for How to Make a Sock Doll
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QuestionWould this doll be washable?Lindy TaylorCommunity AnswerThe sock part would be washable, but it would be inadvisable to put it in the washing machine. If you MUST wash the whole thing, gently hand-washing it would probably work, taking care not to tangle the yarn up.
QuestionWhat should I do if I don't have a sewing machine?Community AnswerYou can sew by hand. If you don't have a needle and thread laying about, consider purchasing a small sewing kit.
QuestionHow can I make it without a needle?Community AnswerReally the only alternative to your basic needle and thread is a sewing machine.
QuestionWill this be hard to make the first time?Community AnswerNope, the instructions are very simple to follow!
QuestionWhat can I use for the eyes besides buttons?Community AnswerYou could get fake eyes at a hobby or craft store. That will allow you to give your doll realistic eyes in whichever color you choose.
QuestionHow many socks do I need?Pheonix BlastCommunity AnswerThe article mentions that you should use three socks. One for the body, one for the legs, and one more for the head and arms
QuestionWhat if I don't have yarn?Community AnswerYou don't have to use yarn. You can use other products that you find. Be creative!
QuestionHow do you sew buttonsCommunity AnswerIt depends on how many holes are on the button. If it's four, you can sew it like a cross. If it's two, just stick the threaded needle in one and out the other.
QuestionWhat if I don't have anything for eyes?Community AnswerYou can use black marker for the eyes.
QuestionCan it be a voodoo doll?Community AnswerVoodoo is not real, but if you want to pretend your sock doll is a voodoo doll, that's perfectly fine.
QuestionHow to make a dress for a sock doll out of white socks?Community AnswerCut the ends off of a long sock (the length of the doll or as long as u want the dress), then slide it up your doll's body then cut two thing bracelet shapes out of socks. Then cut them in half, glue one side of one of them to the back of the shoulder and other side to front. Repeat on other side.
QuestionWhat kind of socks should I use?Community AnswerYou can use any sock.
QuestionCan I use other colors?Community AnswerOf course! Be creative and use any colors you want. A doll could have a different skin tone, or if you used green socks, she could be a witch or outer-space alien. Her hair could be made with any color yarn or string.
QuestionWhat hair colors should I use?Community AnswerAny color will work. Be creative!
QuestionWould paper work well for making the clothing?Community AnswerI wouldn't recommend using paper since it's so easily bent, crushed, or torn.
QuestionWhat do I do if I have nothing to Stuff the socks with?Community AnswerBe creative. The stuffing from an old pillow or even torn up rags will work.
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