Q&A for How to Memorize a Poem Quickly

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    How do I memorize a poem in a short time?
    Community Answer
    Take a piece of paper and cover the whole poem except for the first line. Then say that first line over and over again until you can say it without looking at the poem. Next, reveal the next line, and say both of those lines together until you can say those without looking at the poem. Keep on in that way until you've memorized the entire poem.
  • Question
    How can I memorize a poem in a different language?
    Community Answer
    Write out the poem over and over, starting with one verse. Once you have that memorized, add another verse and keep going until it is memorized.
  • Question
    How quickly can something be memorized using these methods?
    Community Answer
    Oh, it depends on the size of the poem and your capability. Some people will take longer than others. If you are doing this for a school assignment, start early rather than scramble to get it done last minute.
  • Question
    Will I memorize a poem if I write it a lot of times?
    Community Answer
    Yes - read it aloud each time you write it, too.
  • Question
    How can I learn the punctuation of a poem?
    Community Answer
    It is a matter of practicing the poem over and over again. Listen to an audio recording, and read it aloud so you can memorize when those commas or full stops are.
  • Question
    What about a poem without a story?
    Community Answer
    Read and memorize the first line. Then, start over and add the second. Once you've got that, add lines at your own pace until you can recall the whole thing from memory.
  • Question
    How do I memorize a poem without saying the poem aloud?
    Community Answer
    Internal vocalization. Alternatively, listen to a recording of the poem repeatedly. Make sure you understand every line and why they are sequenced as they are.
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    What is the best way to memorize a very long poem?
    Community Answer
    Try memorizing one stanza per day.
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    How do you memorize a kid's poem?
    Community Answer
    Use the techniques in the article. They'll work for a kid's poem, too. It's important to understand the poem before trying to memorize it, FYI.
  • Question
    What is the best way to learn a 4 verse poem in a week?
    Mianne Gaming
    Community Answer
    Repeat the first line again and again, then do the second. After that, say both lines without reading. Do the same with every two lines. When you've memorized a verse, try reciting the whole verse start to finish. Repeat this again and again until you've memorized the whole poem.
  • Question
    How can I memorize a poem in three days?
    Community Answer
    Break it into sections and memorize one at a time. Keep reviewing the sections you already learned.
  • Question
    What should I do if the poem is in another language that I don't understand?
    Community Answer
    Ideally you can get some help translating it so you gain some understanding of its meaning. Then, see if you can find a recording or create one so someone else can help you with pronunciation.
  • Question
    I am very good at memorizing poems in a small amount of time. Will this method work for me?
    Community Answer
    If you are very good, stick with what you are doing. You can try this, but there is not a 100% chance this will work. These are just suggestions.
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