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Q&A for How to Merge Onto the Highway Without Crashing
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QuestionShould you drive a brand new car on the highway?Simon Miyerov is the President and Driving Instructor for Drive Rite Academy, a driving academy based out of New York City. Simon has over 8 years of driving instruction experience. His mission is to ensure the safety of everyday drivers and continue to make New York a safer and efficient driving environment.Sure, it's not a problem. The only thing I recommend is to make sure you know everything about the mechanics of the vehicle, especially if the weather is not the best possible. Also, be more careful since you're probably not too familiar with the mirrors as much as you should and you might have issues with blind spots.
QuestionHow do I drive on the highway?Community AnswerDrive at the speed limit. Stay in the right lane unless you are passing a slower vehicle. Be aware of traffic merging onto the highway.
QuestionHow can I change lanes on a two lane road?Community AnswerTo change lanes on a two lane road, first check your blind spot (to do this you have to physically turn your head and look back to whichever side the lane is that you're planning on merging into, as an entire semi truck can fit into the blind spot not shown by your mirrors) and, when traffic is clear, you must put on your turn signal in the direction of the lane change, and then you ease your car into the other lane. You need to be sure not to jerk the wheel too hastily to whichever direction you are changing lanes in so you don't go too far.
QuestionIs it okay to learn about this at a young age?Community AnswerOf course. Educating yourself in advance of your legal driving age can only help you unless it induces you to drive illegally. That is a tendency only you can gauge. In a rare life or death emergency, you may even need to drive before you have a license, so knowing this information early on is only helpful.
QuestionAm I allowed to merge at any point along the highway line?Community AnswerOnly when the lanes are dotted. If you pass over a solid line on the road lanes, you are breaking the road code.
QuestionWho has right of way when two lanes merge onto one, then onto a freeway?Community AnswerThe car coming in the straight lane has the right of way and the other lane that is merging must yield.
QuestionCan I merge on the highway after I pass the dotted lines, or do I have to merge before the dotted lines end?Community AnswerYou can merge after, but it's strongly advised and much safer to get into the correct lane before the lines end, rather than waiting until the last second to force your way in.
QuestionIf I'm merging and another car is approaching at the same speed, should I slow down using the brakes or just ease off the gas?Community AnswerThis requires a decision one way or the other: if you have a high-performance car, then power-up for maximum acceleration and merge ahead of the other car, then back off to the speed limit or the speed of traffic. If you have a slow car, then ease off the gas and merge behind the other car, then accelerate to the speed of traffic. The most important things are: 1) Aim your car for the gap, NOT another car; 2) Only use the brakes in the merging lane if absolutely necessary to avoid collision with an obstruction; 3) If there's a breakdown lane at the end of the merge lane, it's OK to use it for a short distance to merge safely and avoid a collision. Don't stop in the merging lane!
QuestionWhen exiting an alley turning into a one-way street, must I turn my signal on indicating I am turning left onto the one-way street?Community AnswerYes. It's always safest to use your signal when you are turning, even if it seems like an obvious situation.
QuestionDoes a line of traffic have to slow down to let cars in?Community AnswerNo. There is no law stating that people have to let other cars into their lane. Though it is courteous, and can reduce the risk of accidents from people trying to squeeze their cars into spaces they don't fit.
QuestionWhat if I can't merge before the merge lane ends? Don't I have to stop then?Community AnswerYes. You have to stop if you can't get on.
QuestionIf no one lets you in or speeds up to not allow you in front of them, is it okay to dart into the first available gap?Community AnswerNo. That is reckless and can easily lead to an accident . If you are unable to merge into traffic you have to wait until you're able to. You must yield to through traffic.
QuestionI was involved in an accident, and now I have to have another driving test. What if I feel that the posted speed limits are unsafe and too high?Community AnswerThe speed limit is the maximum that can be driven under ideal weather conditions; as long as you're above any posted minimum speed limit and are not driving so slowly as to impede traffic, then drive at the speed at which you feel safest and most comfortable. Stay in the right line (if in the US) so faster traffic can pass on the left.
QuestionIn merging, what if there are two lanes that go into one?Community AnswerMake sure no cars are coming toward you, and use caution -- you are responsible for yourself and everyone on the road.
QuestionShould I use my brakes or ease of the gas when trying to get behind another vehicle beside me?Community AnswerThe first choice should be to ease off the gas to merge behind the vehicle in the other lane. Don't use the brakes unless the vehicle in front of you slows suddenly or hits the brakes before you complete the maneuver.
QuestionWhat happens when the merging and exit lane are the same?Community AnswerUse caution and watch for persons moving into your lane. If you can't merge into the roadway then proceed down the exit and try again.
QuestionAre there speed limits on the on ramps?Community AnswerThe speed limit on the on ramps is the same as the speed limit of the highway you will be entering, unless there is a traffic light controlled metering system in operation. In this case, you must stop at the red light on the on ramp. When you get a green light, accelerate as fast as your vehicle can, to match the speed of the vehicles already on the highway.
QuestionWhat do I do if someone won't let me merge into traffic?Community AnswerSlow down and let them pass, then merge if space is available. If no space is available you can stop and wait for a space to present itself.
QuestionWhat should I do when there are no cars in the lane I want to merge into? Can I move into that lane right away, or do I have to drive to the end of the merging lane and than move?Community AnswerAs long as you are past the solid line and it is clear to merge, you are allowed to. Never merge over the solid line, even if it is clear.
QuestionHow far does a car need to be behind another car for there to be considered a gap?Community AnswerYou should be able to see the number plate for the card ahead of you. Ideally, you should leave one car length between you and the car in front of you for every ten miles of speed that you're going. (If you're both going 80 MPH, then there should be eight car lengths between you.)
QuestionWhat do I do if no one will let me merge, and I am up against the cement barrier with no more on ramp?Community AnswerSometimes you have to be aggressive and (making sure your blinker is on and you have enough space) squeeze in. Most drivers will let you in when they see you're running out of space to merge.
QuestionDo I have to come to a complete stop at a crosswalk before the merge if there are no pedestrians?Community AnswerIf there is no stop sign or any other traffic control device indicating that you should stop, then you may cautiously proceed through the crosswalk without stopping, as long as there are no pedestrians present. Beware, though, as pedestrians can be unpredictable and sometimes will cross the road even if they have the "hand" signal telling them not to walk.
QuestionCan I change lanes quickly?Community AnswerThis should be avoided if at all possible. You want to make sure that you have enough time. Remember to use the acronym SMOG. Signal: Signal in the direction that you want to change lanes. Mirror: Look into all your mirrors. Over the Shoulder: Look over your shoulder at the side you want to turn to check your blind spot. Go: When you are sure you are safe after you have done all of your checks, go!
QuestionI was driving slowly from a merge lane into the lane of traffic, and suddenly a car from a store across the street sped into the lane of traffic causing a collision. How could I have avoided that?Community AnswerThat is a very unfortunate situation! Obviously none of that is your fault. What you can do to make sure that it won't happen again is to let the person who is zooming by pass you without putting yourself in danger.
QuestionWhat is the merging edge line?Community AnswerAlthough there isn't always a definitive one, it it usually past the line where there is a divider between the on ramp and the actual highway.
QuestionWhen merging coming from a highway into a two-lane road and no one lets me in, what do I do?Community AnswerYou have to yield until there's an opening, coming to a complete stop if there isn't one. However, there will usually be a kind soul who allows you to merge.
QuestionDo I have to wait until the merging lane ends to enter the highway?Top AnswererNo. As long as the line is dotted, you can merge at any time when it is safe to do so. You do not need to wait for the lane to end; in fact, you could get stuck if you do that.
QuestionDo I ease off the gas pedal when approaching a red light, or push the brakes to come to a stop?Community AnswerYou ease off the gas pedal and slowly press the brake, holding it down when you want to come to a complete stop.
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