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Q&A for How to Paint a Golf Cart
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QuestionWhat kind paint and primer do I use on fiberglass golf cart?Community AnswerFiberglass surfaces are nonporous, much like plastic, and react best to acrylic spray paint. Make sure you apply at least two coats of acrylic paint primer before painting.
QuestionHow would I paint words onto my cart?Community AnswerI would suggest using a vinyl letter cutting machine for a professional look. I would put the letters on after the paint but before using the sealant, which will offer protection from peeling or scratching.
QuestionWhen sanding a golf cart before painting it, what grit should I use?Community Answer1000 grit is better for a fine finish and reduces the risk of sanding into the fiberglass body too deeply.
QuestionCould I reapply the primer and sanding if I missed a few spots?Community AnswerIt would probably take off some paint in that spot, but then you can just paint right over it. You'll want to add as many coats as you did for the rest of the cart, and possibly just add one more over the whole thing just to make the whole cart an even shade.
QuestionWhat kind of sealer should be used with can spray?Community AnswerUse acrylic sealant with spray cans. This can be purchased at most craft or hardware stores.
QuestionDo I need to use wet or dry sandpaper when prepping my cart?Community AnswerChoose dry sandpaper. Wet sandpaper will not prepare your cart for painting in the same way.
QuestionCan I use canned spray paint if I don't have a sprayer?Community AnswerYes, you can. All the preparation is still the same but a spray can is just a manual version of an electric spray painter.
QuestionWhat should I use to get a matte finish after I finish painting with a color?Community AnswerGet matte paint to start with. You can get almost any color spray paint in a matte or satin finish. If your local hardware store does not carry them, you can order the paint online.
QuestionDo I have to take the seats off to paint the golf cart?Community AnswerIt would be in your best interests to do so. It would take less time to remove them compared to covering and taping them and then having to maneuver around them.
QuestionApproximately how many cans of spray paint will it take to paint a golf cart?Community AnswerThree will do it if you spray evenly. More then one coat would be the best cover.
QuestionWhere can I buy original paint for a golf cart, such as standard ivory?Community AnswerWalmart, Lowes, etc. will have exactly what you need. Also any automotive paint store will have it if not they can mix it on the spot for you. They can also match any paint for you.
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